New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Welcome. Sorry to hear about your medical problems.

Check the info on the website for local and good medical info. There might be something there to help you.
Ahh, hell with it...Just went green and I don't even have the damn LTC yet.

Here's me...and hold the long-haired hippie comments.[laugh]
New to board

Hi everyone. My name is Dan I grew up in Russell a small town in Western Ma, currently I live in West Springfield. I have grown up around guns, hunting, fishing and camping for as long as I can remember. My first gun I bought when I was 14, I picked blueberries all summer so I could buy a marlin bolt action .22 mag which I still have. I shoot and own everything from black powder to Class III weapons. I was referred here by nice a guy that I met on Abundigas. the site is great and there is a lot of information to be had here. Thank You.
Introducing myself

Hi everyone. My name is Dan, I live in Quincy. I've been shooting for about two years now. I only have a FID for now but I'll be applying for my LTC in 2 months when I'm old enough. (Wish me luck applying in Quincy) I came across a link to this site through GOALS website. I've been a member at BRP for two years as well. This site has been great so I figured it was finally time to join.
Welcome Dan (2), hope you also enjoy it here.

If you're coming to the BR&P Annual Meeting (always a good take) next Sunday, ask one of the officers/BOD to point me out and come over and introduce yourself.

I just spent the entire day at BR&P cleaning rifles (or trying to [thinking]) for the NES Mil-Surp Shoot next month.
I am a shooter from East Hartford, CT that will hopefully be competing in IDPA this coming season and would like to participate in this forum. I am a member of a number of firearms and shooting forums and I use the username peace as it is my real last name. My first name is Dan also as the last couple of newbies. I have a CT Carry Permit, a Curios & Relics license, and various hunting and archery licenses. I have been hunting and shooting for about 45 years. I am a member of the NRA
Just registered, but long-time site reader...

I'm Matt from Melrose. Found NES shortly after getting my LTC. Easy to get, save for the wait from the slow/swamped PD.

Been into shooting and firearms since grade school. Introduced by dad and grandfather starting with, what else but the .22 up at huge hunting reserve in the Croydon/Lebanon area of NH.

Future intended purchase is Sig P229 for .357 Sig. Thoughts?

Great Site, BTW!
Welcome, Matt!

As for your question, try posting it as a new thread in the General or Firearms & equipment forum. Lots of opinionated people here - you'll get all sorts of feedback.
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