Massachusetts Rifle Association - Woburn, MA

Minimized...yes. Keeping up with the damaged equipment is difficult for the few people who volunteer their time. [frown]

All the volunteers work very hard to keep the place running smoothly.

The solution is very simple actually. People just need to learn how to put a round down range on paper. I mean really a 50yd pistol target is what?... 1 sq ft in dia. is it really too much to ask?

Do not be mad at the members who donate their valuable time to keep the place running as smoothly as possible. Blame the guys who shoot out the target runners faster than they can be repaired.
There has to be a solution to this problem. What do other ranges do? I was at the Firing Line in NH and they have steel plates that protect the runners and the target clips. The plates are V shaped to minimize ricochets. I wonder if this has been discussed at MRA?
I don't think it's as much of a mechanical problem as it is a people problem, though.

I agree wholeheartedly. So if we can't make the range idiot-proof, can we get rid of the idiots?

What about requiring people who shoot in the Loeb to sign into a specific lane when they shoot? If a lane is damaged, we look back and see who was in the lane last. Check the cameras to confirm they caused the damage, and start charging people for the destruction they cause. And anyone who shows up as a repeat offender gets the boot.
We already have a sign-in sheet at the front door. If you have cameras too, it should be fairly easy to identify the jerk who's shooting the target carriers out.
I agree wholeheartedly. So if we can't make the range idiot-proof, can we get rid of the idiots?

What about requiring people who shoot in the Loeb to sign into a specific lane when they shoot? If a lane is damaged, we look back and see who was in the lane last. Check the cameras to confirm they caused the damage, and start charging people for the destruction they cause. And anyone who shows up as a repeat offender gets the boot.

There's several cheap and easy fixes. I mentioned them to someone on the BoD, and was told they wouldn't listen to it unless I wrote up a proposal, brought it to a meeting, presented it, then returned to another meeting to have it discussed.

MRA would be a good club if the beaurocrats weren't more concerned with maintaining the beaurocracy than they were with having a good club.
There's several cheap and easy fixes. I mentioned them to someone on the BoD, and was told they wouldn't listen to it unless I wrote up a proposal, brought it to a meeting, presented it, then returned to another meeting to have it discussed.

MRA would be a good club if the bureaucrats weren't more concerned with maintaining the beaurocracy than they were with having a good club.

I do not know what happened there. I have always found the BOD to be open to suggestions. While I can see some bureaucracy it seems to be kept to a minimum as there is no advantage to the volunteers to make things more difficult than they need be. More bureaucracy = more time, time the BOD does not get to spend with family & friends nor do they get compensated for.

There are currently changes being made to improve things. Hopefully some of the new changes made will improve the repair times. It is currently difficult for a runner to be repaired single handedly when a cable snaps or is shot out. zthe biggest problem still appears to be off target shots.
It's nothing to worry about. You go into the office and talk with a couple of the BOD members, they ask you a few questions and that's it. Don't sweat it.
I have my membership interview(s) tomorrow. Anyone know what to expect?


Know the range rules and read the hand book and you should be fine. It is really a smooth interview. Good luck and welcome to the MRA. If you have time come down and shoot some clays.
Well, I'm in!

I went and watched people shooting clays and now I definitely want to try that. I'll be there next Wednesday for sure.

Missed you watching. I came down with my brother and shot a few rounds. You must have been watching at the upper field. If you wanted to try we would have set you up with a gun.

If you do come down to try be prepared to spend money. It is very addictive, brake your first clay and it is all down hill from there.[smile]
Missed you watching. I came down with my brother and shot a few rounds. You must have been watching at the upper field. If you wanted to try we would have set you up with a gun.

If you do come down to try be prepared to spend money. It is very addictive, brake your first clay and it is all down hill from there.[smile]

Do you guys shoot steel or lead ball?
Steel only purchased at the range.

The club charges what it costs to shoot a round. They insist on at range purchase to control what goes down range due to enviornmental concerns.
Steel only purchased at the range.

The club charges what it costs to shoot a round. They insist on at range purchase to control what goes down range due to enviornmental concerns.

Too bad. The Shooters Box has a nice 30" O/U for short money but the barrells are for lead shot, not steel.
I am looking for a club to join and am planning coming on Sunday, before noon.

Anybody from NES would care to give me a tour?

I had a very good experience at the club, the folks were friendly and strighforward, I liked the ranges (except for the fact that one outdoor range is bordering Rt 128 and the other has a daycare behind it)

I actually signed up on the spot and have an interview scheduled in few weeks

Do not worry about the outdoor ranges. They are safe unless you plan on doing something exceptionally stupid.

Study the range rules etc. and handbook and the interview will be a breeze.

Come out and try clays as well. Although I warn you once you do you will be hooked.[rofl]
I just found this club was only a small ride from my workplace.
Maybe someone can show me around the club a night after work sometime 4-5pm
Hey All,

New to NES and shooting in general but a buddy belongs to MRA. We went in last night at 10:30PM (I mean COME ON what better to do on a boring Tuesday night ?? ) anyway I was in the market for a range and ended up swinging over there to sign up today. The bucks in the office were very friendly and I paid and now need to study the range rules for the test.

Anyone know how difficult the test is ? I hate tests but am all about being safe/responsible. Anyone have any tips on the test ?


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