L'shanah tovah tikateyvu = "May you be inscribed in the Book of Life." (at least that's what I found from Google)
[Regrettably, the Hebrew School that I went to had us reading Hebrew, but NEVER explained to us WHAT we were reading (the meaning of the words). Thus, I am useless with the language. On our two trips to Israel, my Wife was able to read some of the signs, etc. Obviously her Hebrew education was a hell of a lot better than mine.]
OK a bit of the theory is that on the Jewish New Year (days of the gun show, so we are on topic
![Wink [wink] [wink]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/002.gif)
) the belief is that "it is written in the Book of Life who shall live and who shall die during the following Jewish Year". On the Day of Atonement (10 days later) aka Yom Kippur, we atone for our sins of the last year and the "Book of Life" is sealed for the new year.
So, these two holidays (3 days total in the US) are the holiest days of the year in the Jewish religion.