I enlisted directly into the Army Reserve, and I don't regret it one bit. Of all the prior service people I know who were active duty first and then Reserve or Guard, they all said the same as whats been said here- go active first.
I feel like I'm going out on a limb here, since it seems I'm the only one who feels this way, but I disagree. Having been deployed 3 times to Iraq, and a short tour to Korea, I can honestly say that the USAR and ARNG soldiers have a lot more "real world" experience than any of the AC soldiers I've ever worked with. I attribute this to the fact that USAR/ARNG soldiers have multiple skill sets to pull from, not just one. In the Reserve, not only are you your MOS, you're also whatever you are in your civilian job, or any past jobs you've held, or whatever you might be going to school for. I've always run into problems getting things done when working with AC units. Instead of just doing whatever it is that needs doing, there always seems to be some roadblock for it. No policy memo, no "training", no NCOIC, no something. And then they all look at each other and can't seem to figure out what to do next. USAR/ARNG just go ahead and do it. Being on the side of the road at 2am in an unfriendly village with a destroyed axle isn't cool. Being in that situation and having the AC guys trying to figure out where the closest support company was, since they couldn't figure out what to do is even worse. The 3 USAR guys (2 92S and a 92A) decided that instead of standing around scratching their heads, they would go ahead and remove the axle and do a towbar recovery to get the hell out of there (two of the USAR guys were also mechanics at home, and the other was a truck driver). I could give you tons of stories like this, since most of my time was spent away from my company, attached to different units. Or when there was a lack of supplies, it always seemed to be the AC guys calling HQ for support and waitng for days/weeks instead of knocking on their neighbors door to find out if they had any sugar and getting it right then.
Don't get me wrong. In garrison, AC rules. A lot of USAR/ARNG soldiers can't pass a PT test, or render a proper salute when its necessary. Our uniforms might be dirty and wrinkly, and we'll probably show up late to formation after a long night of drinking, but in the field where experience counts, I would rather be with a USAR/ARNG unit than AC.
This wasn't meant to start a flame war, just to provide a different point of view that rarely gets brought up. We're all supposed to be in this together
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