Micro trigger block?

Anyone have any thoughts or experience with these for pocket carry of a j frame?

is this shit for a carry gun?! you are supposed to be messing up with pushing out that shit at the split seconds of the assault as you pull your gun out? omfg.
to what end or benefit?

Unless someone has done some sort of a magic trigger job on it, even with Wolf springs it is going to be close to a 10 pound trigger pull force to get it to fire from the rest position. I am only versed in S&W J and K frame revolvers, and I have never owned one with a magic trigger in SA.

I'd carry on an empty chamber before I used something like that.
Very, very bad idea
Playing with finger inside trigger guard on a loaded gun

Very very very bad idea
Playing with finger inside the trigger guard on a loaded gun under a stressful, adrenaline fueled situation

As suggested above, a pocket holster, save yourself from a trip to the ER, or worse

There’s a reason guns have trigger guards
As suggested above, a pocket holster, save yourself from a trip to the ER, or worse
and just get a gun with an external safety, like that p365 with safety. it is fine and standard method to operate a loaded gun with one in the chamber if a glock like type of an in-trigger safety makes you uneasy. and it is ok to feel uneasy if that is how you feel. i feel the same when my kid was by my side, as even a 0.000001% chance for shit to go wrong it too much when gun is on your hip and your kid is walking by your hip. and to add to that - in 4 years of me having glock gen3 in my armpit holster, loaded - nothing went wrong, ever.
rack the slide, engage the safety, drop it into a holster - and feel safe.
I can see the downside. I have a sticky pocket holster then I saw this thing when I was looking for a trigger blocking kydex mini holster.
I think we should mandate these for all .gov agents!
no, those will have to have a 2 way factor authentication procedure and a special electromagnetic safety on the firing pin.
and, hopefully, that 2 way factor authentication will be glitchy enough for them to be forced to call some call center in mumbai in order to unlock it.
Interesting concept that would require a lot of practice and goes against the ingrained draw that you've practiced and perfected over the years, leading to some safety concerns in a stressful situation. Think forgetting to click of the safety on a 1911 times 10.
Very, very bad idea
Playing with finger inside trigger guard on a loaded gun

Very very very bad idea
Playing with finger inside the trigger guard on a loaded gun under a stressful, adrenaline fueled situation

As suggested above, a pocket holster, save yourself from a trip to the ER, or worse

There’s a reason guns have trigger guards

It undermines training to keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you have decided it is time to shoot. This could lead to mistakes similar to pulling a Glock thinking it was a taser.

A decent pocket holster allows draw with a proper grip on the gun and the finger resting alongside the gun out of the trigger guard but ready to shoot.
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Looks just like the Saf-T-Blok for Glocks. I understand the feeling of using one on a Glock, if you don't have a hard holster. It didn't take much practice to use one. However, on a DA revolver I wouldn't feel the need.
and just get a gun with an external safety, like that p365 with safety. it is fine and standard method to operate a loaded gun with one in the chamber if a glock like type of an in-trigger safety makes you uneasy. and it is ok to feel uneasy if that is how you feel. i feel the same when my kid was by my side, as even a 0.000001% chance for shit to go wrong it too much when gun is on your hip and your kid is walking by your hip. and to add to that - in 4 years of me having glock gen3 in my armpit holster, loaded - nothing went wrong, ever.
rack the slide, engage the safety, drop it into a holster - and feel safe.
Why do you think that safety makes it any safer?
The only legitimate trigger safety...


"Don't put your booger-hook on the bang-switch unless you want to kill something in front of you." comes to mind...
If I was selling that I would hope my attorney did a really good job at setting up an unpierceable corporate veil.
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The Company is Garrison Grip, LLC and they sell a whole lot of other useless shit too.

Check out the CCW leather Concealed Carry Vest. Genuine Buffalo Leather. MSRP $139.95, was $84.95, now $39.95

no, those will have to have a 2 way factor authentication procedure and a special electromagnetic safety on the firing pin.
and, hopefully, that 2 way factor authentication will be glitchy enough for them to be forced to call some call center in mumbai in order to unlock it.
Yeah, dude, just straight up F you, the horse you rode in, your toilet, your keys, let me think about a few more things in the meantime. Wouldn't surprise me if it's in the works and works as well as you state.
Yeah, dude, just straight up F you, the horse you rode in, your toilet, your keys, let me think about a few more things in the meantime. Wouldn't surprise me if it's in the works and works as well as you state.

Easy there, tiger.
==> Now, now. He's only talking about this for those in positions of AUTH-ORRR-IiiTTAAYY, since they are the only ones highly trained enough to carry these dangerous items everywhere. [devil][rofl][rofl][rofl]
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