New crazy gun laws. Don't lose your shit.

It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.
Thank you sir, may I have another? :eek:
I think the issue is that conservatives tend to have more to loose than liberals, who generally live off the dole. Moreover, if we get arrested during a protest, we risk becoming a prohibited person for life. In short, liberals have less to loose than we do.
True, maybe for now, but none of that is going to matter when more and more people just laugh at the words "prohibited person".
It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.
Dude. STFU

I really don't need you to tell me I shouldn't be a dick, and the Chicken Little "the sky if falling!" shit is getting a little old.
We are all adults, most of us know how to read, and we know the score.
Dude. STFU

I really don't need you to tell me I shouldn't be a dick, and the Chicken Little "the sky if falling!" shit is getting a little old.
We are all adults, most of us know how to read, and we know

Dude. STFU

I really don't need you to tell me I shouldn't be a dick, and the Chicken Little "the sky if falling!" shit is getting a little old.
We are all adults, most of us know how to read, and we know the score.
Well, if you spend any time on this website, it's obvious that the maturity and intellectual level of the participants does not skew higher than the general population. As a result, at least some of the people who lack common sense, or control over themselves hang out here.

Everyone knows the ones I'm talking about.

The guys who showed up at drag queen story hour carrying black rifles, and wearing body armor, scaring the hell out of children and their non gun-owning parents, all while screaming about their right to open carry.

The ones who contact anyone who upsets them, and threaten violence.

The "patriots" who stormed the capitol , and trashed the place.

The folks who show up on a gun range, exhibiting dangerous trigger and muzzle discipline, violate safety rules without consideration of anyone else on the firing line, shoot up the target stands, the shelters, and leave their brass, spent targets and trash everywhere.

The shooters who are "too good" to pay someone for a training class, and spend their time on the range emptying magazines as fast as they can pull the trigger.

Now it's probably too much to expect that a post here might reach these characters, but it's worth reminding people not to be stupid.


Because every time someone does or says something stupid, it's my rights that go down the toilet. Further, if God forbid I have to defend myself, I'd rather have my previous comments show up instead of some of the really stupid stuff that ends up here.

Finally, unless you own the web site, you have no right to tell anyone else what they can and can't post. You have no expectation that someone is going to shut up because your little girl panties are in a wad.

I'd suggest you take your own advice, and zip it. If you don't like what I post, don't read it.
It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.
Peacefully protest. Correct.

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