Never met a movie I couldn't get through until now


NES Member
Jan 20, 2015
Middlesex County
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Whacky dirt eating Shailene Woodley in uniform chasing a sniper seemed like a lay up. I could forgive cops going to multiple victim locations and directing lasers through trajectory paths to find the sniper hide and then grit through the FBI honcho say "no brass and no casings". But it really took its toll.

Try watching Napoleon on Apple.

I dare you to make it through that.
Wanted to see that for the longest time. Finally got to watch it on my flight to Germany. I’m a fan of Bonaparte’s accomplishments, but I fast forwarded that flick after 15 minutes, watched the battle at Austerlitz, and then basically dropped it after another 10 minutes. Unfrigginwatchable. Phoenix was great as usual, but it wasn’t enough to save that sleeping pill of a movie.
Wanted to see that for the longest time. Finally got to watch it on my flight to Germany. I’m a fan of Bonaparte’s accomplishments, but I fast forwarded that flick after 15 minutes, watched the battle at Austerlitz, and then basically dropped it after another 10 minutes. Unfrigginwatchable. Phoenix was great as usual, but it wasn’t enough to save that sleeping pill of a movie.
I love history, specially from Napoleon to WW1. So much happened. So I was looking forward it.

Not even the battles were good. The movie should have been a series, and the battles should have been epic.

It could have been awesome.
"Midnight in the switchgrass" (Netflix) is the worst, dumbest, POS i've ever wasted 15-20 min on.
It's almost worth watching the fistfight between Megan Fox and machine gun kelly in the first 10 min so you can see how low the bar can truly be set for shit movies.
Whacky dirt eating Shailene Woodley in uniform chasing a sniper seemed like a lay up. I could forgive cops going to multiple victim locations and directing lasers through trajectory paths to find the sniper hide and then grit through the FBI honcho say "no brass and no casings". But it really took its toll.


I watched it last weekend and it was awful
Great timing, Runaway Jury popped up in my feed after watching Unforgiven. What a POS. I FF through most of it because I wanted to see how bad the virtue signaling would the charts bad.

for those that haven't seen it, don't. The plot is a lawsuit against a firearms manufacturer after a workplace shooting and jury shenanigans
I have a very long list of movies that I could not get through, and many more i didn't even start because I knew I would not be able to get through. Let's all be honest I bet all of you have a long list too.
I slogged through Mullholland Drive last night. I was ready to hit RECORD on the DVR and watch the rest another nigth, but discovered I was 11 minutes until the end.

"REALLY?? We're. . . .like in the middle of this thing."

11 minutes later, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F?"

I mean, you get to see Naomi Watts topless. And Hank's wife from Breaking Bad, younger, topless was nice too. But WHATDAFORK???? There were scenes in the movie that just didn't even match with the rest of it. And it JUST F'ING ENDS!

I've read that Lynch gave a clue-card with the DVD with 10 clues. I'm sorry. If I wanted a movie with homework, I'd go back to 8th grade.

Funny is this: He DID put a lot of thought into it. The entire first 2 hours (yes, I did just say that), the acting is. . . . thin, fake, bad. Frickin Betty is just annoying. The etnire time, I'm thinking, "WTF? Naomi Watts is a better actress than that." Then you get that last 30 min of her being the OTHER person. Oooooh. Wow. Not just a complete make-up and hairdo job. But she's visceral and real. Strangest part - Lynch said the first 2/3+ of hte movie is NOT a dream. Ummmmm. WTF?

It's been 12 hours and it's still pissing me off. LOL
Great timing, Runaway Jury popped up in my feed after watching Unforgiven. What a POS. I FF through most of it because I wanted to see how bad the virtue signaling would the charts bad.

for those that haven't seen it, don't. The plot is a lawsuit against a firearms manufacturer after a workplace shooting and jury shenanigans
Was in my feed as well , it was an easy auto toss though because of that loser Jon Cusak
Oppeinheimer(Boringheimer), from all the hype and C. Nolan. Couldn't make it past the first 15-20

I’m right there with you. After 2 attempts to watch it and falling asleep after around 10 minutes each time, I just gave up. I know people who tell me it was the most amazing movie that they’ve ever seen. Maybe it is, but that amazing movie isn’t in the first 20 minutes, that’s for sure.
Oppeinheimer(Boringheimer), from all the hype and C. Nolan. Couldn't make it past the first 15-20

I liked Oppenheimer. It was very biographical about that whole era. Some things that don't get talked about much. I recall reading hte Feynman books. . . . 35 years ago and being fascinated by that time in American science history.

Right, even in his best work everybody else was bangin his ex.


Oh gosh. That's one of my favorite movies. It's a GREAT spoof on the typical teen loser eventually wins movie. The neighbor lady is a riot. The french chick is funny too. "He tried to put his testicles all over me." "What???" "How you say, Octopooozz???" "TENTACLES! TEN-TACKLES!" [rofl]

Picton - why are his best movies barely seen??? GPB??? I think it lasted 8 seconds in the movie theaters. I was locked to my TV watching that the first time. That rapid-fire dialog is the best.
My wife and I watched Emilia Pérez... I had no idea what I was getting into, she said it was about a Mexican drug cartel boss who changes her ways... well, she wasn't wrong. Made it about halfway before I wandered off.
I slogged through Mullholland Drive last night. I was ready to hit RECORD on the DVR and watch the rest another nigth, but discovered I was 11 minutes until the end.

"REALLY?? We're. . . .like in the middle of this thing."

11 minutes later, "WHAT THE ACTUAL F?"

I mean, you get to see Naomi Watts topless. And Hank's wife from Breaking Bad, younger, topless was nice too. But WHATDAFORK???? There were scenes in the movie that just didn't even match with the rest of it. And it JUST F'ING ENDS!

I've read that Lynch gave a clue-card with the DVD with 10 clues. I'm sorry. If I wanted a movie with homework, I'd go back to 8th grade.

Funny is this: He DID put a lot of thought into it. The entire first 2 hours (yes, I did just say that), the acting is. . . . thin, fake, bad. Frickin Betty is just annoying. The etnire time, I'm thinking, "WTF? Naomi Watts is a better actress than that." Then you get that last 30 min of her being the OTHER person. Oooooh. Wow. Not just a complete make-up and hairdo job. But she's visceral and real. Strangest part - Lynch said the first 2/3+ of hte movie is NOT a dream. Ummmmm. WTF?

It's been 12 hours and it's still pissing me off. LOL

Judging by this and your other posts here anything Lynch makes is likely way out of your lane. And that's OK. It takes certain personality types to really enjoy that sort of material.

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