Umm... lets see if my computer illiterate rear can do this correctly...
(Edit... couldn't find a picture without SN)
I think that worked... At any rate, my new to me Sig Mosquito; purchased from an NES member.
View attachment 33931
The group buy lower I finally put together this month (I always wanted to be tacti-cool, so I Mag-pull whored it up.) Now another 3 months and I should have the money for an upper.
View attachment 33932
The gun isn't new; but, I finally mass-ified my S-12 ... it was sitting in pieces, so I guess this is better. Thanks to the wonderful NESers who helped me find this stock, it works well after a little "customizing."
That lower is beautiful. I've always liked that Magpul stock. How has the Mosquito been shooting? Do you only use the CCI mini-mags or do you use bulk?