my chinese "knockoffs" are here!

Ordered 4 for Christmas. One is a backup in case something turns out to be junk. The knockoff Benchmade Infidel came in yesterday and feels like the knives you used to get in Mexico way beck when. Cheap feel, slow action and wobbly blade.

Looks like I found my gift for the church Yankee swap. Lol
Finally got my last 3 knives in. 2 "AKC" stilettos and one "Benchmade" mini Osborne. I'm happy to say my faith and trust in NES recommendations has been restored.

The Benchmade knockoff was for my daughter, who told me that she didn't want an automatic knife for Christmas, since she finds it hard to activate the button, but can flick a folder open just as fast. (shameless brag on my little girl who knows what she wants in a knife and prefers function over cool factor) The pink handle is more purplish, but still girly enough that she'll like it. I actually have a real Benchmade to compare it to and it doesn't feel as solid as mine. It could be that the plastic (G10?) handles on the new one are so much lighter than the metal handles on mine, though. It snaps open fairly well, locks in place solidly and came absolutely razor sharp.

The two stilettos are both very solid, very sharp and open with fast and have a rock solid lockup. Very sharp blades. One has a bit stiffer bolster to unlock than the other, but it will probably loosen up in time, I'll probably keep that one and give the "good" one to my son. Both of these knives seem very well made.

Even with the bum Infidel, I'd say I got a pretty good deal at $40 for 3 decent knives and a crappy Christmas gift.
Finally got my last 3 knives in. 2 "AKC" stilettos and one "Benchmade" mini Osborne. I'm happy to say my faith and trust in NES recommendations has been restored.

The Benchmade knockoff was for my daughter, who told me that she didn't want an automatic knife for Christmas, since she finds it hard to activate the button, but can flick a folder open just as fast. (shameless brag on my little girl who knows what she wants in a knife and prefers function over cool factor) The pink handle is more purplish, but still girly enough that she'll like it. I actually have a real Benchmade to compare it to and it doesn't feel as solid as mine. It could be that the plastic (G10?) handles on the new one are so much lighter than the metal handles on mine, though. It snaps open fairly well, locks in place solidly and came absolutely razor sharp.

The two stilettos are both very solid, very sharp and open with fast and have a rock solid lockup. Very sharp blades. One has a bit stiffer bolster to unlock than the other, but it will probably loosen up in time, I'll probably keep that one and give the "good" one to my son. Both of these knives seem very well made.

Even with the bum Infidel, I'd say I got a pretty good deal at $40 for 3 decent knives and a crappy Christmas gift.
do you have links for those knives?

Ordered a 3.5" blade Microtech OTF knock off, will be a couple weeks before it delivers.

LOL some of the reviews for these various knives are hilarious.


No shit Sherlock. [laugh]
Delivered today-


Actually well made. Razor sharp, authoritative OTF action, no play or looseness, cosmetics are perfect. Phone cam didn't pick up the handle color correctly- it is actually brown. Thumbs up.
My Chinese knockoffs and a S&W

Microtech, S&W, 2 Benchmades and 2 Shirogorovs View attachment 828244
How is the blade lockup on that HALO?

Been debating on getting one, but they arent cheap, I think they were around $80 for a HALO 5. Also read they were almost indistinguishable from the real ones.

Spent enough on real MT's, I deserve a break :)
How is the blade lockup on that HALO?

Been debating on getting one, but they arent cheap, I think they were around $80 for a HALO 5. Also read they were almost indistinguishable from the real ones.

Spent enough on real MT's, I deserve a break :)
It’s solid. I often show this one off. I doubt anyone would know I didn’t tell them. Also, I should have added a ruler. Thats a big knife.
It’s solid. I often show this one off. I doubt anyone would know I didn’t tell them. Also, I should have added a ruler. Thats a big knife.

Ya, I like the older HALO's, I had a prototype 5 and sold it because they are just way too big. The original HALO, 2, 3 and 4 were great sizes. 5 and 6 were just ridiculous.

Wish I would have kept some HALO's, I had a couple 2, 3 and one 5, sold them all during my great auto knife selloff I conducted some years ago :)

I really just want a 3 tactical now, maybe get a 4 as well.
I am interested in knives, and I have been following this thread. But I kind of don't get it.

These knives are much less attractive to me because they are knock-offs. When I hear about the decent quality and overall value per dollar of some of these knives, I think that I might want one if it was not a fake Microtech clone. For example, if they copied MIcrotech's designs, which are great, and put clear markings of their own brands on the knives, then I might buy one. That would still be a copied design, but in a strange way, it would be honestly done.

I would be happy to have a knife that had a great design, and decent quality for about $50. But the fake Microtech markings really turn me off. And the more the clones are hard to tell from the real thing, the less I like them.

I don't mean any shade on people who enjoy owning these, but they're not for me. And I think it is unfortunate that these companies, who appear to make products at a pretty good value, can't find a bigger market under their own brands.
How is the blade lockup on that HALO?

Been debating on getting one, but they arent cheap, I think they were around $80 for a HALO 5. Also read they were almost indistinguishable from the real ones.

Spent enough on real MT's, I deserve a break :)
After seeing the quality of the 3.5" I ordered a 'LAHO' 6. I'll post what I think once it comes in.
I am interested in knives, and I have been following this thread. But I kind of don't get it.

These knives are much less attractive to me because they are knock-offs. When I hear about the decent quality and overall value per dollar of some of these knives, I think that I might want one if it was not a fake Microtech clone. For example, if they copied MIcrotech's designs, which are great, and put clear markings of their own brands on the knives, then I might buy one. That would still be a copied design, but in a strange way, it would be honestly done.

I would be happy to have a knife that had a great design, and decent quality for about $50. But the fake Microtech markings really turn me off. And the more the clones are hard to tell from the real thing, the less I like them.

I don't mean any shade on people who enjoy owning these, but they're not for me. And I think it is unfortunate that these companies, who appear to make products at a pretty good value, can't find a bigger market under their own brands.
I get that- I think I'd be good with same design but non-branded. Given the low cost of the clones, you could always refinish to remove the branding and would still be $100's ahead. Glass bead blast would probably do the trick then you could re-anodize the handles if you like.

For me it was more about curiosity over how they work and feel in the general sense and to have a handy OTF that doesn't kill the bank. The design is a bit different than other OTF's so I didn't want to spend $$$ on something I might not like. Additionally, try finding a HALO. Microtech apparently doesn't offer them currently and anywhere else will cost you ~$700 delivered if it's even in stock (and almost always is not). I'm not that big of a knife guy so no way in hell am I going to spend $700 on one.

Lastly, from what I am reading on blade forums, Microtech has at least made a significant if not nearly 100% move to outsourcing their manufacturing from China. It is hubris and/or stupidity to outsource ANYTHING to China without expecting copies to pop up on the market very, very quickly. Microtech always made a big deal out of made in USA, so that move seems odd and a bit greedy when the cost savings from Chinese production doesn't seem to have been passed down to customers. I think the blade blanks may be made from US or European material, but I bet all the finishing has gone to China.
yep, came in yesterday. i got two knives, i'll show this one first. it's a 10" akc swing guard auto opening stiletto. the knife is huge. i've photographed both knives, the italian one and the new chinese along with my spyderco delica in the pic for scale. before we get to the photo, let me say both knives are identical. in every way. (in the photo, the bottom looks smaller. just an illusion from how i was standing over them) weight, length, blade thickness, scale thickness, bolsters, the same. i cannot tell the difference. well you couldn't, i can...from one very small detail. the italian made knife is marked on the blade "AKC World" and the chinese knife is marked "AKC Italy". huh? i was told by a pretty famous knife designer that if it says world instead of the country of origin, it's a fake. i actually sent an akc knife back, really the same knife, cause it said world.

so the one marked "world" that is sold in the u.s. by almost every knife seller, sells for between $90 and $119. depends on their mood. the chinese knife, well i bought this off wish for 11 bucks. the price fluctuates it seems on wish. the first time you look at it it's at the lowest price. this morning when i looked it was $8.50. everytime you go back to it, i've found the price increases by a couple of dollars.

i cannot find one iota of difference between the two besides the markings. both are exactly the same quality and the spec sheets from both the chinese vendor and the american vendor are also the same. i'm thinking these u.s. vendors are bringing the knives in from china. not much else i can say about them. or at least their distributors are. here are the knives.

eta...the bottom is the chinese knife

View attachment 783147
Taking fresh look at this. I think I like the Chinese AKC as much or more than the original Italian.

I have an old Latama with some sort of black horn scales. My uncle gave it to me when I was in my teens and I think it was pretty old back then.
I’m a bit behind in this thread.

My Wish HALO 5 has been great. Solid lockup and a nice toy.

After getting it I’m kinda glad I did not spend $500-700 on a real one. It’s big and not allowed in MA. But it’s a fun toy to play with on a work call.

I have real OTF Microtechs and was an authorized MT dealer for a while.
The big question on the fake knives is do you believe the steel they say the blade is made from? Can anyone make a m390 blade and the rest of the knife and still make money?
The big question on the fake knives is do you believe the steel they say the blade is made from? Can anyone make a m390 blade and the rest of the knife and still make money?

Absolutely not.

No clue the actual steel. I’m sure it’s cheap and soft.
The big question on the fake knives is do you believe the steel they say the blade is made from? Can anyone make a m390 blade and the rest of the knife and still make money?
If the branding marks are fake, then all of the markings are fake. I take this as a given.

As I commented above, I don't mind the design copies, which are almost a form of flattery, but I really don't like the fake markings. And the blade steel is one of the reasons why.

I would much rather have a good looking knife with a Chinese brand name, and an honestly marked D2 blade, or even some low end stainless, then a knife where all the markings are intended to deceive.
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The big question on the fake knives is do you believe the steel they say the blade is made from? Can anyone make a m390 blade and the rest of the knife and still make money?
I'd be curious what chemistry I might get from a spectrometer etc at work. I recall seeing something about the knock-off steel being D2 or similar despite whatever was written on the blade.
The HALO knockoff has been in customs clearing since 1/11. The other one went through quickly, so I'm wondering if the HALO isn't going to make it.

If I get questioned by customs officials, nobody worry- I know how to handle such an interrogation-

The HALO knockoff has been in customs clearing since 1/11. The other one went through quickly, so I'm wondering if the HALO isn't going to make it.

If I get questioned by customs officials, nobody worry- I know how to handle such an interrogation-

No worries, I had one that took a while but eventually went through.
No worries, I had one that took a while but eventually went through.
Good to know. Might depend on port of entry or simply timing & how much crap has to clear in a given time. Chinese New Year is Feb 10th and they basically shut down for a couple weeks, so usually there is a surge of shipments just prior to the holiday.
Looking more like the HALO was grabbed by customs. Hasn't moved since arriving in the US. 4 more days and I get a refund. I may try another vendor as I think it would be handy to have a compact (when closed) large blade utility knife that opens with one hand. Partly an experiment to see how well it is built.

edit 1/31/24 - Tracking never passed beyond point of entry, so Wish gave me a refund. May try again later and just used the credit for a Benchmade knock off. IMHO Benchmade is ass-hoe so that's the main reason I wanted to try for one of their knock offs.

Kinda funny that after many years of touting MADE IN USA, MicroTech went to China for components which I am certain opened the flood gates for copies.


Damn, the Halo VI just delivered. Already received the refund but seller said to keep it if it ever shows up. Appears to be well made and functions smoothly, no wobble. I really like that the back of the blade is square with sharp corners. This will work perfect with a ferro rod to make sparks for fire starting. Nice and compact so it will go into my 'just in case' bag. Below is the exact one I received w/ the drop point blade. Not bad for 'free'.

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Here's the entire collection of knock-offs:


Top is the Benchmade custom damascus Bugout. Why? Because no AR15's were melted to make it, unlike real Benchmade knives. [rofl] It has a legit damascus multi-layer blade, is super sharp, and is holding the edge. Nice mechanism, seems identical to the real deal. Makes a nice pocket knife as it weighs nothing given the carbon fiber scales.

The UTX 85 knockoff I bought to check out OTF's for short money. Well made, super sharp. Not very practical for around the house w/ the double edge and a legal risk if carried in this commie state.

The Ultratech carbon fiber I bought because I thought the OTF function was super handy and I wanted a fun box cutter / utility knife for around the house. I don't think there's an actual model like this but MicroTech does have some custom options with these features. The blade is very thick and wasn't very sharp, but a few passes on the Ken Onion and it was razor sharp. I don't know what exactly is the alloy for it, but it's not super easy to sharpen and does a great job of holding the edge despite daily flogging.

I ended up with 2 Halo VI's because the first one was free due to a hold up in customs. Both have the same drop point blade. Razor sharp, nicely finished blades. Zero blade wobble for either one. Overall very nice QC for these. Would be interesting to compare against the real deal.

Another NES OP influences me to spend a little scratch, but LOL not very much for all of these. @greencobra - It's all your fault. [laugh]
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