Man arrested at BU trying to carry guns into graduation ceremony

10/10 on the rant, but the guy tried to go to a school graduation, on school property, with a restricted license, in Boston after the whole marathon thing, where the governor is in attendance. The only thing missing was POTUS.


There's a place for civil disobedience, this wasn't the place.

I agree he was clueless and kinda dumb. Other than that, I disagree 100%.

He did nothing wrong, and now he has $100k bail?!?! What!!!!!
This thread is just yet another example of how many here really don't support the right to bear arms.

Yes, this guy is an idiot because the corrupt Commonwealth of Massachusetts is violating his rights on what appears to be 3 counts. Violating his constitutionally protected right to bear arms. Violating his constitutionally protected right not be subjected to excess bail. And violating his constitutionally protected right to secure of his things and not have them searched and seized without a warrant issued upon probable cause.

Yep, it's his fault. Yep, exercising a right is a 'stupid game'.
This thread is just yet another example of how many here really don't support the right to bear arms.

Yes, this guy is an idiot because the corrupt Commonwealth of Massachusetts is violating his rights on what appears to be 3 counts. Violating his constitutionally protected right to bear arms. Violating his constitutionally protected right not be subjected to excess bail. And violating his constitutionally protected right to secure of his things and not have them searched and seized without a warrant issued upon probable cause.

Yep, it's his fault. Yep, exercising a right is a 'stupid game'.
this, absolutely
10/10 on the rant, but the guy tried to go to a school graduation, on school property, with a restricted license, in Boston after the whole marathon thing, where the governor is in attendance. The only thing missing was POTUS.


There's a place for civil disobedience, this wasn't the place.

Think about this for a minute though. Think beyond the greater scheme of NES for a minute or even beyond the avid shooter. Let's look at this like someone who got their LTC to protect their home and themselves, and bought a couple guns. Beyond that they don't go crazy researching laws and rules behind it, they think they were issued a license and that's just the way it is. Yes those people exist, lots and lots of them. Lets just say for a minute he wasn't thinking about it or didn't realize it was illegal, not just against policy, but illegal, and thought oh shit better put these in the car. He gets stopped, and busted beyond belief over something he wasn't even aware of.

Is being naive to the law a just enough reason to disobey? No, but it just PROVES that the laws they have put in place are so ****ed and so twisted that they are there not to stop a bad guy, but to put a good person in jail and nothing more.
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10/10 on the rant, but the guy tried to go to a school graduation, on school property, with a restricted license, in Boston after the whole marathon thing, where the governor is in attendance. The only thing missing was POTUS.


There's a place for civil disobedience, this wasn't the place.

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Is being naive to the law a just enough reason to disobey? No, but it just PROVES that the laws they have put in place are so ****ed and so twisted that they are there not to stop a bad guy, but to put a good person in jail and nothing more.

and if he was naive to the laws, why would he expect to be arrested for simply carrying his firearm as he always does to protect himself?
he wouldn't expect that because it shouldn't be the case

No not bingo. Why should your right to protect yourself end because you are at a college? Oh, so someone important is there. Big ****ing deal. So I guess I shouldn't carry when I go by the statehouse, or I should suddenly run away when I see a politician out and about and we happen to be within gunshot of someone. Did you forget that you are a law abiding citizen as vetted by that very same state, and they are basically saying, "ya but you still can't be trusted, disarm"

****. That. Noise.
so the law being completely ridiculous and the circumstances that he realized his error and tried to make right, mean nothing, **** him

I agree he was clueless and kinda dumb. Other than that, I disagree 100%.

He did nothing wrong, and now he has $100k bail?!?! What!!!!!
He did EVERYTHING wrong

This thread is just yet another example of how many here really don't support the right to bear arms.

Yes, this guy is an idiot because the corrupt Commonwealth of Massachusetts is violating his rights on what appears to be 3 counts. Violating his constitutionally protected right to bear arms. Violating his constitutionally protected right not be subjected to excess bail. And violating his constitutionally protected right to secure of his things and not have them searched and seized without a warrant issued upon probable cause.

Yep, it's his fault. Yep, exercising a right is a 'stupid game'.

There's a reason no gun rights group will step up and support him.

His wife claiming he was exercising his rights hangs the guy, doesn't help him.
He didn't make a mistake, he was carrying because he wanted to make a personal, private statement to himself about his rights. Then he got cold feet.

He wasn't some innocent guy not knowing that he couldn't carry.

He was practicing an extremely stupid game, and these are the consequences.

Yes the laws are stupid and likely unconstitutional.
I am sorry he's fallen on his sword for us. He could have made better use of his protest.
and if he was naive to the laws, why would he expect to be arrested for simply carrying his firearm as he always does to protect himself?
he wouldn't expect that because it shouldn't be the case

This is bingo.

Exactly my point. I have tons of friends who want to get their LTC, and when they do, if they don't do the research, they could be this guy. I have a bottle opener made from a .308 bullet. When I tell them that technically speaking you need an FID to possess that bottle opener, their heads almost explode right off their shoulders. That's how retarded our laws our, and we are all just one hiccup away from breaking them.
He did EVERYTHING wrong

There's a reason no gun rights group will step up and support him.

His wife claiming he was exercising his rights hangs the guy, doesn't help him.
He didn't make a mistake, he was carrying because he wanted to make a personal, private statement to himself about his rights. Then he got cold feet.

He wasn't some innocent guy not knowing that he couldn't carry.

He was practicing an extremely stupid game, and these are the consequences.

Yes the laws are stupid and likely unconstitutional.
I am sorry he's fallen on his sword for us. He could have made better use of his protest.

How do you know any of this as fact? It's as circumstantial and speculative as my argument, yet much more unlikely. I'd be willing to bet the farm this guy wasn't even aware that what he was doing was in fact illegal.

People wonder why MA and most of this country will never win. Never.

Because even the people that claim to support the 2nd Amendment, when it actually comes down to it, simply don't at all?

Sadly, you are probably correct.

How dare someone with a 'license to carry' actually do so. What an idiot. We can't just have any Joe Shoe carrying guns. Think of the children. Who does he think he is?

Glad we have the 'PSGWSP' crowd here. Oddly, the 'concealed means concealed' crowd is mostly missing. I thought that was the solution in MA, right?

Great so in a few years when it's illegal to carry at the movies or at restaurants or at whatever other arbitrary place they impose. Or when thy come up with a class C license and this whole mess becomes a tangled web of laws and you finally get tangled in it I hope one of us will still be free and can tell you you got what you deserved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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How do you know any of this as fact? It's as circumstantial and speculative as my argument, yet much more unlikely. I'd be willing to bet the farm this guy wasn't even aware what he was doing was in fact illegal.

Oh, there's no doubt you could be right. Just when the guy's wife said "He was just exercising his rights" I took it to mean it was done intentionally.

Unfortunately in this state carrying a gun requires knowing and following those stupid laws.

Who knows.

If it was intentional I feel badly for the guy, if it was unintentional even more so.
He did EVERYTHING wrong

There's a reason no gun rights group will step up and support him.

His wife claiming he was exercising his rights hangs the guy, doesn't help him.
He didn't make a mistake, he was carrying because he wanted to make a personal, private statement to himself about his rights. Then he got cold feet.

He wasn't some innocent guy not knowing that he couldn't carry.

He was practicing an extremely stupid game, and these are the consequences.

Yes the laws are stupid and likely unconstitutional.
I am sorry he's fallen on his sword for us. He could have made better use of his protest.

Things you tolerate you encourage. Thanks for support the right to bear arms. [rolleyes]
Great so in a few years when it's illegal to carry at the movies or at restaurants or at whatever other arbitrary place they impose. Or when thy come up with a class C license and this whole mess becomes a tangled web of laws and you finally get tangled in it I hope one of us will still be free and can tell you you got what you deserved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Remember, the guy's license specifically restricts him to target/sport/whatever. He MUST have known he couldn't carry to protect himself legally with that license. No?

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Remember, the guy's license specifically restricts him to target/sport/whatever. He MUST have known he couldn't carry to protect himself legally with that license. No?

Not necessarily. Maybe he honestly did not know that. Now he has $100k bail set on him? That's disgusting.
If one decides to exercise his right to carry regardless of the draconian laws, and go 'concealed means concealed' as often mentioned here on NES, one at least needs to be mentally prepared, and have a game plan on the whatif's: refuse the search, refuse self-incrimination etc. to give your would-be attorney a fighting chance, and of course, be financially capable to mount such a legal defense.
Things you tolerate you encourage. Thanks for support the right to bear arms. [rolleyes]
OK, so tell me how you un-tolerate these laws. Thanks for supporting the right to bear arms from your keyboard today. Unless you slipped into that stadium during all of the commotion.

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If one decides to exercise his right to carry regardless of the draconian laws, and go 'concealed means concealed' as often mentioned here on NES, one at least needs to be mentally prepared, and have a game plan on the whatif's: refuse the search, refuse self-incrimination etc. to give your would-be attorney a fighting chance, and of course, be financially capable to mount such a legal defense.

Truer words never spoken.
There's still critical factual information missing, mainly: why was he noticed and questioned in the first place. As people have said here, just leaving a security line isn't going to draw attention. Maybe this is a case of some overzealous rent-a-cops infringing on this guys rights and now he's in a world of shit. Maybe this guy was standing there muttering about guns and that he wants to shoot the governor. We don't have a clue what happened there to draw attention.
The kid is a ****ing moron. Take off your rose colored glasses and take note of the facts (if that's possible).

Hows the view way up there on that throne of yours? [rolleyes] With the plethora of laws out there, as it pertains to our gun world, I would be willing to promise you break at least one of those stupid arbitrary laws. Hopefully you never get bound up on one of them, god forbid you'd be a ****ing moron.

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There's still critical factual information missing, mainly: why was he noticed and questioned in the first place. As people have said here, just leaving a security line isn't going to draw attention. Maybe this is a case of some overzealous rent-a-cops infringing on this guys rights and now he's in a world of shit. Maybe this guy was standing there muttering about guns and that he wants to shoot the governor. We don't have a clue what happened there to draw attention.

This is the one part that really makes me start to getting a little crazy and the tinfoil alarm starts to go off and I can't help but think "hmmmmm ain't dat some shit"
OK, so tell me how you un-tolerate these laws. Thanks for supporting the right to bear arms from your keyboard today. Unless you slipped into that stadium during all of the commotion.

You're the one telling people they shouldn't support the right to bear arms, not me. Maybe tolerate was the wrong word. What you are doing is worse than just tolerating it.

But just continue making keyboard quips from your keyboard because that isn't hypocritical at all.
How do you know any of this as fact? It's as circumstantial and speculative as my argument, yet much more unlikely. I'd be willing to bet the farm this guy wasn't even aware that what he was doing was in fact illegal.
even if he knew full well then I support him just the same
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