Men tote assault rifles at Obama event

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Carrying a firearm in the open near a president will end up biting us in the ass.Absolutely no good will come of this.
In all fairness, I do see the point, where some people here get nervous about the MSM trying to portray us as dangerous, whack jobs, who bring firearms to a political event. But, then I remember they do that anyway, at any event. Look at the way they gave a ration of crap to the priest who had an open carry cook-out at his church, the MSM just blew past the whole point of it, and created a furor about the " evil gun". Most of us in MA have been beaten down by law after law, regulation after regulation, rule after rule, so some still remain in fear. We treat our guns like gold, to be tucked away in a vault. It sucks, big time.

Although, it is great to see people doing their part to increase awareness about our 1A and 2A freedoms, I never take for granted, that it would only take 1 true nut case, licenced or not, to fire into a crowd, or at POTUS, for all our hard work to be scrubbed away.

Does that mean that I would rather hide away, and try to stay under the radar. The day I bought my first firearm, when they called the Feds for a background check, guess what, I was put on the radar. I may be a tiny blip, but am a blip none the less, and I know it.

I think it is great that honest people, are using tools like their rifles, and handguns, in a peaceful way, to bring the point out, in my eyes I see people using about 3 or 4 amendment rights to bring out the peoples voice. You can't trample peoples rights, and not be held accountable. People ignore signs, and don't listen to yelling, but if you are savy, these guys did not say a thing and guess what, when they did, people listened intently. The MSM thought they were going to get hill billy jim, to start preaching about the third man on the grassy knowl rhetoric, instead, they got well spoken, educated, and aware people, giving good arguments. Boy that pisses them off when you won't play into their hand. I say BRAVO to anyone, who is willing to put them selves on the front line, and use events like this to bring polite and peaceful dicussion, about our rights, not just 2A, but all of them.
Go to a presidental forum (outside of the building) carrying an assault weapon is plain stupid. That is the kind of thing that will get our guns taken away. I quote from the bible...

"Whereas now all things are lawful, not all things are profitable."

Anyone who thinks showing up at where the president is, carrying a gun, is just stupid beyond belief. Like we need to give the liberal weenies that kind of fuel to pass more anti-gun laws. There are people who out there who at present don't don't give carry laws a thought, but after this kind of press will be wanting to see some laws passed to prohibit this kind of poor judgment.

I agree with this. I think sometimes people get so carried away with their ideals and what they would like to see happen that they lose sight of the context with which they take place. I think it's great that people want to exercise their rights, however, given the context of this latest event it is likely to only reinforce the negative views of 'open carry' laws and serve as reinforcement to those looking for clear examples on how to increase gun laws/restrictions. Legislation needs very basic and clear examples in order to become effective at a large level, what most of you are saying and condoning is actually only helping their cause - and I don't care what your intentions are, this is simply the case- most of the people will come away feeling as though this was a negative event and poor discretion was used.

Again, there is nothing wrong with open carrying, however, this particular situation has an undertone which is not altogether positive in it's connotation and will likely only be used to strengthen the public opinion that we need better gun control. Now, there is a difference between open carrying a pistol in a holster like the gentleman in NH and carrying an assault rife and this is another reason I feel that poor judgement was used. People who want the restrictions lifted should probably think about what roles and/or traps they are actually playing into when they do so, in their minds they are rallying an interest groups and constituents to their cause but at a larger level they are playing into the trap of becoming an example, or worse a precedent, for the opposite side.
Would people have been more comfortable with it if he was carrying a Garand? Maybe something from Remington? A lever-action? More power to this guy and those like him. This is what you have to do to push back an ever-encroaching government.
Guns have given every sheep in here, freedom, food, liberty, MTV, the Red Sox, etc...

When the hell did guns become a bad thing? I don't recall seeing felons carrying at the protest. I can't believe the opinions that I am hearing in here.

The 2nd Amendment is to remind the government that they serve us not the other way around. What good is it when the federal government is about to impose the biggest grab of money and freedom in the nations history and we are going to just sit down, watch MTV, and take it? Seriously a message was sent to them a very important one.

I love how threads identify who I'm picking when the time comes.
Now, there is a difference between open carrying a pistol in a holster like the gentleman in NH and carrying an assault rife and this is another reason I feel that poor judgement was used.

How exactly is it different?????? And what exactly is an "assault rifle"? [thinking]
I agree with this. I think sometimes people get so carried away with their ideals and what they would like to see happen that they lose sight of the context with which they take place. I think it's great that people want to exercise their rights, however, given the context of this latest event it is likely to only reinforce the negative views of 'open carry' laws and serve as reinforcement to those looking for clear examples on how to increase gun laws/restrictions. Legislation needs very basic and clear examples in order to become effective at a large level, what most of you are saying and condoning is actually only helping their cause - and I don't care what your intentions are, this is simply the case- most of the people will come away feeling as though this was a negative event and poor discretion was used.

Again, there is nothing wrong with open carrying, however, this particular situation has an undertone which is not altogether positive in it's connotation and will likely only be used to strengthen the public opinion that we need better gun control. Now, there is a difference between open carrying a pistol in a holster like the gentleman in NH and carrying an assault rife and this is another reason I feel that poor judgement was used. People who want the restrictions lifted should probably think about what roles and/or traps they are actually playing into when they do so, in their minds they are rallying an interest groups and constituents to their cause but at a larger level they are playing into the trap of becoming an example, or worse a precedent, for the opposite side.

Please explain to me how one can get "carried away" with liberty? Secondly, the sooner we stop giving a crap about "undertone" and "connotation" the better. It has gotten us nowhere - absolutely nowhere. Those who sit idly by for further erosion of our rights some more, will ultimately get exactly what they deserve....We need more patriots like this man - not fewer....
Please explain to me how one can get "carried away" with liberty? Secondly, the sooner we stop giving a crap about "undertone" and "connotation" the better. It has gotten us nowhere - absolutely nowhere. Those who sit idly by for further erosion of our rights some more, will ultimately get exactly what they deserve....We need more patriots like this man - not fewer....

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Now, there is a difference between open carrying a pistol in a holster like the gentleman in NH and carrying an assault rife and this is another reason I feel that poor judgement was used.
He had an assault rifle? Really? An assault rifle is an NFA weapon, capable of automatic fire. It looked to me like he merely had a semi-automatic rifle. AR-style, to be sure, but that's all I could tell from the pictures. What did you see?

See how you've bought into the liberal media's name game? You, who should arguably know more than the average MSM shill, are already referring to this guy's weapon as an "assault rifle." All we can say is this guy had a AR-style rifle. Without more detail, anything beyond that is playing to media hysterics.
Please explain to me how one can get "carried away" with liberty? Secondly, the sooner we stop giving a crap about "undertone" and "connotation" the better. It has gotten us nowhere - absolutely nowhere. Those who sit idly by for further erosion of our rights some more, will ultimately get exactly what they deserve....We need more patriots like this man - not fewer....

I disagree with you, you're dealing more in your emotional fervor than thinking it through which is exactly why the gun control situation is where it is and will continue to be. The idea is to condition people to be open-minded through positive associations with events, not images of men carrying around assault rifles at Presidential events with negative associations. I hate to break it to you but there will be no mass 'event' where people will altogether begin to 'get it' and come around to your way of thinking, on the whole people are much slower to react to change than you believe and at the moment all a situation like this most recent one will do is have the opposite effect from what you are saying.

How do you know this man is a Patriot? If I were looking to enact more stringent legislation on gun control around political events I would likely put a few crazy looking stooges out there with anti-Obama slogans or have them shout a few obscenities while carrying around an assault rifle (at Scott S, I understand, but if a situation is perceived to be real it is real in it's implications- to most people's minds it was an assault rifle, I won't go into the semantics of it), because all it will take is a single negative event to close the whole thing down and any leverage you and everyone else has worked for with gun freedoms will be out the door, while people who use more logical discretion will know that the way to go is to condition people through positive associations and convince them that guns do not automatically equal violence, hate, or death.
He had an assault rifle? Really? An assault rifle is an NFA weapon, capable of automatic fire. It looked to me like he merely had a semi-automatic rifle. AR-style, to be sure, but that's all I could tell from the pictures. What did you see?

See how you've bought into the liberal media's name game? You, who should arguably know more than the average MSM shill, are already referring to this guy's weapon as an "assault rifle." All we can say is this guy had a AR-style rifle. Without more detail, anything beyond that is playing to media hysterics.

while people who use more logical discretion will know that the way to go is to condition people through positive associations and convince them that guns do not automatically equal violence, hate, or death.

It's posts like this that further crystalize the truths that Derek and others here are expressing about how so many of us worry way too much about what liberty-haters think.

Please explain how a law-abiding citizen, legally carrying a rifle slung over his back is making people associate that firearm with "violence, death, or hate"???? Seriously explain that, because I don't understand what you're saying.
He had an assault rifle? Really? An assault rifle is an NFA weapon, capable of automatic fire. It looked to me like he merely had a semi-automatic rifle. AR-style, to be sure, but that's all I could tell from the pictures. What did you see?

See how you've bought into the liberal media's name game? You, who should arguably know more than the average MSM shill, are already referring to this guy's weapon as an "assault rifle." All we can say is this guy had a AR-style rifle. Without more detail, anything beyond that is playing to media hysterics.

As I said before this a game of semantics which only detracts from the original point which is that this was not a clear victory for those looking to maintain their Constitutional rights. Whether or not it was, in fact, an Assault Rifle, the fact that you may be able to cite the difference because you are aware of the various requirements does not mean the average person would, and what people act on is what they perceive to be true. At the end of the day, all the internet logic in the world won't change what happened or inform the millions of people who believed it to be an assault rifle, and if I am wrong with what I've stated in any way then we will see positive results from this event, and the truth will need no defense as it will be self-evident, but if the opposite is true then what the government is seeking is an example and at the end of the day all they will really need is one.
Guns have given every sheep in here, freedom, food, liberty, MTV, the Red Sox, etc...

You forgot American Idol and Reality TV. The US public wouldn't know what to do with themselves without that. [wink]

Reality TV is of course England's payback for kicking their ass a few times... [rolleyes]

I love how threads identify who I'm picking when the time comes.

Wow, a few hundred years earlier and a few miles south in Salem and you would need that gun to get out of town alive! [wink]
Guys can't we talk about sports or Brangelina or octomom? All this talk, although I understand totally legal under the 1st amendment, is not talk that will put us in a good light with some people.
As I said before this a game of semantics which only detracts from the original point which is that this was not a clear victory for those looking to maintain their Constitutional rights. Whether or not it was, in fact, an Assault Rifle, the fact that you may be able to cite the difference because you are aware of the various requirements does not mean the average person would, and what people act on is what they perceive to be true. At the end of the day, all the internet logic in the world won't change what happened or inform the millions of people who believed it to be an assault rifle, and if I am wrong with what I've stated in any way then we will see positive results from this event, and the truth will need no defense as it will be self-evident, but if the opposite is true then what the government is seeking is an example and at the end of the day all they will really need is one.

This is where you're wrong. As citizens and gun owners we should seize any opportunity to prove that guns are NOT EVIL. What we need is a positive message continuously hammered home. We need to play offense, as I see it William Kostric brought the game ball out to midfield, let's kick off.
My head has been swimming in emotions over the past week. Though I still feel a bit water logged, this thread and I have come to a mutual meeting point.

I think I have been converted to the HOPE, CHANGE crowd......not the 2008 HOPE and CHANGE.....the 2009 version.

The well planned and executed actions in AZ have given me hope in that we as a country CAN change.

I have been reading as much as I can on all sides about the NH and AZ open carry displays. While I commend what these people have been doing, it frustrates me that the message still has not been heard.

My biggest frustration: The intimidation factor.
The sheep are crying that displaying force is intimidating. It is so frustrating to me that these same people don't feel intimidated by LEO's or Security guards or any other "protective service people". I love the support of the LEO in showing the public that there is nothing to fear from these displays. This part is getting heard since the opposition are now concerned that there will mass acceptance of open carry.

The intimation factor does have a place though. As stated in the 2A. The govt. should feel intimidated to do the right thing by the public that it serves. My verdict on whether this govt. feels that right now or not is still undecided.

My second biggest frustration: No acknowledgment of the CCW crowd.
No one in the media and very little on the opposition boards have mentioned that there probably has been many people bringing loaded firearms to protests over the years. Just that those have been CCW. There was one post on the DU that really showed this lack of understanding. Paraphrased "oh great, let's ignore these people then next we will have guns in the parks, the mall, our restaurants, and God forbid our colleges." many states we can and do have guns in those places. I have not seen last nights ABC news segment on this topic. But from what I have heard it was typically bad.

There are the usual frustrations of the media and sheep technically being idiots in the descriptions of guns and laws.

I really hope this does become a movement........through larger and larger displays...... I HOPE we can CHANGE!!!
Some people have a passion to stop the bleeding completely. Right now all of our rights are bleeding and the "people" are just suppose put gauze on it to slow it down?

If we keep thinking what everyone else is thinking we'll let the bleeding continue. If we simply follow the rules and laws, we can fundamentally claim all of our rights back. ...not just the 2A
Guns have given every sheep in here, freedom, food, liberty, MTV, the Red Sox, etc...

When the hell did guns become a bad thing? I don't recall seeing felons carrying at the protest. I can't believe the opinions that I am hearing in here.

The 2nd Amendment is to remind the government that they serve us not the other way around. What good is it when the federal government is about to impose the biggest grab of money and freedom in the nations history and we are going to just sit down, watch MTV, and take it? Seriously a message was sent to them a very important one.

I love how threads identify who I'm picking when the time comes.

Again...worth repeating. And, when the time comes? My list isn't overly long either D.
Remember when the green light goes off continue clapping.

Love to attend a MASS! OC event..I'll bring my Ladies.
Guys can't we talk about sports or Brangelina or octomom? All this talk, although I understand totally legal under the 1st amendment, is not talk that will put us in a good light with some people.

While I'm usually careful about what I post, dear Gonzo, it's reached the point where I'm tired of having tire tracks on my back, curtesy of the .gov liberal Hitlers. And yes, I meant that. It's their way or the highway. Well dear hearts, they can KMA because I'm fed up with supporting them (with my hard earned money). I'm fed up with them dictating how MY money is to be spent. I'm sick of their lies, their sneaky ways, and their outright disdain for people who are RESPONSIBLE adults. And other things too damn irritating to my blood pressure to list.

WE can only be pushed so far before that rubber band snaps - and they damn well better remember that. PO'd? Me? You better believe it.
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Well done!!!
We are not allowed to open carry in RI. However, I think it would be a great idea to appear at the next Ta Party or another event carrying plastic guns or empty holsters.
While I'm usually careful about what I post, dear Gonzo, it's reached the point where I'm tired of having tire tracks on my back, curtesy of the .gov liberal Hitlers. And yes, I meant that. It's their way or the highway. Well dear hearts, they can KMA because I'm fed up with supporting them. I'm fed up with them dictating how MY money is to be spent. I'm sick of their lies, their sneaky ways, and their outright disdain for people who are RESPONSIBLE adults. And other things too damn irritating to my blood pressure to list.

WE can only be pushed so far before that rubber band snaps - and they damn well better remember that. PO'd? Me? You better believe it.

HERE!!!!!!! HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I logged in right now right after reading this on yahoo news to see what was being said. What bugged me about the article and the way the press has been looking at "gun activists" the press or people who want more gun control say its a disaster waiting to happen. Did they they ever think why people are carrying more weapons, and maybe its the President that is the disaster waiting to happen and were all just more prepared for it?
Thanks for the clarification there, I attempted to make that point as well but it wasn’t noticed.

The media only seems to notice that words mean things when it benefits the POV they are attempting to shove down someones throat.

He had an assault rifle? Really? An assault rifle is an NFA weapon, capable of automatic fire. It looked to me like he merely had a semi-automatic rifle. AR-style, to be sure, but that's all I could tell from the pictures. What did you see?

See how you've bought into the liberal media's name game? You, who should arguably know more than the average MSM shill, are already referring to this guy's weapon as an "assault rifle." All we can say is this guy had a AR-style rifle. Without more detail, anything beyond that is playing to media hysterics.
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