Maine LD 1250 - An Act To Allow Law Enforcement Officers with Federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Clearance To Carry a Concealed Weapon

May 8, 2011
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"Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a qualified law enforcement officer or retired law enforcement officer who possesses a current photographic identification under 18 United States Code, Section 926B(d) may carry a concealed weapon in an area in which the carrying of concealed weapons is prohibited by law or rule.”
Maine already has "constitutional carry" (no license, open or concealed) for anyone 21+ and not a PP...

IIRC the only exceptions are national parks where you need a resident or not resident license if you wish to carry, and a "duty to disclose" when pulled over by the police as an unlicensed individual driving a vehicle (a licensed individual does not have to disclose).

I hate the "rights for me but not for thee" thing but... doesn't LEOSA already cover this on a federal level? Looks like they're just making sure some LEO carrying under LEOSA doesn't get jammed up because of a poorly worded state law, and cost the taxpayer a fortune fighting a losing battle because of some dipshit DA with a hard-on.
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