New Guidance: Are firearms dealers permitted to sell handguns currently on the “Approved Firearms Roster”? - YES!!! No mention of AG Glock Ban


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
Feedback: 126 / 0 / 0
Sounds like new Glocks are legal now so not to worry about the AG ban...

Are firearms dealers permitted to sell handguns currently on the “Approved FirearmsRoster”?

Yes. The Secretary of EOPSS, pursuant to section 131 3⁄4 of chapter 140 of theGeneral Laws, has approved the “Approved Firearms Roster,” in its current form.Licensed firearms dealers may continue to sell firearms contained on the rosters.1Furthermore, under the Act and 501 CMR 7.00, dealers may continue to sellshotguns and rifles so long as they are not otherwise prohibited in Massachusetts.The Secretary will consider any advice or guidance the FCAB may offer and willapprove any amendments to the rosters as necessary.

EOPPS Issues Guidance Memo #3 - Adds to the Confusion



Massachusetts licensed firearms dealers should note that the transfers of handguns are also subject to the Attorney General’s Handgun Sales Regulations, 940 CMR 16.00, et seq. Firearms on this Approved Firearms Roster do not necessarily comply with the requirements of the Attorney General’s Handgun Sales Regulations. Information about those regulations, as well as the Enforcement Notice may be obtained from the Office of the Attorney General and may be accessed on the website of the Attorney General (”

Still banned!!!
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