MA Liberals on Reddit Need Firearms and 2A To Defend Against Mean Tweets

Here the difference between myself and conservatives. I don’t give a flying f**k how someone else lives there lives. Your acting like someone being unhappy is a detriment to society but people wind up in shi**y marriages, lousy jobs, bad health, bad financial luck. It’s not my place to say who’s happy or not. I don’t stand in the way of another persons happiness.

I don’t think transgender alone is what makes people commit suicide. They’re dead so they can’t tell us. They could have shitty parents or felt trapped in their circumstances or a million other things.

Curing is curing gender dysphoria right? Isn’t that what we’re talking about?

Just like the second amendment I don’t get to game the system to my advantage. The second amendment is for everyone EVEN transgender people. Likewise a transgender persons personal decisions are theirs to make.

This kind of weak sauce thinking from the right is why I walked away. Conservatives will glob onto any little morsel of information if and only if it reinforces their world view. In other words they’re just liberals with a different viewpoint.

Mark my words on this. Some of the stuff that Trump is doing with regards to gender identity is going backfire spectacularly in conservatives faces. I say give it to the end of summer and the sentiment from voters is going to change and that will make the end of the GOP holding congress in 2026.
I said it in another thread, trans people live completely rent free in their heads. They have nothing going on in their lives so need to find someone to hate, trans people are easy targets. In a post about liberal gun owners, it took only 8 posts to bring up trans people. Rent f***ing free.
You act like people are going out of their way to find trans people to upset them and that's bullshit. They're being celebrated, encouraged, and generally shoved in our faces by half of the political establishment. They're also on the sports fields competing against our daughters. Schools are trying to elicit the inner tranny out of our kids. Hospitals are using medical treatments to transition kids. Kids TV and movies are even pushing the agenda.

VetteGirlMA claims:

Mark my words on this. Some of the stuff that Trump is doing with regards to gender identity is going backfire spectacularly in conservatives faces. I say give it to the end of summer and the sentiment from voters is going to change and that will make the end of the GOP holding congress in 2026.

But I think she couldn't be more wrong. People are sick of this shit. People who aren't torchbearing for the radical progressive left anyway. If the GOP loses congress it won't be over this gender identity bullshit, it will be despite it.
You act like people are going out of their way to find trans people to upset them and that's bullshit. They're being celebrated, encouraged, and generally shoved in our faces by half of the political establishment. They're also on the sports fields competing against our daughters. Schools are trying to elicit the inner tranny out of our kids. Hospitals are using medical treatments to transition kids. Kids TV and movies are even pushing the agenda.

NESers are going out of their way. Just looks how quickly this thread, which was not about trans people, devolved into people talking about trans people. You guys can't get them out of your minds. They're less than 1% of the population and yet completely own conservative head space.
NESers are going out of their way. Just looks how quickly this thread, which was not about trans people, devolved into people talking about trans people. You guys can't get them out of your minds. They're less than 1% of the population and yet completely own conservative head space.

This was the statement in the OP:

Are you sure this isn't about trans people? Which group in particular has the left been screaming about being in danger and losing rights lately?
NESers are going out of their way. Just looks how quickly this thread, which was not about trans people, devolved into people talking about trans people. You guys can't get them out of your minds. They're less than 1% of the population and yet completely own conservative head space.
Tell me you didn't read the entire thread without telling me you didn't read the entire thread.
NESers are going out of their way. Just looks how quickly this thread, which was not about trans people, devolved into people talking about trans people. You guys can't get them out of your minds. They're less than 1% of the population and yet completely own conservative head space.
1% of the population gets two months out of the year to celebrate their lifestyle.

Seems they are punching above their weight no?
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