New Delica 4 - Small chip in blade


NES Member
Mar 7, 2014
South Shore, MA
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Got myself a Spyderco Delica 4. When it arrived in the mail I noticed there is a tiny, and I mean tiny, chip in the blade. Is this worth sending back to BladeHQ for a replacement, or is it something that I shoukd just deal with for now that will eventually be sharpened out? Am I being extra nitpicky for no reason? Sorry if thats a stupid question. Not really a "knife guy"

Got myself a Spyderco Delica 4. When it arrived in the mail I noticed there is a tiny, and I mean tiny, chip in the blade. Is this worth sending back to BladeHQ for a replacement, or is it something that I shoukd just deal with for now that will eventually be sharpened out? Am I being extra nitpicky for no reason? Sorry if thats a stupid question. Not really a "knife guy"

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That's annoying. I'd personally end up wearing the edge more than that in the first month, but at least it was me doing it and not coming from the factory like that.

My take--if there are no signs of stress cracking under the chip, then I'd just keep it. Could easily end up honing that smooth once you put a little more wear on the edge.
Is that knife for carry and show or for use as a tool? Here's my Delica that's been beat to shit over the years. It's been sharpened occasionally but I have no qualms using it until it breaks. I would just grind that chip out if it bothered me enough but I probably wouldn't care enough.
Is that knife for carry and show or for use as a tool? Here's my Delica that's been beat to shit over the years. It's been sharpened occasionally but I have no qualms using it until it breaks. I would just grind that chip out if it bothered me enough but I probably wouldn't care enough.
+1….the Delica is a daily carry pocket knife, certainly not a safe-queen.

I would find that chip annoying *if* I noticed it, as most of the time I am using my Sypderco knives almost immediately. My current folder is an orange FRN Dragonfly that needs the box-tape glue cleaned off it and maybe a quick touch up to bring back the paper slicing edge. I use my Tasman to cut plants, bags of mulch/fertilizer and dig out dandelion roots…it’s SpyderEdge looks ugly but keeps working sharp.

Use and enjoy that knife, it is a keeper
BladeHQ will replace it. A new knife should not have a chip in the blade. That's for you to do...

Don't let them steal your experience...
If it’s not a show knife or a collectible I’d be kinda mehhh about it and probably just start using it.
Tell me more of this magical whetstone!

Seriously, I’d like to know what you are using.
This is what I use after years of trying everthing

This is what I use after years of trying everthing

Ok. I have one. What am I doing wrong?🤣
All I’ve been able to do is ware out the belts!
I looked at the belt based sharpener when I was on the market for something to replace what I had been using. Passed on that for a few reasons. Not the least of which is the belts both needing to be replaced AND the heat that gets generated by using abrasive belts to sharpen a blade. It doesn't take much to ruin the temper on an edge.

Ended up getting one of the Wicked Edge setups (with the aluminum base). Rock solid, positive graduation for you to set the bevel as you want too. Plus being diamond stones means they'll probably last longer than me.

I've used it to remove a deeper chip in a blade (paring knife my niece has).

IF I need to sharpen/shape something that won't fit on the wicked edge setup, I have a 2x72 belt grinder in the garage. I won't use that on any of my pocket, or kitchen knives though.

DO keep in mind that you want to maintain the bevel that the knife maker uses for their products. All my Shun/Kershaw blades are at 16 or 20 degrees (each side). Easily set with the setup I have.
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