yep, came in yesterday. i got two knives, i'll show this one first. it's a 10" akc swing guard auto opening stiletto. the knife is huge. i've photographed both knives, the italian one and the new chinese along with my spyderco delica in the pic for scale. before we get to the photo, let me say both knives are identical. in every way. (in the photo, the bottom looks smaller. just an illusion from how i was standing over them) weight, length, blade thickness, scale thickness, bolsters, the same. i cannot tell the difference. well you couldn't, i can...from one very small detail. the italian made knife is marked on the blade "AKC World" and the chinese knife is marked "AKC Italy". huh? i was told by a pretty famous knife designer that if it says world instead of the country of origin, it's a fake. i actually sent an akc knife back, really the same knife, cause it said world.
so the one marked "world" that is sold in the u.s. by almost every knife seller, sells for between $90 and $119. depends on their mood. the chinese knife, well i bought this off wish for 11 bucks. the price fluctuates it seems on wish. the first time you look at it it's at the lowest price. this morning when i looked it was $8.50. everytime you go back to it, i've found the price increases by a couple of dollars.
i cannot find one iota of difference between the two besides the markings. both are exactly the same quality and the spec sheets from both the chinese vendor and the american vendor are also the same. i'm thinking these u.s. vendors are bringing the knives in from china. not much else i can say about them. or at least their distributors are. here are the knives.
eta...the bottom is the chinese kn
yep, came in yesterday. i got two knives, i'll show this one first. it's a 10" akc swing guard auto opening stiletto. the knife is huge. i've photographed both knives, the italian one and the new chinese along with my spyderco delica in the pic for scale. before we get to the photo, let me say both knives are identical. in every way. (in the photo, the bottom looks smaller. just an illusion from how i was standing over them) weight, length, blade thickness, scale thickness, bolsters, the same. i cannot tell the difference. well you couldn't, i can...from one very small detail. the italian made knife is marked on the blade "AKC World" and the chinese knife is marked "AKC Italy". huh? i was told by a pretty famous knife designer that if it says world instead of the country of origin, it's a fake. i actually sent an akc knife back, really the same knife, cause it said world.
so the one marked "world" that is sold in the u.s. by almost every knife seller, sells for between $90 and $119. depends on their mood. the chinese knife, well i bought this off wish for 11 bucks. the price fluctuates it seems on wish. the first time you look at it it's at the lowest price. this morning when i looked it was $8.50. everytime you go back to it, i've found the price increases by a couple of dollars.
i cannot find one iota of difference between the two besides the markings. both are exactly the same quality and the spec sheets from both the chinese vendor and the american vendor are also the same. i'm thinking these u.s. vendors are bringing the knives in from china. not much else i can say about them. or at least their distributors are. here are the knives.
eta...the bottom is the chinese knife
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Speaking of huge, hard to beat this Microtech HALO.