Its not he DCR officials really have to worry about. the 12 years I used to go there, all of the ones I seen, and came out to check my permit ect were cool, and often wanted to try what I brought. Its that fat bastard that runs it from his lil shack at beginning of the road need to be careful of as he thinks he is verse on gun laws, puls former leo ect.. treated me as if I was a felon, cause I had 5 wwii bolt rifles with me, and cause my wife was there with me, saying she didn't have a gun licnse wasn't allowed to handle guns blah blah blah blah, threatened to have police and rangers out ect.. joined a real club after that.
What??? Did you at least tell him to MYOFB? Fat **** sounds like a clown. Hope he shows up when I shoot there. I'll bring more than 5 firearms.