Man arrested at BU trying to carry guns into graduation ceremony

Hows the view way up there on that throne of yours? [rolleyes] With the plethora of laws out there, as it pertains to our gun world, I would be willing to promise you break at least one of those stupid arbitrary laws. Hopefully you never get bound up on one of them, god forbid you'd be a ****ing moron.

I legitimately thought carrying on a college campus was just a no-no due to them not allowing it, not legally binding statewide law the same as grade schools

and I am on here all the time and consider myself somewhat knowledgeable
You're the one telling people they shouldn't support the right to bear arms, not me. Maybe tolerate was the wrong word. What you are doing is worse than just tolerating it.

But just continue making keyboard quips from your keyboard because that isn't hypocritical at all.

Wrong. I'm saying this guy's approach to life as a gun owner and/or attempting to fix things was wrong and/or misguided and won't do anyone any good.

But feel free to continue to say really stupid things.
you said he deserves his 100k bail and whatever happens to him because he chose to practice his rights in a way you felt were unintelligent and that you did not agree with
Hows the view way up there on that throne of yours? [rolleyes] With the plethora of laws out there, as it pertains to our gun world, I would be willing to promise you break at least one of those stupid arbitrary laws. Hopefully you never get bound up on one of them, god forbid you'd be a ****ing moron.

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This is the one part that really makes me start to getting a little crazy and the tinfoil alarm starts to go off and I can't help but think "hmmmmm ain't dat some shit"

I prefer the view with both feet on the ground. Try it sometime.
I legitimately thought carrying on a college campus was just a no-no due to them not allowing it, not legally binding statewide law the same as grade schools

and I am on here all the time and consider myself somewhat knowledgeable

...and you wouldn't know the most basic terms of your own license, like it's a class B license or that it was restricted to sport/whatever?

Seems unlikely, but hey. Maybe Mr. Massa's first language isn't English and maybe he thought the restrictions prevented him from target practice or hunting only. It *is* backwardly worded.
No, that isn't what he means.

I can almost guarantee you've violated a number of statutes/legislation. That must make you an idiot too then right? Hopefully you get caught one day, doing something of no real regard, but just happens to be codified as illegal. Then we can all call you an idiot who brought on on yourself. In your case, schadenfreude.
When you ride a motorcycle you have to watch for and think about all sorts of things about which car drivers don't need to be concerned. Because motorcycles are rare, especially around here.

The same applies to a gun owner.

I don't support the laws or the attitudes of the people or politicians here anymore than I support car drivers who put my life in jeopardy because they don't see me coming on my bike. This is just the reality of where we live.

I continue to ride my bike as I continue to only give ordinary care to concealing my firearm; if something happens I accept the consequences for my actions. If my firearm causes alarm I will deal with the legalities of it. If I get hit, it was I who took the risk to ride that bike. Does this mean I excuse the other driver or the bad laws? No. Did I deserve to get hassled or hit? No.

It's expected.
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Put the idiot part aside for a moment. The Corp. issues this guy a Permit (LTC Restricted) to do something illegal. All a Permit/License does is allows you to break the law, the law as defined by the Corp U.S not the Constitution.

So the issuing authority on behalf of the Corp. is illegally issuing you/me a permit/license to legally break illegal laws.

Mind boggling I know....

It's like Alternate Reality, we know the Constitution exists parallel to our form of government but we just can't seem to bring both worlds together.

You mean illegal laws doing illegal things to idiots who bring it upon themselves.
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All campus police are like this. When my daughter went to Westfield I had one try to stop me in the grocery store parking lot as I left with a case of beer. Had dropped off my daughter at school and was heading home and the packies would have been closed by the time I got home. Basically told him to f off.
Most of the campus police have full police power on campus but they have zero power off campus or outside of the specified zones. Some cities specify certain area around the campus that the campus police have power even though it is not school property.

This is from BU's own student handbook / guidebook and website, and, apparently, states that the campus police have full police powers, both on AND off campus:

"All Boston University police officers are empowered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to enforce criminal law and to make arrests not only on the campus grounds but also in the area surrounding the University, as well as on public ways within the City of Boston. Boston University police officers are trained in the Municipal Police Training Academy or its equivalent, hold a Special State Police License and are sworn Suffolk County Deputy Sheriffs.
All Boston University police officers hold Chapter 90 powers because officers are special deputies. They also maintain jurisdiction on City of Boston streets surrounding school properties, including motor vehicle stops if necessary, as well as on many other properties, some up to 4 miles from the main Commonwealth Avenue campus...."

Sounds to me like they're more than just your average campus PD/mall cop/real cop wannabe/Paul Blart types...Sounds like full and complete Nazi power, no?
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Put the idiot part aside for a moment. The Corp. issues this guy a Permit (LTC Restricted) to do something illegal. All a Permit/License does is allows you to break the law, the law as defined by the Corp U.S not the Constitution.

So the issuing authority on behalf of the Corp. is illegally issuing you/me a permit/license to legally break illegal laws.

Mind boggling I know....

It's like Alternate Reality, we know the Constitution exists parallel to our form of government but we just can't seem to bring both worlds together.

You can look at it that way. Or you can look at it, in that you can ONLY be licensed to do something that is lawful. They can't license you to do something unlawful. So why do you need a license in the first place? The answers are simply. Money and control. That's it.
...and you wouldn't know the most basic terms of your own license, like it's a class B license or that it was restricted to sport/whatever?

Seems unlikely, but hey. Maybe Mr. Massa's first language isn't English and maybe he thought the restrictions prevented him from target practice or hunting only. It *is* backwardly worded.
no, if I had restrictions I would carry anyway though and apparently I could have carried to the same event because I seriously didn't think that was a legal issue, thought it was a signage deal

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He didn't realize school grounds were off limits... has this guy been under a rock?

I suppose had he not been caught, after commencement he would have stopped by the post office on his way to a courthouse, and maybe hung out in the surf near logan airport... lucky for him the courts and post offices are closed on sundays... [rolleyes]

Could've done a little "Sunday target shooting" on Boston Common too... [rofl]
Just a quick note here:

I see some of you on here are ready to string this guy up. After all, the "facts" as provided by the media are that he was carrying two guns while possessing a restricted LTC. There's even a photo of one of the suspect's guns all over the news.

Boston CBS Local said:
Police say this is one of the guns Andrea Massa had with him outside the Boston University commencement. (Massa family photo)

Except that information is bullshit.

That photo was taken by one of our members here on NES, who I can guarantee is definitely not the accused, and leaked on the 'Net before the Shield was available. Run the image through Google image search, you'll find tons of articles from April of 2012 with that same photo.

This guy is a licensed firearm owner in Massachusetts (well, probably was, but I digress). Think for a moment of how many times you've personally broken a firearm law... and be honest with yourself, there's tons of them. Obviously this guy didn't present any real danger, or the media would have been all over that. The only other run-in with the law was being charged when he was about 17 with "making a threat on a school", which according to the news was dismissed. The guy may or may not be weird, but I don't remember weird being an arrestable offense... especially with a $100,000 bail.

Before you armchair detectives sign this guy's life away, shut the hell up and remember that not all of the crap they're feeding you is true.

Thanks for your time.
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Reading some of the commentary on WCVB, I am very frustrated. Some are saying that because of the way he dressed, he's suspicious. Some say because he tried to leave the checkpoint, he's suspicious and that the cops were right to grab him.

I often ask myself how far is this going to go when stories like this come about, and reading the bleating of the citizenry, I think I have my answer. We are coming to a very crucial time in our country that transcends party affiliation, race, religion and personal philosophy. Are we going to live the vision of our founding fathers or are we going to turn our backs on them in order to fulfill a utopian ideal that in logical sense, can't exist?

I don't have the answer to this, except for what I know in my own heart and soul to be true. Is there going to be a tipping point? Is there ever going to be that mystical "go time" that we talk about tongue in cheek? I live in the Commonwealth, so finding others who share my mindset is very difficult indeed.

Help me here, brothers and sisters - I feel as if the hour has grown dark and that sometimes, its very few of us who are willing to light the torch.

What do you suggest we do? Seriously, if you know me from my posts, I agree with you. Yet what, short of lawsuits (which I'd support!), do you suggest "we" do in a state where citizens believe only cop should have guns, where we should always abide by what State House idiot politicians order us to, where (etc etc).

"Tipping point"? Mine happened YEARS ago when I decided to get out of this god forsaken liberal hell hole and move to Arizona, Florida, New Hampshire, etc . My Sicilian wife wants to stay. Care to guess who won that debate?
So if he had a Unrestricted LTC would he still be publicly tarred and feathered? Wait this is Massachusetts ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE!

Didn't this type of thing happen to a Gun Control/Gun Safety douche in NY, carried a gun into a school.

100K bail is hilarious. So if you attempt to murder someone you just get 10K bail!

I feel so much safer.

I carried all the time on my restricted LTC out of Worcester. I couldn't care less.

Suck it Gary Gemme.

Yours truly,

Neil Whitney

I got Unrestricted from the WPD. When did you try to get yours?
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I got Unrestricted from the WPD. When did you try to get yours?

Who cares. I live in "freedom" now.

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The kid is a ****ing moron. Take off your rose colored glasses and take note of the facts (if that's possible).

Turn in your LTC and surrender all of your weapons. BOOT LICKER!

People like you make me sick. You're scum. I hope you are brought up on trumped up charges someday.

Make sure you lock your guns and ammo up tonight. Statist scum.
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