I should have warned you, hamfests actually are terrible for radios. The best stuff at hamfests was always the oddball parts, connectors, cables, etc, that you couldn't find anywhere else. Kind of like when you go to a gun show and you find nothing you like but you always stop and get a bag of jerky or a bunch of those weird cleaning items you've never seen anywhere else kind of thing.


I actually traded a handheld radio for a Ruger 22/45 MkII pistol a few years back which I still have...a friend of mine had it with him and really wanted the handheld I had on the table...done deal.

You are just never know.

I am planning on going this fall but probably only on Saturday...I'm running out of vacation days.
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I went with a friend this morning. I ran into another guy I know who told me about a Uniden 536HP scanner that was sold at a very low price. As with gun shows, the really good stuff goes before the doors are open.

There were a fair number of used commercial (Motorola and Kenwood) radios there. Suitable for conversion to amateur use, the problem being that you can buy new or used amateur radios for less and not have to worry about getting software.

We killed about 45 minutes and were done.

Oh, the smell was at gun show level, if not a bit more because of the close quarters.
Just Friday this year...

Just Friday this year...

Guaranteed it'll be a monsoon on that Friday and a gorgeous day on the following day. The rain-gods love Nearfest.
True. I went to most of them from the mid to late 1970s up until last spring. Deerfield, Rochester, Hopkington, and the one time they had it in Kingston. The last was the worst because the field was a sea of mud.

About 60% of the time rain was in the mix for some part of the day.

Guaranteed it'll be a monsoon on that Friday and a gorgeous day on the following day. The rain-gods love Nearfest.
True. I went to most of them from the mid to late 1970s up until last spring. Deerfield, Rochester, Hopkington, and the one time they had it in Kingston. The last was the worst because the field was a sea of mud.

About 60% of the time rain was in the mix for some part of the day.
Back in the 80's there was a ham radio flea at MHT in July before they built up the airport beyond a smallish regional was on the tarmac apron. We called it the "skillet" :cool:

I think we would've welcomed rain...LOL.
Tarmacs seem to be the hottest place on the planet when you're out there in the sun.

Back in the 80's there was a ham radio flea at MHT in July before they built up the airport beyond a smallish regional was on the tarmac apron. We called it the "skillet" :cool:

I think we would've welcomed rain...LOL.
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