Need some help with a 92 FS

Aug 10, 2005
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Here is the problem. I am a pretty good shot with a handgun but I own a Beretta 92FS that I can’t get to group well at all. I’ve owned it about a year, it is absolutely 100% reliable, over 1,000 rounds without a malfunction but I have not found any way to shoot it as accurately as I would like. I made a few changes hoping it would help. First I change the factory grips to Houges, no improvement, Recently I had a Beretta adjustable sight installed, no improvement. I thought perhaps it was “anticipation of recoil”, but I can get a 2 ½ group with my .44 Mag., S&W 629, 4 inch barrel, with little effort, rapid fire at fifty feet . A couple of friends have tried it, informally while plinking, and have done no better. Fired from a rest it still “sprays”. A six-inch group at 33 feet is the norm.
Do I have a lemon? Are they all like this? Any ideas?
I qualify with an M9, which is essentially the same gun, different customer, and haven't had problems with mine. But then, we shoot pop-ups at up to 30 yards.

I would think you should try some different ammo, I suggest Winchester and Remington factory loads. If these don't work, I would think there is a problem with this specific gun.
I don't know if you have a lemon. I have myself shot thousands of rounds through a 92FS. Everyone I have shot will hold a 4" group at 25 Meters. How is the trigger on that pistol?
I am far from an expert, but I know Derek is on to something with the trigger. Do you shoot other Semi-Pistols ok? Is the trigger much different from other guns you shoot? I am not knocking your shooting ability, but let another person who shoots very well give it a try. Try shooting from a bench of with some kind or arm support. Me personally before I start changing things on my gun, I let the people at the range who I know shoot well give it a try first. They seem to know what’s best for me to do.

As to my abilities with autoloaders, owned a Colt Combat Commander for years, no problem with that. We used to shoot the spots off of playing cards at 25 feet. Shoot a Ruger Mark III, all in the black out to 25 yards.

The plan is to trade it towards a 1911 if I can't find some way to get it to shoot a tight group. I t has had nothing but quality ammo, Winchester and Federal 110 grain and 145 grain, so it's not ammo.

Make me an offer$$$$$
I think trigger reach may have something to do with it. If you have hands that are rather small, like I do, then you may have a problem. I know that the first shot in DA mode was always a challenge for me when I had to qualify on the M9. I had no real problems in SA mode, and always qualifed as expert. Still in terms of purchase, the Beretta is far from being my favorite.

The fact that you use quality ammunition, and that others have had similar problems, could be indicators that there might be problems with the pistol. Why not send it to Beretta and have them check it out. I had a problem once with a S&W 469 (remember those ?) and sent it back to S&W. They replaced the barrel and sent along a test target, and the problem was solved.

Good luck and good shooting,

Re: 92FS

Swift River Rob said:
The plan is to trade it towards a 1911 if I can't find some way to get it to shoot a tight group.

Make me an offer$$$$$

OK, ammo is eliminated. Just which state do you live in?

A start on a 1911 may be workable, depending on what you want on it.

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