New Law in Effect 8/1??

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Nov 2, 2014
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Hi all,

I know there are some threads on this already but I'm rather confused and just need a straight and simple answer. I'm not too dialed in on law codes and all that, just like to make sure I'm compliant and all.

To my understanding, as of 8/1, I cannot go to my licensed dealer at the mills and buy a lower receiver. i was hoping to pick up one or two more to have as options to build down the road, but it sounds like that is illegal now?

I don't know if I misunderstood anything or if I'm just screwed... What does this new law mean for me at this moment since 8/1 has passed? Can I not buy a lower and build another AR? is my one I built last year illegal? (I have an LTC, not FID). Also how the heck is this allowed...

Thanks for any info and help understanding!
This thread is the one you need to read.

I'm genuinely confused...

There are several threads already that will answer your questions ... some of the answers may be 'we're not sure'. One of threads was linked above. Post in those after reading through them.
What? Also what did you mean by "In"?
They’re playing with you, indicating that the thread will soon be locked since it’s already being discussed in another thread.

I dont live in mass but I am interested I. The answer to this question….without reading an entire long thread on the subject.

‘in before the lock’
Give Me A Break Massachusetts GIF by GIPHY News
I would suggest going off and getting a law degree so that you can understand what Herr Healey signed but I think that's only going to make things worse.
I know I could've search other threads more but people tend to go off into opinions and I just was hoping to make a thread where the answer is simple and right there. If this gets locked so be it.

All I know is a NH guns tore owner who lives in MA told me this weekend that I'm f*cked and can't buy anything else. Came here to confirm and figure out what I can do. I know I'm late to the game... I just come here every now and the for some help understanding the status of things
This thread is the one you need to read.

Read the thread posted above.

This question has been asked and answered, so I will lock this thread.
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