Other possible Articles would be Article 88, Contmept toward officials, Article 86 or 87, Unauthorized Absence and Missed Movement, if the unit has already deployed as well as other Articles, though they are harder to get a conviction on.
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This is a VERY different situation then the Oath Keepers.
Correct, though the Oath Keepers will be in a similar situation should the day come that they MUST make the choice.
For the Oath Keepers, all we have to do is prove the order is unconstitutional, and we're good to go.
How can you be both an Army Major and a CO?
If it comes to that point then we're all in pretty deep doo doo. Anyone that stands up will be branded a traitor, terrorist and criminal by the government we're protesting/resisting - with all that entails.
Its easy. Get promoted . I had Major as a CO.
IF he believes he cannot serve his country for whatever reason then he has the duty to resign his commission - NOT to continue to take the 'king's shilling' until he's called upon to actually do his job - lead troops in battle.
I just want to bump this particular quote. Bob pretty much nailed it. It's July. The inauguration was in January. This major maintained his commission, continued drilling, continued receiving various orders from higher, continued issuing orders to subordinates, and continued receiving pay for months after Obama was sworn in. Once he get's a deployment order he suddenly feels he has to stand up and take action. Yeah.....
While I tend to agree with you Bob, a defensive to this argument could be that he was fulfilling his State mission during those excercises, in which case his governor is his CiC.
The article stated he was a reservist. I take that to mean Army Reserve. If he was actually in the Guard, then you're point is valid. The Army Reserve is federal, though.
If he ends up being the guy to take down the Obama administration, he'll be my hero!
I guess there are two scenarios;
a) He know's that he's taking a big risk yet he's willing to put himself in harms way for principle.
b) He's trying to avoid deployment?
I'm hoping it's A!
You forgot c) He's a raving f***ing conspiracy loony
Good point! I just saw another thread claiming that his deployment orders have been withdrawn. Is that true?
Good point! I just saw another thread claiming that his deployment orders have been withdrawn. Is that true?
Pure stupidity along with all the other conspiracy theory loons. Obama's mother was an american citizen when he was born. It does not matter where he was born. I wish it did and some one could make him be removed but it is not going to happen. He knows it too but likes to see the morons waste their energy trying to prove it instead of looking elsewhere.
Through birth abroad to one United States citizen
a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true:
One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person in question was born;
The citizen parent lived at least 10 years in the United States before his or her child's birth;
A minimum of 5 of these 10 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
1) Obama is either a citizen or he isn't.
2) There is some reason he doesn't want to produce his birth certificate.
3) Since we know that #2 is true, it should come as no surprise that they revoked his orders, will sweep this under the rug, and the major will become an example.
4) He is a major, but a reservist, which means he gets promoted at a far slower rate than active duty Army. He could very well be close to getting his 20 year letter, so rather than resign he chose to stick it out, hoping he wouldn't get mobilized. Once he got his mobilization orders, it seems as if that was when he made the decision to chicken out. Of course this opinion is in absence of evidence to the contrary, like prior mobilizations or prior legal attempts on his part to identify citizenship.
Interesting. Not sure if this is going to open a can of worms or not for the Army or DoD. His next set of orders will either be the arctic circle or Leavenworth.![]()
Well, she may have been a US citizen, but not to the point where it made him a citizen. Note that she was not 19 years old yet, so she could NOT have conveyed citizenship on him.
If she could have, the whole birth certificate issue would have been moot, as it would not matter if he was born on Mars or the Moon even.
It took me a while to find it again, but, here's what the law says. I had to alter this, to relect the exact ruling in place when he was born.
Some people will quote this as a requirement for 5 years in the US, and 2 of those 5 years after 14. That is true, if he was born AFTER November 14, 1986. The law in effect at the time of his birth is what the rule is.
I got my info from the US Code, at the Cornell University Law School website, not some blog.
Born Stanley Ann Dunham
November 29, 1942(1942-11-29)
Ft. Leavenworth, KS, USA
FYI for all you folks bitching about the birth certificate, my father, who was born in Shanghai China to US parents was considered a natural born citizen by the DOD and the FBI.
Also, it doesn't mean a damn thing what the USC says. What matters is what the constitution says and that decision is made by the courts. So far none of them have given these silly lawsuits any attention at all because they are rightly considered conspiracy theories.
If he ends up being the guy to take down the Obama administration, he'll be my hero!
I guess there are two scenarios;
a) He know's that he's taking a big risk yet he's willing to put himself in harms way for principle.
b) He's trying to avoid deployment?
I'm hoping it's A!
I'm hoping A as well, but keeping it in/on peoples minds is important.
Remember, even the usurpers own flock may start questioning him someday, and the more fuel for the fire the better...