MA Liberals on Reddit Need Firearms and 2A To Defend Against Mean Tweets

It's still there

That might be the gayest thread I have ever read on there. Jesus christ. "I'm going to have a cable lock and a case lock, but leave the key to the case with a friend incase I have a bad mental health day". JFC where do I start? Maybe they should all buy bullets but rent guns.
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Who cares? We're never going to win in this state. The GOP is quite literally invisible in Massachusetts. Instead they spend all of their money on a couple of senate seats.
I would wager you do, because your direct statement was that there was somehow some center people who would vote R for gun issues if there wasn't the pro life/choice divide between left and right that both die on as far as hills. There aren't that many center people, based on how close the %'s run on for/against gun issues compared to overall D vote.
I vote libertarian because the GOP sucks.

The libertarian party is full of crackpots.
Those liberal moron posts about liberal gun training are all over Reddit

Seriously it is a breeding ground for communists over there

At least they have no money so once they see that the course and license actually costs money (which none of them have) they’ll go looking to take advantage of the gun show loophole

In other words check on their progress in a year it will be zero MMW
Hsc is like a slice of society with some assh@les from both sides, while majority are perfectly sane and decent folks.
100%. And it seems like most of the a**h***s at HSC live on NES too. But that's not a bad thing, they spend too much time here and don't go to HSC so the actual people you meet there are all fantastic folks.
I’ve run classes with some obvious trans folk and others that would have you second guess if they were.
I know it’s against groupthink policy to treat them all individually as to their mental capacity, but enough of my own anecdotal evidence suggests that there’s still a chance they aren’t off the deep end outside of their personal identification.
I wouldn’t want to go to the range with a few who took the class but their money is still green. I’m sure the background checks would pull up something.
So you feel comfortable judging an entire group of people based on one, mentally unstable relative?

The real scary thing is that people like you get to vote, even though your ignorance is off the charts.
If you're a man and you think you're a woman that means you're severely mentally ill.
I’ve seen quite a few posts on reddit of “omg I need a gun because of orange man” on reddit and it’s nice that they’re kind of supporting the 2A but it’s also a relief that some of them think they’re all set on self defense with something in 22lr.
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