Here the difference between myself and conservatives. I don’t give a flying f**k how someone else lives there lives. Your acting like someone being unhappy is a detriment to society but people wind up in shi**y marriages, lousy jobs, bad health, bad financial luck. It’s not my place to say who’s happy or not. I don’t stand in the way of another persons happiness.
I don’t think transgender alone is what makes people commit suicide. They’re dead so they can’t tell us. They could have shitty parents or felt trapped in their circumstances or a million other things.
Curing is curing gender dysphoria right? Isn’t that what we’re talking about?
Just like the second amendment I don’t get to game the system to my advantage. The second amendment is for everyone EVEN transgender people. Likewise a transgender persons personal decisions are theirs to make.
This kind of weak sauce thinking from the right is why I walked away. Conservatives will glob onto any little morsel of information if and only if it reinforces their world view. In other words they’re just liberals with a different viewpoint.
Mark my words on this. Some of the stuff that Trump is doing with regards to gender identity is going backfire spectacularly in conservatives faces. I say give it to the end of summer and the sentiment from voters is going to change and that will make the end of the GOP holding congress in 2026.