I slogged through Mullholland Drive last night. I was ready to hit RECORD on the DVR and watch the rest another nigth, but discovered I was 11 minutes until the end.
"REALLY?? We're. . . .like in the middle of this thing."
11 minutes later, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F?"
I mean, you get to see Naomi Watts topless. And Hank's wife from Breaking Bad, younger, topless was nice too. But WHATDAFORK???? There were scenes in the movie that just didn't even match with the rest of it. And it JUST F'ING ENDS!
I've read that Lynch gave a clue-card with the DVD with 10 clues. I'm sorry. If I wanted a movie with homework, I'd go back to 8th grade.
Funny is this: He DID put a lot of thought into it. The entire first 2 hours (yes, I did just say that), the acting is. . . . thin, fake, bad. Frickin Betty is just annoying. The etnire time, I'm thinking, "WTF? Naomi Watts is a better actress than that." Then you get that last 30 min of her being the OTHER person. Oooooh. Wow. Not just a complete make-up and hairdo job. But she's visceral and real. Strangest part - Lynch said the first 2/3+ of hte movie is NOT a dream. Ummmmm. WTF?
It's been 12 hours and it's still pissing me off. LOL