New guy

Mar 3, 2025
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Hi all. New member here. Retired shopteacher and avid clay shooter. I do shoot a number of different pistols and rifles also. I'm from Southwestern Pa and currently getting ready to move into the house I built in the Application mountains close to Maryland and West Virginia. Glad to be here and hope to not only gain information, but perhaps give some.
Hi all. New member here. Retired shopteacher and avid clay shooter. I do shoot a number of different pistols and rifles also. I'm from Southwestern Pa and currently getting ready to move into the house I built in the Application mountains close to Maryland and West Virginia. Glad to be here and hope to not only gain information, but perhaps give some.

Are the Application Mountains near the Microsoft Dixon line? Asking for a friend.
Hi all. New member here. Retired shopteacher and avid clay shooter. I do shoot a number of different pistols and rifles also. I'm from Southwestern Pa and currently getting ready to move into the house I built in the Application mountains close to Maryland and West Virginia. Glad to be here and hope to not only gain information, but perhaps give some.

Welcome! My high school shop teacher was a WWII fighter pilot, is that you? 😉

I don’t think you’re in what’s considered Northeast, why’d you pick us?
Welcome to NES shopkeeper and I am so happy for you that you are NOT living here in MA! Unlike here, you might actually have some gun rights left there in PA!
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