More Strict Gun Storage Laws Soon to be Finalized in RI

“Nationwide, firearms are the number one killer of children,” Lauria said. “No one can call themselves a responsible gun owner if they are leaving a gun where someone else can use it.”

This is a misleading statement, because many gang bangers killing each other count as "children," which has nothing to do with storage laws.
“Nationwide, firearms are the number one killer of children,” Lauria said. “No one can call themselves a responsible gun owner if they are leaving a gun where someone else can use it.”

This is a misleading statement, because many gang bangers killing each other count as "children," which has nothing to do with storage laws.

“Nationwide, firearms are the number one killer of children,” Lauria said. “No one can call themselves a responsible gun owner if they are leaving a gun where someone else can use it.”

This is a misleading statement, because many gang bangers killing each other count as "children," which has nothing to do with storage laws.

Number 1 cause of preventable death in children is medical malpractice.
I just looked it up. The standard is equally nebulous - and ripe for abuse by the government - as the “under the user’s direct control” standard used in Massachusetts. The new RI standard reads as follows: “For purposes of this section, such firearm shall not be deemed stored or left if the firearm is being carried by or is within such proximity to its owner or other lawfully authorized user that the firearm can be readily retrieved and used as if carried on said person.”

“Within such proximity”. That’s all the definition you get.
I just looked it up. The standard is equally nebulous - and ripe for abuse by the government - as the “under the user’s direct control” standard used in Massachusetts. The new RI standard reads as follows: “For purposes of this section, such firearm shall not be deemed stored or left if the firearm is being carried by or is within such proximity to its owner or other lawfully authorized user that the firearm can be readily retrieved and used as if carried on said person.”

“Within such proximity”. That’s all the definition you get.
Written by anti-2A lawyers for leftist DimocRAT politicians with just enough wordiness and wiggle room to make sure it is open to any interpretation desired by any prosecutor or judge that reads it. 🤪
So as long as I can get to it before anyone else means "under my control". Just another dumbass useless law passed by a bunch of dumbass useless politicians. All came about because some dumb shit let teenagers hang out in his house when he wasn't there and some teenager found 1 of the idiots guns and shot his buddy. Who let's kids hang out in their house that aren't their own?! And now the rest of us pay for it
What was the law and punishment before if someone had an unsecured gun and a guest (presumably a kid) got possession of it and fired off a round and hurt/killed someone? It's not like the punishment is going to stop irresponsibility, it's being done to reduce the ability of people to defend themselves and add to the cost for someone to legally possess a firearm.

I expect most people to ignore this like every other gun law Donk states pass.
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