Methuen police brag on Facebook about raid.

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Devils Advocate:

In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, for the sake of debate. In taking this position, the individual taking on the devil's advocate role seeks to engage others in an argumentative discussion process.

Alright, mission accomplished. You laid out a carefully crafted worst-case scenario, and we all told you it was stupid [thumbsup]
Hmmm.. I remember when a flight school was suspicious of some Saudis wanting training to fly a commercial jet. Only wanted to be trained on taking off. Not landing. Someone notified the Feds, but it was ignored. Damn racists!
Now comes the name calling from the keyboard cage fighters. I never said anything about "if it saves just one child". I simply laid out an alternate scenario and pointed out that people shouldn't be judging others unless they have been in their shoes.
Its ironic the way some of you guys jump on anybody that does'nt share the exact same opinion you have, the same way the Antis can't accept the fact we like our guns and want the freedom to enjoy shooting.
Lastly I never endorsed what NSF did.

Devils Advocate:

In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, for the sake of debate. In taking this position, the individual taking on the devil's advocate role seeks to engage others in an argumentative discussion process.

It's still wrong. Thanks for playing.
Its ironic the way some of you guys jump on anybody that does'nt share the exact same opinion you have, the same way the Antis can't accept the fact we like our guns and want the freedom to enjoy shooting.

Nothing ironic about it. My opinion doesn't take things away from the anti's. Their opinion takes things away from me.

Leave me the eff alone.
Now comes the name calling from the keyboard cage fighters. I never said anything about "if it saves just one child". I simply laid out an alternate scenario and pointed out that people shouldn't be judging others unless they have been in their shoes.

You did more than that.

You're telling me that if it was your business, your livelihood and you had suspicions of something funny going on you wouldn't say anything?

If this doesn't say that any business owner shouldn't have done the same thing, then what does it say? Putting a "devil's advocate" tag on it is just giving yourself cover in case you have to defend it.
This is an on-going investigation, no further information can be disclosed on our part. I was the one who told Mike Jr. to notify the authorities of said person after it was reported to me of the inappropriate behavior. At that time, I didn't know anything of his ethnic background or his name nor did it matter. There are a lot of people out there who have the right to own a firearm legally. However, I don't want to be the bartender who gave out that last drink to a customer who killed a person or persons while intoxicated. For what its worth, I just might have saved your life. Mike Sr.
This is an on-going investigation, no further information can be disclosed on our part. I was the one who told Mike Jr. to notify the authorities of said person after it was reported to me of the inappropriate behavior. At that time, I didn't know anything of his ethnic background or his name nor did it matter. There are a lot of people out there who have the right to own a firearm legally. However, I don't want to be the bartender who gave out that last drink to a customer who killed a person or persons while intoxicated. For what its worth, I just might have saved your life. Mike Sr.

Thank you Obama. Because you saved just 1 life, that makes it ok.

Thank you so much for supporting the 2nd Amendment.
This is an on-going investigation, no further information can be disclosed on our part. I was the one who told Mike Jr. to notify the authorities of said person after it was reported to me of the inappropriate behavior. At that time, I didn't know anything of his ethnic background or his name nor did it matter. There are a lot of people out there who have the right to own a firearm legally. However, I don't want to be the bartender who gave out that last drink to a customer who killed a person or persons while intoxicated. For what its worth, I just might have saved your life. Mike Sr.

Just. Stop. Posting.

Good God man, it's like watching a train wreck.
This is an on-going investigation, no further information can be disclosed on our part. I was the one who told Mike Jr. to notify the authorities of said person after it was reported to me of the inappropriate behavior. At that time, I didn't know anything of his ethnic background or his name nor did it matter. There are a lot of people out there who have the right to own a firearm legally. However, I don't want to be the bartender who gave out that last drink to a customer who killed a person or persons while intoxicated. For what its worth, I just might have saved your life. Mike Sr.

Reason number 8467322 to never spend a dime at North Shore Firearms.
This is how a police state works. Everyone lives in fear. The pressure of that fear results in submission to authority, even preemptively. The authority trumpets their success, always focusing on the "crimes" they "prevented" -- generally because the reality is no crime and no victim. Finger pointing ensues. All learn a valuable lesson: In a police state you have friends and enemies. Your friends are few and you know them intimately. Everyone else is the potential enemy. People turn inward. They live with distrust and fear of others. The state's power grows. In the end, a nation of free men morphs into a population of serfs, heads down, submissive, and alive only in the most irrelevant technical sense of the word.

Requoting this because in the fervor to point fingers and blame, the message above is getting lost. This entire situation stems from the "police power" the state enjoys.
This is how a police state works. Everyone lives in fear. The pressure of that fear results in submission to authority, even preemptively. The authority trumpets their success, always focusing on the "crimes" they "prevented" -- generally because the reality is no crime and no victim. Finger pointing ensues. All learn a valuable lesson: In a police state you have friends and enemies. Your friends are few and you know them intimately. Everyone else is the potential enemy. People turn inward. They live with distrust and fear of others. The state's power grows. In the end, a nation of free men morphs into a population of serfs, heads down, submissive, and alive only in the most irrelevant technical sense of the word.

The consultation with any of the federal agencies probably amounted to a phone call to an
800 number. It's just a good thing they got it done before the federal agents were put on unpaid leave due to the government shutdown.
They are going to pick us off one at a time. They will sneak in and pinch my guns and I will have to drive all the way to brockton to get another. Hide a few of your guns just in case. We're so screwed!!!
Wow. So in addition to not having a freaking clue what this kid did wrong other than being brown and ignorant on some oh so clear gun laws, then asking his trusted LGS for some answers, here is what I don't understand:

If there is so much more still under investigation here, why the **** was MPD bragging about it on their FB page?

Perhaps economist nailed it.
This is how a police state works. Everyone lives in fear. The pressure of that fear results in submission to authority, even preemptively. The authority trumpets their success, always focusing on the "crimes" they "prevented" -- generally because the reality is no crime and no victim. Finger pointing ensues. All learn a valuable lesson: In a police state you have friends and enemies. Your friends are few and you know them intimately. Everyone else is the potential enemy. People turn inward. They live with distrust and fear of others. The state's power grows. In the end, a nation of free men morphs into a population of serfs, heads down, submissive, and alive only in the most irrelevant technical sense of the word.

there is no trusting anyone, not even your wife. How many righteous comrades have been ratted out to Gulag by their wives, children, in-laws? Also, friend's wise, secret police has a special button for your every friend.
there is no trusting anyone, not even your wife. How many righteous comrades have been ratted out to Gulag by their wives, children, in-laws? Also, friend's wise, secret police has a special button for your every friend.

And when somebody you trusted is brought into the interrogation room and given the choice to rat you out or have his family suffer, guess who is he going to protect?

Yes, allowing the government to arrest US citizens willy-nilly under the guise of fighting terrorism will work out great for all of us. And you can bet that fighting terrorism is the angle that the FBI and DHS were working in this cluster**ck of a case...
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