Mosin nagant question

If you think about it this being a fix for sticking bolt is a pretty solid idea. More leverage up front where the bolt is binding be it lugs, shell, whatever.
it appears that doesn't agree. Then again, they've never met "Boris" or fabricated AK parts from molten metal with him, either.

I'm guessing they're the type of crowd that don't know how email works.
it appears that doesn't agree. Then again, they've never met "Boris" or fabricated AK parts from molten metal with him, either.

I'm guessing they're the type of crowd that don't know how email works.

It is amazing how people jump to conclusions without knowing the circumstances or people involved. Narrow thoughts for narrow minds. People once thought the earth was flat.
It is amazing how people jump to conclusions without knowing the circumstances or people involved. Narrow thoughts for narrow minds. People once thought the earth was flat.

or the type that have to have regimental organization in their lives in order to justify their existence.

People who heavily invest in objects based on what they deem fact are hardly swayed by new ideas or theory- if it breaks the mold it shatters the concepts which fueled their investments.

If you stop and think for one moment that a nation at war could possibly be ingenuitive, and possibly make prototyped improvements, then it makes a little more sense.

If it's hard to grasp that this could have been a small "one off" batch because you, as a critic, was not in the plant when it was built and don't have verifiable proof, then it should be even harder to grasp the concept that the knowledge of "what has been built" in what they deemed as "legitimate fashion" is actually sound knowledge, reliable, and factual.

Then again, that is what is claiming to be. Perhaps they should look introspectively and realize that knowledge comes from discussion. And that in order to better their database, that they should be actually open to new theory.

Being that their head administrator blasts theory before engaging in conversation, I will be writing off their web directory as a small group's bad opinion. Which is too bad, because I like to post on forums a lot.
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How that moderator could simply say in short "no way" without emailing Boris, who happened to be from that part of the world is just as short sighted as some folks on this forum can be at times.

I also like the part that he didn't have time to read all of the posts and he can make such a statement makes me say, his opinion stinks .
10 to 1 he is on the phone with R.T now trying to buy one. Then his next post would be filled with facts. I also like the statement that he feels that the rifles with Russian import papers which state they are scoped hunting rifles.....he must think they were built in a city called Russia in the U.S.
Oh well, I still think its unique and was not a fluke.
Thanks for speaking up. Boris did a lot of research and spent many hours trying to find information for mosin collectors that "didn"t exist" prior to his unselfish work.
Oh, I can't believe I missed the party ...



not, not other forums or sites on Mosin rifles, you know which I'm talking about., at this moment in time, owns 100% of that content in English and any English speaking user will need to go here to see something they can not find on any other forums in English.

How many times did Terence W Lapin wrote about diopter sights on a Mosin??? - 0, zero, ноль!

Now judge for yourself, if Mr. Lapin, who wrote the first and by far the most popular/ complete book on Mosin rifles in English (which is an accomplishment, no doubt about that), and yet he is in complete dark about a rare variant (30's Dinamo-Border Patrol rifle which existence is 100% confirmed) what chance do his fanboys have knowing about it or better yet, knowing about something that's even more rare?

I'm not saying that his fanboys or many serious collectors suck, but like most scientists you got to admit that you don't know everything.


There is a huge difference between being a collector and a researcher/expert. It goes without saying that many collectors who specialize in particular firearm are big experts and know far more than a mere mortal could hope for, just accumulating information, inspecting rifles in their collection, tool marks, chatting to other collectors etc. I'm in no shape or form pissing on their knowledge and expertise, which measures in decades of time, hundreds of rifles etc.

Real experts are researchers who spend their weekends sifting through dusty records of State Military Archives. They may not even collect real rifles, but they know more about day to day activities of a Red Army soldier than anyone. A 7yo Russian kid, armed with tons of free time could discover a more interesting tid-bit in a couple days of research than most non-speakers can hope to come across in their lifetime.

Collectors collect available information. Researchers make it available. Breadth vs. Depth.


Izhevsk is closer to VP than Michigan.

Ring Ring ..

Hey, what's up comrade, are we on for vodka with vodka, tonight?
Yeah, hey how about this weird rifle this one dude is asking about?
Oh, that, yeah, I remember one of those ...
Ok, so I'll see you at 3, bring some salted fish.

It would be retarded to start research on Colt revolvers in Moscow or go to Sushi school in France, just saying. It's not difficult, but knowing language and culture helps a ton. Ask any American "expert" on what socks did the comrades wear in WWII?

This is the reason that I got more information from Juergen on MG42 in a couple of weeks than from local sources in months. You got to go to the source.

4. This rifle came with a party of rifles, straight from warehouse in Russia where is was stored once it was decomed from service. Where is the opportunity of it being bubbatized? If these a**h***s say that, may be they can enlighten me? It did not came from private hands (which are very few over there) Brian has that paperwork. Are they are saying that this is "trench art"??? It's a factory job plain and simple. How many of these bolts "from Russian bubba" may be found here?

At this point, anyone on those boards who makes a claim that "it was Russian bubba" is an idiot, plain and simple and never cared to read all the posts here. Just like many posters who never read the first original post but jump in to add their "opinion"

I was lucky to be at the right time, at the right place and being a native speaker find some cool info. That's where my credit ends, a few days worth of work. A lot of my information is plain regurgitation of info from Russian boards where some comrades are truly awesome in their knowledge ... and once in a while, they may share it with the rest of us. ... just like there a bunch of German MG42 gods etc.
Dear Boris,
I wish I could drink vodka with you learn dirty Russian words and you show me how to build a ppsh for my self.

You have the upper hand since you can read all that paper work..

Posted from my iPhone10g
Remington 1911r1
Walther p38 made early 45
Remington sportsman58 12g
Early type 99.
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ohhh, just found that post from "7.62x54r Administrator" ... thanks Flintoid ... let the new a**h*** tearing begin ...

Ironically I would have been more inclined to believe this was a legitimate modification without the cock and bull story.

So are you calling me a liar, mother****er? Is that ****ing right? Your senile turd floating between your ears thinks I make funny story, no? I am calling you on this, you piece of Obama's bowel movement. May be you come here and read the email communication that I already printed out complete with headers and explain to me how I went back in time and re arrange electrons to make this shit up?

I don't have time to read through all the threads on other forums so admittedly I haven't.

well, may be you should take time before opening that a**h*** on your face and evacuating this verbal diarrhea.

I know people with some relatively close connections to people in the arms industry in Russia that aren't able to get that kind of detailed information.

do those people look like this:


did they promised you free AKs while they raped your a**h***, you cheap ****ing whore???

For the most part the records simply don't exist.

no shit? that's ****ing incredible! There are plenty of records left from Stalingrad getting issued a ****ing canteen but one major Constructors Bureau located well away from the front lines has no chance of retaining any records??? Do you want to buy a bridge?

This is the problem when collectors start monetizing. It starts as a hobby, but now they don't do it for the love of the game, they are looking for money. Instead of doing more research, they do more business planning. Everywhere you look, there are ****ing "bestest premier site on shit rifles" and "the most ****ing world renouned experts on turd grenades" ... all of them want to sell you books or membership or get invited on that shitty History channel. That's what they do best: they are ****ing actors, not collectors. They are good at peddling their resumes and accolades and touting their horn. That's basically it, it's a ****ing Jersey Shore.

... and more to that more recent rant of mine, check out VP of IMA: he is a ****ing actor, a real ****ing actor who appeared in movies and theater and shit. That makes perfect sense! That guy knows more about make up .... I am being dead serious here .... than running a firearms/collectors business. This is the world we are living in.
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it appears that doesn't agree. Then again, they've never met "Boris" or fabricated AK parts from molten metal with him, either.

I'm guessing they're the type of crowd that don't know how email works.

Ha, looks like NES wins again. We are very lucky to have such knowledgeable members on here pertaining to specific guns. When I have a Glock issue, which is rare, I go to Mike (drgrant). He has the brain the size of a watermelon, not the kind I would want to shoot either.
Boris, just to show you how much faith I had in your research, I purchased one of those rifles. I have been collecting for over 30 years, I have seen some pretty odd stuff but it never had research to back it.
I sent Vic an email on Gunboards with pictures of my bolt. No answer yet.

I read your information, found it extremely interesting and called RT the next day. They have only come across three so far. Two of them are owned by NES members.

Thank you for all your hard work, it allowed me to own a unique and rare rifle....
Boris, just to show you how much faith I had in your research, I purchased one of those rifles. I have been collecting for over 30 years, I have seen some pretty odd stuff but it never had research to back it.
I sent Vic an email on Gunboards with pictures of my bolt. No answer yet.

I read your information, found it extremely interesting and called RT the next day. They have only come across three so far. Two of them are owned by NES members.

Thank you for all your hard work, it allowed me to own a unique and rare rifle....

That's great news!!! Congratulations! It would be great to compare serials, years on the rifles and scopes, bolt-work to see if there is a pattern.

Outstanding work snagging another one!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Boris again.


and awesome score, fred! three of the rifles known to exist and we have two of them right here in our happy little COMPLETELY HETERO milsurp family.

someone hug me. you guys are perfect examples of how to do shit RIGHT.
Damn, this thread rocks! I have to go back and spread a little REP love

Interesting tht the 7.62x54r forum/message board is a invite members only board. I realize some of you guys are members there so take this in context, but that screams to me like a " LOOK HOW MUCH RARE STUFF I HAVE AND YOU WILL NEVER OWN" kind of place. The fact that you presented something all the "experts" didnt know about or have really must piss them off.

While I understand not taking everything anyone posts on the web as "fact" 1. Boris did his homework and has more than a little bit of info to back it up 2. The fact that previous PEM snipers have been photographed with a similar idea states that its at least a possibility worth investigating even if you DONT believe Boris. 3. Narrow minded a**h***s will almost always be narrow minded a**h***s
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I just opened this thread for the first time and read it from first post to last.

Holy Crap. It's epic. Boris you did some serious legwork brother. Damn.

I love this friggin' forum.

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