My New Splitting Axe


NES Member
Jun 28, 2013
Behind the Iron Curtain - DPRM
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Just ordered this Fiskars Norden N12 Splitting Axe with 19" Hickory Handle. It weighs in at just under 3 lbs. and seems up to the task of splitting small to medium rounds & splits into more starter size wood for my wood stove fireplace insert. I've got a larger Fiskars X25 splitter that works great but I just needed something a bit smaller for this type of job. Should be seeing it in the next week or so and am looking forward to giving it try. I'm having carpel tunnel surgery on Tuesday and hope this might work well as a single handed splitting bit to get me through the next couple of weeks while I recover. Hope I'm posting this in the right forum - Mod's please move if otherwise.

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Love Fiskars... 😍

Have the X27, X25, X17 and X7.

The Norden looks nice...
I follow up with a bastard file here and there to keep the edge clean but I just work through about 3-4 cords a year. Could be a poor heat treat issue like you say if it’s a chronic problem. Might try writing them a letter to see what they say or do as I‘m sure they don’t want an unsatisfied customer? All my Fiskar products have been top notch for me.
I love Fiskars. I have a splitting maul and a hatchet. The hatchet holds a fantastic edge. That norden axe looks hot with that hickory handle.
I'm on about cord 20 for my x27 and it is still going strong.

Isocore 8lb maul not so much I am on my 3rd one as they keep breaking,
However Fiskars provides a lifetime guarantee and all is good

Maul always breaks at the same place


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