Music at the range: yay or nay?

Music at the range?

  • Yay: gonna rock out with my glock out!

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • Nay: no distractions. this is serious shootin' business here!

    Votes: 94 89.5%

  • Total voters
They are old people,, they don't know about bluetooth !

This 100%. We got my octogenarian father who lives with us part time a set of AirPod Pro 2 earbuds last summer. All the TV’s are streamed through Apple TV boxes, so it’s a very simple and automatic connection. The only time I could get him to use the AirPods was when I was taking on online zoom class, the rest of the time it’s 80-100% volume on the TV echoing through the entire house. He’s also speakerphone only on any call, anywhere. I tired to explain that those same AirPods would work for calls and allow him to hear better, but he won’t even try. He also won’t consider hearing aids even though the VA would pay for them, nor will he try using the AirPods as hearing aids. f***ing old people…
Not something I would do, but it wouldn't bother me. What I do hate, though, is when people play music through speakers while hiking. On one hike, some hippies set up halfway up the trail with guitars and did a sing-along. It took everything in me not to lose it, but I guess that’s just a me problem.
So I'm at the indoor range today and this older husband/wife couple pops in sets up their stuff (the "oshkosh jeans with white reboks" kind). I'm shooting and in between shots I'm hearing "carry on my wayward son, don't you cry no moooorrrre" and I'm like WTF? I peek over and they have a freggin bluetooth speaker on the table! [rofl] It took me a few seconds to process this. They have their earmuffs on!

It just never occurred to me to have music while shooting, especially since my ears are blocked. In my car, music is mandatory, but while I'm shooting I never thought of "yeah yeah! we're rocking! blam blam!". I don't freggin know anymore.


a cultural thing.

just came back from spain, italians are the worst of it, really - but it for sure spreads.
there is a certain habit among less cultural species to put their smartphones on the max volume and play music or tictoc shit on a subway, or in the train while others try to sleep, or pretty much everywhere.

those who play anything loud in public spaces publicly disregard all the others. your freedom ends where my freedom begins, b$tch.
Not something I would do, but it wouldn't bother me. What I do hate, though, is when people play music through speakers while hiking. On one hike, some hippies set up halfway up the trail with guitars and did a sing-along. It took everything in me not to lose it, but I guess that’s just a me problem.

Only thing I could think of;

NO, NOPE, NO WAY. I like music, but I want to listen to it when I want to, on my own terms.

I am so glad I have my own range and don't have to deal with inconsiderate idiots like this.
Call me old fashioned but No. I prefer to concentrate fully on the firearm, the target and safety for me and anyone else who is nearby.
Hard no. I put this at the same level as people who hike with speakers. Someone else mentioned motorcycles too. Totally rude and selfish.
This type of behavior is why I have a Mosin Nagant carbine. Idiots that annoy me get a full 20 rds of this shorty. Anyone who hasn't heard one can't appreciate the blast or the flame that comes out. The original range toy!
Of course you need to train with music…you have to be able to focus and concentrate on the task at hand…blocking out the strobes and sounds

I've packed a bluetooth speaker for the range. I got it with my ammo+ membership. Anyone who is at the range is welcome to use it, add a few songs to the current playlist, or turn it off. It's their range too as their are members.
Down at Reading at their new (and awesome!) Indoor airgun range, there was music playing during the recent JROTC Qualifier.
It's very common during Airgun competitions.
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