MA Liberals on Reddit Need Firearms and 2A To Defend Against Mean Tweets

Psychiatric care. Same as any mental illness.
Well, let me educate you.

Trans people have been around since ancient times. It's not a new phenomenon.

For hundreds of years, physicians tried to find ways to address this. Since the "feeling" of your brain not matching your body is nothing physical, they figured they could go the psychiatric route to change the feelings.

Nothing worked.

They tried insulin shock therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, drugs, group therapy, hormones, and even aversion therapy. Some things made the behavior disappear, but it never changed the feeling that the brain didn't match the body. And making the behavior disappear, introduced worse psychiatric symptoms.

The only thing that works is changing the body to match the brain, and keeping kids from having to go through an unwanted puberty. Towards that end, trans people ask for minor acomodations to allow them to exist.

That's why all of the first world, medical providers in the US, and Europe use this treatment option to take care of trans people. At least until ignorant poltiicians decided that they need to be included in medical treatment that normally exists between a doctor, patient, and parents if the patient is a minor.
Well, let me educate you.

Trans people have been around since ancient times. It's not a new phenomenon.

For hundreds of years, physicians tried to find ways to address this. Since the "feeling" of your brain not matching your body is nothing physical, they figured they could go the psychiatric route to change the feelings.

Nothing worked.

They tried insulin shock therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, drugs, group therapy, hormones, and even aversion therapy. Some things made the behavior disappear, but it never changed the feeling that the brain didn't match the body. And making the behavior disappear, introduced worse psychiatric symptoms.

The only thing that works is changing the body to match the brain, and keeping kids from having to go through an unwanted puberty. Towards that end, trans people ask for minor acomodations to allow them to exist.

That's why all of the first world, medical providers in the US, and Europe use this treatment option to take care of trans people. At least until ignorant poltiicians decided that they need to be included in medical treatment that normally exists between a doctor, patient, and parents if the patient is a minor.
The thing is, I doubt there are many truly unbiased studies on either side of the argument regarding whether medical intervention leads to better outcomes. In general, the long-term survival rates for people in these situations are quite bleak. Now, consider the case where someone mistakenly believes they are something they are not. If they were to live as they were born, what would the outcome be? Generally, the outcome is poor after undergoing chemical or surgical intervention anyways. The medical community doesn’t tell people with Body Integrity Identity Disorder that their perception is correct. It’s not as if they need to amputate a healthy limb, right? Yet, we’re suggesting that kind of intervention in other cases.

Regarding minors and parental consent, this is something that, years from now, people will likely look back on and think it was crazy. I doubt in the future medical professionals will be able to get insurance coverage after all the lawsuits from children who were subjected to chemical castration as minors, with a parent’s and some activists signatures .

In general, people don’t care what adults do; they just want them to leave the children alone.
Well, let me educate you.

Trans people have been around since ancient times. It's not a new phenomenon.

For hundreds of years, physicians tried to find ways to address this. Since the "feeling" of your brain not matching your body is nothing physical, they figured they could go the psychiatric route to change the feelings.

Nothing worked.

They tried insulin shock therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, drugs, group therapy, hormones, and even aversion therapy. Some things made the behavior disappear, but it never changed the feeling that the brain didn't match the body. And making the behavior disappear, introduced worse psychiatric symptoms.

The only thing that works is changing the body to match the brain, and keeping kids from having to go through an unwanted puberty. Towards that end, trans people ask for minor acomodations to allow them to exist.

That's why all of the first world, medical providers in the US, and Europe use this treatment option to take care of trans people. At least until ignorant poltiicians decided that they need to be included in medical treatment that normally exists between a doctor, patient, and parents if the patient is a minor.
You lost the argument when you brought kids into it.
Got a rational reason on why the trans community is just obsessed with children?
Not just interested , obsessed .
Little Johnny can't even spell penis yet but we have to convince him to cut his off.
Yeah, like I said, psychiatric care, like anyone else who is mentally il

That is a hard f***ing no. Stop grooming the children.

It is a mental illness, not a physical issue and should be treated as such.
I just realized something.

All of you making nasty, ignorant comments really know nothing about this. I’ve been trans since I was 3, and have been researching it from the days I was able to visit a library, so I’m very cognizant of what’s going on in this field. Likely all of you have read some conservative media outlets, and think you’re now an expert. You don’t realize that your sources are propaganda, biased and designed to mislead.

But here’s the revelation.

You don’t care.

Hating trans people makes you feel good. Having someone you can feel superior to feeds your ego. It’s like a bully beating up on the weak kid in elementary school school. After 12 years of being bullied by the snowflakes and BLM, and Antifa, and Occupy, you’re now back in control, and get to dish it out yourself.

You don’t care to learn more, to correct your misunderstandings or to consider other realities. You like your incorrect view of the world because it feels good, and you don’t care who it hurts because it doesn’t affect you or your family.

So it’s a waste of my time and energy to try to educate, share or illustrate. It’s like talking to a wall, who only responds with nastier insults and attacks.

So I’m going to do my best to stop responding, and leave all of you to post your jokes, insults, threats and propaganda. I’m guessing you need this misogynistic outlet to preserve your own mental health.
I just realized something.

All of you making nasty, ignorant comments really know nothing about this. I’ve been trans since I was 3, and have been researching it from the days I was able to visit a library, so I’m very cognizant of what’s going on in this field. Likely all of you have read some conservative media outlets, and think you’re now an expert. You don’t realize that your sources are propaganda, biased and designed to mislead.

But here’s the revelation.

You don’t care.

Hating trans people makes you feel good. Having someone you can feel superior to feeds your ego. It’s like a bully beating up on the weak kid in elementary school school. After 12 years of being bullied by the snowflakes and BLM, and Antifa, and Occupy, you’re now back in control, and get to dish it out yourself.

You don’t care to learn more, to correct your misunderstandings or to consider other realities. You like your incorrect view of the world because it feels good, and you don’t care who it hurts because it doesn’t affect you or your family.

So it’s a waste of my time and energy to try to educate, share or illustrate. It’s like talking to a wall, who only responds with nastier insults and attacks.

So I’m going to do my best to stop responding, and leave all of you to post your jokes, insults, threats and propaganda. I’m guessing you need this misogynistic outlet to preserve your own mental health.
If a person is confused as to his or her gender then he or she is severely mentally ill.
I have no animosity toward sick people no matter their sickness, and I hope they find competent mental health doctors, and I hope they can be cured of their mental illness.
I would feel the same way if a person said he identifies as an orangutan or a poodle.
The world has normal people and it has abnormal people. I have nothing but sympathy for the abnormal people.
I hope they can be treated and cured.
I just realized something.

All of you making nasty, ignorant comments really know nothing about this. I’ve been trans since I was 3, and have been researching it from the days I was able to visit a library, so I’m very cognizant of what’s going on in this field. Likely all of you have read some conservative media outlets, and think you’re now an expert. You don’t realize that your sources are propaganda, biased and designed to mislead.

But here’s the revelation.

You don’t care.

Hating trans people makes you feel good. Having someone you can feel superior to feeds your ego. It’s like a bully beating up on the weak kid in elementary school school. After 12 years of being bullied by the snowflakes and BLM, and Antifa, and Occupy, you’re now back in control, and get to dish it out yourself.

You don’t care to learn more, to correct your misunderstandings or to consider other realities. You like your incorrect view of the world because it feels good, and you don’t care who it hurts because it doesn’t affect you or your family.

So it’s a waste of my time and energy to try to educate, share or illustrate. It’s like talking to a wall, who only responds with nastier insults and attacks.

So I’m going to do my best to stop responding, and leave all of you to post your jokes, insults, threats and propaganda. I’m guessing you need this misogynistic outlet to preserve your own mental health.
Credit Card GIF
I don’t care what the mentally and sexual divergent minuscule part of society wants, needs or thinks. Fact is that kids who would wear a rubber boots/pajama combination to school, and think that nuggets and fries with ketchup are all the food groups in the world, shouldn’t be allowed to make the decision to mutilate themselves.
I’m a 25 year old guy trapped in a 60 year old broken body. Doesn’t mean I should go back to jumping out of aircraft’s and shooting at people for a living. Delulu is not part of the solulu. Parents who support this shit for their underage kids are criminals, and doctors and shrinks are their accomplices. For the last four years, those morally misguided people weaponized this. If you’re against this, you’re a bigot, a fascist and a nazi, so we all better all group together and watch the rise of the sun of tolerance and acceptance.
And just in case you keep insisting on your silly morals, we’ve got guns now.
If a person is confused as to his or her gender then he or she is severely mentally ill.
I have no animosity toward sick people no matter their sickness, and I hope they find competent mental health doctors, and I hope they can be cured of their mental illness.
I would feel the same way if a person said he identifies as an orangutan or a poodle.
The world has normal people and it has abnormal people. I have nothing but sympathy for the abnormal people.
I hope they can be treated and cured.
Oh wow an expert. I’d rather have a transgender friend than a raging alcoholic friend. So in my eyes alcoholics are super mentally ill. Transgender people do have a treatment and cure. It’s worked for decades.
Oh wow an expert. I’d rather have a transgender friend than a raging alcoholic friend. So in my eyes alcoholics are super mentally ill. Transgender people do have a treatment and cure. It’s worked for decades.
Great, glad it works. If they're able to help a confused man realize he is a man, it worked!
Alcoholism is tough, I feel bad for them. But I'd feel worse if an Alcoholic thought he was a soap dish.
I find the biggest problem with many gender confused is the need and willingness to cast such a wide net across society in the name of their own affliction with little regard as to who might actually get caught up in it.

It almost seems a bit self fulfilling and predatory…
Oh wow an expert. I’d rather have a transgender friend than a raging alcoholic friend. So in my eyes alcoholics are super mentally ill. Transgender people do have a treatment and cure. It’s worked for decades.
Does it work?

Why such high suicide rates then? Why does just under half of self identifying transgender adults say they have attempted suicide?

What is it curing exactly?
Does it work?

Why such high suicide rates then? Why does just under half of self identifying transgender adults say they have attempted suicide?

What is it curing exactly?
Here the difference between myself and conservatives. I don’t give a flying f**k how someone else lives there lives. Your acting like someone being unhappy is a detriment to society but people wind up in shi**y marriages, lousy jobs, bad health, bad financial luck. It’s not my place to say who’s happy or not. I don’t stand in the way of another persons happiness.

I don’t think transgender alone is what makes people commit suicide. They’re dead so they can’t tell us. They could have shitty parents or felt trapped in their circumstances or a million other things.

Curing is curing gender dysphoria right? Isn’t that what we’re talking about?

Just like the second amendment I don’t get to game the system to my advantage. The second amendment is for everyone EVEN transgender people. Likewise a transgender persons personal decisions are theirs to make.

This kind of weak sauce thinking from the right is why I walked away. Conservatives will glob onto any little morsel of information if and only if it reinforces their world view. In other words they’re just liberals with a different viewpoint.

Mark my words on this. Some of the stuff that Trump is doing with regards to gender identity is going backfire spectacularly in conservatives faces. I say give it to the end of summer and the sentiment from voters is going to change and that will make the end of the GOP holding congress in 2026.
Here the difference between myself and conservatives. I don’t give a flying f**k how someone else lives there lives. Your acting like someone being unhappy is a detriment to society but people wind up in shi**y marriages, lousy jobs, bad health, bad financial luck. It’s not my place to say who’s happy or not. I don’t stand in the way of another persons happiness.

I don’t think transgender alone is what makes people commit suicide. They’re dead so they can’t tell us. They could have shitty parents or felt trapped in their circumstances or a million other things.

Curing is curing gender dysphoria right? Isn’t that what we’re talking about?

Just like the second amendment I don’t get to game the system to my advantage. The second amendment is for everyone EVEN transgender people. Likewise a transgender persons personal decisions are theirs to make.

This kind of weak sauce thinking from the right is why I walked away. Conservatives will glob onto any little morsel of information if and only if it reinforces their world view. In other words they’re just liberals with a different viewpoint.

Mark my words on this. Some of the stuff that Trump is doing with regards to gender identity is going backfire spectacularly in conservatives faces. I say give it to the end of summer and the sentiment from voters is going to change and that will make the end of the GOP holding congress in 2026.
You projected a lot of your own thoughts onto me without answering the question.
You projected a lot of your own thoughts onto me without answering the question.
Let me make this easy

Does it work? Obviously yes. You can’t look at a sample of 25 unhappy people and say look at the failure and draw a conclusion.

Afterwards who’s to say why someone is unhappy. Is it their life circumstances or people that reject them like an unwanted shoe.

Suicide rate? Provide a source. The burden is not on me to prove your claim.

Curing? Covered in last comment.
Let me make this easy

Does it work? Obviously yes. You can’t look at a sample of 25 unhappy people and say look at the failure.
What sample are you referring to?

For the record I don’t give a f*** what any adult does and am 100% fine with transgender people owning firearms.
What sample are you referring to?

For the record I don’t give a f*** what any adult does and am 100% fine with transgender people owning firearms.
If you quote statistics the onus is not on me to defend, its on you. I’m asking where the scientific basis is for the 50% number. Can you give me a link to a scientific peer reviewed study? I see conservatives throw around a lot of numbers on cultural issues that are irrelevant and made up.
If you quote statistics the onus is not on me to defend, its on you. I’m asking where the scientific basis is for the 50% number. Can you give me a link to a scientific peer reviewed study? I see conservatives throw around a lot of numbers on cultural issues that are irrelevant and made up.

Picked various sources on purpose. Most studies and commentary links the increased risk to “anti-trans” laws.

Picked various sources on purpose. Most studies and commentary links the increased risk to “anti-trans” laws.
Thanks for making it obvious: shitty parents, lousy life circumstances. Transgender have no choice but to seek out psychological help for their personal situation. The only reason why they spike out is because they have no choice, because the shrinks are the gatekeepers of their medical needs.

By the way nothing you posted is peer reviewed science and people narratives are just that.
Thanks for making it obvious: shitty parents, lousy life circumstances. Transgender have no choice but to seek out psychological help for their personal situation. The only reason why they spike out is because they have no choice, because the shrinks are the gatekeepers of their medical needs.

By the way nothing you posted is peer reviewed science and people narratives are just that.

On the contrary, if you looked you'd have seen the info he supplied from UCLA was used in quite a few peer reviewed studies, e.g. Health Care Access, Social Support, and Suicidal Ideation in a Transgender and Cisgender Population
Thanks for making it obvious: shitty parents, lousy life circumstances. Transgender have no choice but to seek out psychological help for their personal situation. The only reason why they spike out is because they have no choice, because the shrinks are the gatekeepers of their medical needs.

By the way nothing you posted is peer reviewed science and people narratives are just that.
Weird it posted the same article twice.

Regardless I think it’s pretty evident but you do you.
I just realized something.

All of you making nasty, ignorant comments really know nothing about this. I’ve been trans since I was 3, and have been researching it from the days I was able to visit a library, so I’m very cognizant of what’s going on in this field. Likely all of you have read some conservative media outlets, and think you’re now an expert. You don’t realize that your sources are propaganda, biased and designed to mislead.

But here’s the revelation.

You don’t care.

Hating trans people makes you feel good. Having someone you can feel superior to feeds your ego. It’s like a bully beating up on the weak kid in elementary school school. After 12 years of being bullied by the snowflakes and BLM, and Antifa, and Occupy, you’re now back in control, and get to dish it out yourself.

You don’t care to learn more, to correct your misunderstandings or to consider other realities. You like your incorrect view of the world because it feels good, and you don’t care who it hurts because it doesn’t affect you or your family.

So it’s a waste of my time and energy to try to educate, share or illustrate. It’s like talking to a wall, who only responds with nastier insults and attacks.

So I’m going to do my best to stop responding, and leave all of you to post your jokes, insults, threats and propaganda. I’m guessing you need this misogynistic outlet to preserve your own mental health.
You do realize you are making the same arguments that NAMBLA uses to justify having sex with children.
"It's not us ,it's just the whole rest of the world that is too ignorant, misogynistic , low IQ , intolerant to understand why a grown man molesting kids is a good thing.
I have never attacked anyone in the LGBT community for simply being who they are. .
Neither have most people I know.
You just don't seem to grasp that most people have a visceral reaction to anything to do with children being sexualized and it seems to be a major obsession of the Trans community.
Stay away from kids and life will improve dramaticly .
Thanks for making it obvious: shitty parents, lousy life circumstances. Transgender have no choice but to seek out psychological help for their personal situation. The only reason why they spike out is because they have no choice, because the shrinks are the gatekeepers of their medical needs.

By the way nothing you posted is peer reviewed science and people narratives are just that.

Your opinion is very close to mine, except I will add that the medical industrial complex can no longer sell oxycontin to everyone with a back ache so instead they're making lifetime customers out of people with autogynephillia.

Add in pseudoetstrogens in food and birth control in the water supply, microplastics in the air and soil settling in people's testicles, along with emasculation of white men and you get glowies like this and the weak people they sock puppet as.

The only ethical treatment for people with AGP or "gender dysphoria" is the same treatment for people with general or severe disassociative disorder. Heavy medication plus community reinforcement of reality.

Only trannys get their head scratched and told their particular flavor of insane derangement makes them special and valid.
Imagine if we treated pedos the same way. Your disorder is valid, therefore you're allowed to f*** kids. Here's a 12 year old.

Or maybe we could do the same with extrovert schizo psychopaths. 'you're stunning and brave. here. ill give you a ride to a school. theres a freshly sharpened axe in the back seat'
Thanks for making it obvious: shitty parents, lousy life circumstances. Transgender have no choice but to seek out psychological help for their personal situation. The only reason why they spike out is because they have no choice, because the shrinks are the gatekeepers of their medical needs.

By the way nothing you posted is peer reviewed science and people narratives are just that.
Well, hold on a minute.... Un until 15 minutes ago, the entire world treated "transgender" as exactly what you initially described - a mental illness. Body dysmorphia, sexual dysphoria, and autogynephilia, to name a few, were well-studied and documented mental illnesses, with research practically dating back to Freud.

No one even argued this until one political party in our country figured out tribal politics can help build a majority by coalescing several minorities... Then, they started exploiting these people for political gain.

That is how we got here. Outside of the West, the rest of the world still treats transgenderism for precisely what it is - a mental illness. That is why over 40%, including post-op transgendered people, try to off themselves. They ain't right in the head... But rather than getting them help, we now entertain their mental illusions of themselves as reality... and force others to do the same... or get canceled...
Well, hold on a minute.... Un until 15 minutes ago, the entire world treated "transgender" as exactly what you initially described - a mental illness. Body dysmorphia, sexual dysphoria, and autogynephilia, to name a few, were well-studied and documented mental illnesses, with research practically dating back to Freud.

No one even argued this until one political party in our country figured out tribal politics can help build a majority by coalescing several minorities... Then, they started exploiting these people for political gain.

That is how we got here. Outside of the West, the rest of the world still treats transgenderism for precisely what it is - a mental illness. That is why over 40%, including post-op transgendered people, try to off themselves. They ain't right in the head... But rather than getting them help, we now entertain their mental illusions of themselves as reality... and force others to do the same... or get canceled...

Uhh, I'll agree except this was first pushed as a form of identity politics in Wiemar Germany between the wars. Guess which kind of books the Nazis burned? It wasn't Talmuds Qurans or Bibles.
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