If you check out the website, read the rules and bylaws, fill out the forms and bring them tonight to the BOD meeting (Mansfield Public Library meeting room, doors are directly facing you as you enter the building) at 7PM, the BOD will sponsor you and recommend you to the members meeting next Wednesday evening (same time/place). If you have a sponsor (my general policy is someone who I've shot with or instructed) you can skip the BOD meeting and just get voted in at the members meeting. NOTE: IIRC there is no July members meeting.
As for a tour, sorry to say that I'm too busy right now to do that this week. You can park to the left of the DPW building and walk up to the gate. If it is open, go back for your car (but have hearing protection with you) and drive in. I STRONGLY suggest NOT driving up to the gate to see if it is open, as backing down has ZERO visibility on a dirt/gravel path that curves, not advised. Just try not to touch the gate or let your clothes touch . . . the pine sap is a sticky mess and difficult to remove.
I will be there on Sunday afternoon (probably after 1PM) so that the gate will be open, but I'll be teaching an intensive course (NRA PPOH) so I can't give anyone a tour but you can certainly walk around and if anyone else is there approach them and most will be more than helpful.