new M16

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He didn't do quite as well during the individuals this year at Perry as he did last year. But, the Team beat Billy's record from '92. (And, spanked the Army at the inservice just before Perry). CMP has it wrong saying it was the Praslick team but it was actually the Atkins team AMU / reserve.

Kevin was on that match report too... But I only copied the first page... [smile]

ETA: I'm only ribbing Kevin because I respect him so much and he's a friend. Besides it's not every day I can say I beat him.
Kevin was on that match report too... But I only copied the first page... [smile]

ETA: I'm only ribbing Kevin because I respect him so much and he's a friend. Besides it's not every day I can say I beat him.

I didn't know you did. I didn't see his name on it or know he shot the WestDiv with you. That was '96?

When you say 10 for 10 , are you saying they put Ten Rounds in the !0 ring and had a perfect 100? Or are you saying they had 10 HITS out of 10 shots fired???
This is ALL issue and NOT Match Grade Rifles???? We shot on what resembled a Shilloutte Target. It had a V ring that was about 8 inches in Diameter and the 5 Ring was NOT round but was Shilloutte shape and was another 5 or 6 inches. I have a few at Home and will measure.
Combat Matches are as follows.
You can only have what is issued to you. No Shootimg gear at all, except for a Stool, a Scope ( to read the Mirage or for scoring), A score book. We were allowed to wear a glove. We fired 10 rounds in two minutes, Off Hand at the 100 meter. with 2 sighters. 200 meter was 10 rds Rapid, standing to sitting with a Magazine change after second shot in 50 seconds, 300 Meter was Standing to Prone, with a Magazine change after second round in 40 seconds. 400 meter was was Slow Fire Prone UNSUPPORTED, 20 minutes for 20 shots. 500 and 600 was 10 rds each, Slow Fire in 10 minutes.
We could Smoke our sights, but weapons all had to have a min of 4 lb trigger pull, LBE or 782 gear had to be worn, with Helmet and TWO canteens. No mods to Rifle, it had to be Issue, Magazines could NOT rest on the ground. Ammo was issued on the Ready Line. ALibis were only for Target Malfunction or Weapon Malfunction. Jams were the responsibility of the shooter and no Alibis for a jam.
Score was V used for Tie Breakers, 5s, 4s and 3s, 2s were considered a MISS. Individual day, No Coaches allowed. Team Day only we had a coach on the scope and we could get Block time for the 400 and 500 and 600 and coach could pair shoot.
Electric tape over the top front of the Butt stock below the Charging Handle was accepted, this was due to Blow Back and Carbon in the eye mixed with sweat caused a nice burn. On Rapid Fire Time started in the Butts when the command for "Targets Up" was given. Time stopped in the butts when the command "Targets Down' was given. Saved Rounds were negative 5 points for the Individual or the Team.
We shot on what resembled a Shilloutte Target

What years was this? I think things may have changed over the years.

The course of fire for the divisional match course is

20 shots standing 200 yards
10 shots sitting rapid 200 yards
10 shots prone rapid 300 yards
20 shots prone 500 yards.

60 shots @ 5 points each = 300 max score shot over two days for a total match score of 600 points.
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This has been great reading. Welcome to the new people and thanks to the people who know stuff and more thanks to the people who serve and served this country, and a big thanks to Derek for putting it all together!

I have the normaclature of the targets at home and I have some old score books. How do you post a jpg image?
Did you have magazine changes? Standing to sitting etc? Were you allowed to support?
Your point total was the same and We also had other Matches that would go into the Team Aggregate score. We had what was referred to as an Infantry Trophy Match. We would run a 2 mile run with Full LBE or 782 Gear and two full canteens, Rifle and Helmet, we had 20 minutes to do the run and when you came in you had to have your Entire 6 man Team to qualify to shoot the match. At that time you loaded your magazines and had an addition 3 minutes to do so. Then you went to the 400 yard line in two banks of three shooters. The Coach was only allowed to use Bios to spot you and carried an extra rifle for replacement, if needed. When the targets came up, you had one minute to engage and place as many hits as you can. There was 8 targets (Tall and slim for the 400 and 300 and short and narrow for the 200 and 100 so 6 o'clock on the short and center and pray on the tall) and only 6 shooters, so two shooters had to swing shoot. Every Hit in the Black counted as 4 pts on the 400, we then advanced to the 300 as soon as we saw targets move and from the time targets moved until the time they went back down was 90 seconds. We had to advance 100 meters, get into the position and then fire as many rounds as possible. It had only been about 4 minutes since we had come in from the run and started this whole routine. Every hit in the black was 3 pts. Every hit on the 400 was 4 pts and the same procedure for the 200 and the 100. 400 was prone, 300 was sitting, 200 was kneeling or squatting and 100 was off hand. Your heart is beating hard and it may sound easy, try it. we called it the RATTLE BATTLE and it was actually fun. Oh! I think we had 384 rounds to divide by all shooters, now the catch, each target had to have a min of 6 hits on it, then you would multiply your total hits by the total number of targets with as least 6 hits. So if someone had bad dope. 400 meter you had 8 targets with at least 6 hits and a total of 120 hits, Your Score would be 120 x 8 or 960. You could lose the match real fast. This score and the Precision score and a Pistol Score were added in for the Aggregate Match. Precision was double yardage or 100 pts per yard line, we actually fired the Precision twice. We won at the end of a week by two points, once. Add the Heat and dust of Ft Benning or Little Rock and it was a challenge. With Full Gear and Boots etc. I fired this Match into my 40s and let me tell you.... I hurt for days. We would run from the 600 on Easly and then go left and run on the path beside the road, down past the Water Tower and then turn around and come back to the 600. It was a Hard 2 miles, we did it one day when it was 115 degrees and I was so weak, I could barely load mags. Any saved rds on a yard line, you could unload and instantly load into your 300 yd mags. Had to hurry, not much time and if you drop one, it stayed. Anything dropped, stayed on the ground. If you were a Young and healthy runner and came in with three minutes to spare, then you had a three minute rest before the 3 minute Magazine loading time started. When we did this match In Little Rock at camp Robinson, I swear to god it was UP HILL when we left and UP HILL when we came back. Never have figured that out.
In later years they added a Plate knock down match based on time. Had to run 100 yds, and 4 shooters had to knock down 8 steel plates, fastest time won. We also had an Obstacle course with a 20 round string. Time started at the begining of the course and time ad score determine the winner. Now they are doing Landings in a Blackhawk and fire teams desperse and engage targets, with an Obstacle course between the LZ and the firing line.

We are the finest fighting force on the planet equipped with the finest weapons and equipment. All of which were supplied by the lowest bidder!!


Thanks for the warm welcome and no thanks is necessary for us serving. I need no thanks to Love my wife and I need no thanks to love my country. It is MY PLEASURE.
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Did you have magazine changes? Standing to sitting etc? Were you allowed to support?

Yes 2 rounds and 8 rounds. Standing to sitting, and standing to prone. Sling support.

Your point total was the same and We also had other Matches that would go into the Team Aggregate score. We had what was referred to as an Infantry Trophy Match. We would run a 2 mile run with Full LBE or 782 Gear and two full canteens, Rifle and Helmet, we had 20 minutes to do the run and when you came in you had to have your Entire 6 man Team to qualify to shoot the match. At that time you loaded your magazines and had an addition 3 minutes to do so. Then you went to the 400 yard line in two banks of three shooters. The Coach was only allowed to use Bios to spot you and carried an extra rifle for replacement, if needed. When the targets came up, you had one minute to engage and place as many hits as you can. There was 8 targets (Tall and slim for the 400 and 300 and short and narrow for the 200 and 100 so 6 o'clock on the short and center and pray on the tall) and only 6 shooters, so two shooters had to swing shoot. Every Hit in the Black counted as 4 pts on the 400, we then advanced to the 300 as soon as we saw targets move and from the time targets moved until the time they went back down was 90 seconds. We had to advance 100 meters, get into the position and then fire as many rounds as possible. It had only been about 4 minutes since we had come in from the run and started this whole routine. Every hit in the black was 3 pts. Every hit on the 400 was 4 pts and the same procedure for the 200 and the 100. 400 was prone, 300 was sitting, 200 was kneeling or squatting and 100 was off hand. Your heart is beating hard and it may sound easy, try it. we called it the RATTLE BATTLE and it was actually fun. Oh! I think we had 384 rounds to divide by all shooters, now the catch, each target had to have a min of 6 hits on it, then you would multiply your total hits by the total number of targets with as least 6 hits. So if someone had bad dope. 400 meter you had 8 targets with at least 6 hits and a total of 120 hits, Your Score would be 120 x 8 or 960. You could lose the match real fast.

Did you shoot this ITT match in the Marines or the Army?

The Marines still have the ITT match. It's a bit different than what you stated. Shooting starts at the 600 then goes down a hundred yards each stage. You want to be out of ammo by the 300 yard line or you have already lost the match.

The Marines only shoot this ITT Match at the Marine Corps Championship. And you can only shoot in the USMC Championship if you have won a medal at one of the division matches.
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When you say 10 for 10 , are you saying they put Ten Rounds in the !0 ring and had a perfect 100? Or are you saying they had 10 HITS out of 10 shots fired???
This is ALL issue and NOT Match Grade Rifles????

I'm talking about Marine Corps qualification. I'm sure you remember that. 10 rounds into the B Mod (torso) target black is 5 points. Nearly everyone cleaned this for 50 points.
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No! I do not remember that. I had a M-14 in the Marines and we fired at three types of Target. I know D means Delta but our DIs and PMO called them DOG Targets, so maybe a "D" Target of sort. A Big Round One, 1/2 Shiloutte, and 1/2 Shiloutte with the bottom Right Side cut out, to simulate a guy behind a rock or something.
"10 rounds into the B Mod (torso) target black is 5 points" Oh! So a hit in the Black is 5 pts, you aren't talking Scoring Rings. Gotcha. No! I never qualified in the Corps that way. We had Maggie's Drawers for Misses and we had Scoring Rings up to 10 with X, Unk was below a 190, 190 to 210 was Marksman, 211 to 224 was Sharpshooter, 225 to 250 was EXPERT. Now I know what you are talking about, Cleans are pretty Easy.
Our Black in Combat Precision had the V ring, five ring and 4 ring, the three ring was white. Keeping in the Black was easy, Cleaning which meant with us, the MAX SCORE with Vs being not necessary, 10 fives was a clean, ten fives and 8 Vs was the same score 50.
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M14's fired the same course of fire. 200 yards on the "Able" target - round with scoring rings of 5, 4, 3, and 2. 300 yards is the "Dog" target - the head and shoulders of a prone enemy. 500 yards is the "B Mod" which is a torso. Same scoring on all three depending on where you hit.

It has been this way since Christ was a Corporal.

I shot this Match in the Army, at the 1st Army (Forscom) Matches and at the All Army Matches, and the International Matches.
People didn't have much time for adjusting slings for different yard lines, We started on the 400 and then stood up and started to advance to the 300, as soon as the targets started coming up, you had 90 seconds to get down the rest of the way, get in position and egage the target as many times as you can. Breathing was huge factor. It was a fun, but exhausting match. Strategy was a very important factor too.
They do not do it this way now. The E.I.C. Match is even a little bit of a Give me Match. Hell, they start at the 300 yd, engage two figure 11s, ten rds each side and then advance to the 200 and engage two figure 11s and a figure 12 target and keep going until you are at the 25 yard and have been shooting from the move at 5 second exposed pop up targets. I mean Hell, if you have good dope on the 300 you are in, If you forget to adjust dope, it doesn't cost you points, because you are always advancing CLOSER. The Old E.I.C. Matches when I shot were Precision and you started close and moved back to the 400 yard and if you forgot your dope or to flip the LR, you lost points. It took me a few years to get my Distinguished, in the Old Matches. I know the E.I.C. Matches are suppose to be OPEN to anyone who wants to shoot them, Civilian or other, but Geez! how about a challenge????

"You can trust me with your life, but not your money or your wife..."
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You are correct, we did not start on the 100 we started on the 200. Yes! Able targets sound right. Damn, guy that was almost 40 years ago. I don't even remember the girls names back then........
I heard it as when Jesus was a Private......

I do remember too that those who went UNK on Pre Qual Day, got the HOT LOCKER. The morning after we had a fellow who had been in the HOT LOCKER, save a round and put it through his head at the 500 meter line. He was left there until C.I.D. could get the area processed, we kept firing had to walk around him numerous times. We were told by our Senrior DI to ignore the maggot. He was called a NON HACKER MAGGOT by our DI. Days later it was explained that you would need to get use to the fact of being near someone you knew, DEAD and you would have to continue to function. That was my first WAKE UP CALL to reality.

. "Marines the .50 M2 machine gun was made for eliminating enemy equipment. The Geneva convention states it is not to be used on personel. However...isn't a belt buckle military equipment? Nuf said!"
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The E.I.C. Match is even a little bit of a Give me Match. Hell, they start at the 300 yd, engage two figure 11s, ten rds each side and then advance to the 200 and engage two figure 11s and a figure 12 target and keep going until you are at the 25 yard and have been shooting from the move at 5 second exposed pop up targets. I mean Hell, if you have good dope on the 300 you are in, If you forget to adjust dope, it doesn't cost you points, because you are always advancing CLOSER.

This is not an EIC match. What year did you become distinguished? For a little on EIC click on the link.

That is most certainly the E.I.C. Match, for M-16 not High Power. High Power is what I was referring to the other day where you can earn LEG Points and earn a NRA Position. Military Combat E.I.C. Now what you posted is for an E.I.C. Accepted match for High Power. Other types of matches also offer LEG Points. Matches are as I described. What you posted from an example from 1881.

They are tall and short Camoflauge Human Shiloutte Targettes, coming at you with Fixed Bayonets.
You start on the 300 yd shooting two Tall or Fig 11s, prone. advance to the 200 and do a sititng rapid on on two fig 12s and one fig 11. etc and keep advancing down to the 25 meter. I have a PDF file of the match from two years ago. I can send it or I will scan it and post it when I get home.

I was Distinguished in 1992.
I earned my points by placing and getting points in the Matches I have described to you, such as Forscom Combat Rifle Precision, All Army Combat Rifle Precison and International Combat Rifle Precision Our EICs were quite a bit different than what is posted. This match is a piece of cake match. Well, when I was a little younger it was...... The E.I.C. Match I describe above is only good for a 6 pointer. I don't think you can get an 8 or 10 in that Match because of the limitations.

Found it, this is from Pennsylvania for 2006

1. Courses of Fire:

Individual Combat Rifleman Match (EIC)

CONDITIONS: This match is fired continuously and there is no break between stages, except to give range orders. Malfunctions, if any, must be cleared without orders. Competitors will be squaded to a target prior to the first relay. Maximum score is 300 points. All scoring will be done in the pits at the completion of each relay.

STAGE 1: Deliberate - 300 yards- Prone -3 sighting shots- 6 shots for record
1 Fig. 11 target (pulled and marked after each shot) 9 minutes

STAGE 2: Rapid - 300 yards - Prone - 8 shots, 4 each target, 2 fig. 11 targets 30 seconds

STAGE 3: Rapid - 200 yards - Kneeling- 4 shots -Fig. 11 Target - 25 seconds.

STAGE 4: Snap - 200 yards - Sitting - 8 shots, 1 shot each exposure,
Fig. 11 / Fig. 12 targets. - 3 seconds per exposure

STAGE 5. Rapid - 200 yards - Prone - 10 shots - 1 shot at each target exposure -
Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 targets - 5 exposure of 5 seconds each.

STAGE 6: Rapid - 100 yards - Kneeling - 6 shots - two shots each target - one Fig.11
and two Fig.12 targets - 30 seconds.

STAGE 7: Snap - 100 - yards - Standing- 4 shots - 1 shot each exposure Fig.12 Target
3 seconds per exposure.

STAGE 8: SNAP - 100 to 50 yards -8 shots - 2 shots per exposure, one standing,
then one Kneeling, Fig. 12 target - four exposures.

STAGE 9: Snap - 50-25 yards - Standing - 6 shots - two shots each exposure,
two seconds per exposure.

The More you sweat in peace the less you bleed in War!
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That link was THE history for ALL E.I.C. matches. EIC is only earned for military shooting in pistol and rifle (service pistol and service rifle that is currently accepted as "legal" during the time period since its inception in 1881.

There is / was no EIC match in 1992 as you described. If you are who I think you are, you were distinguished in 1993.

Yes! I recieved my Medal in 93 for my final points earned in 92.
No! there wasn't a match as I described in 92, it started soon after, maybe 95 or 96. Who do you think I am? WOW! are you physic?

Your last name KIRIN????? from the well known shooting family of KIRINS?

I edited my last psot and added a Course of Fire for an EIC as I describe in 2006 in Pa.
Yes! My intisals are CA. Now I have a chill up my friggin back......

I posted a course of fire and reference on my page 10 post. Who are you? GOD?????
Whew! thanks Derek, I was beging to think Tony was a SPOOK....... Where is this web site.
I got mine with Ralph Young and Millard Butler who is TRIPLE D and Ralph I think is Double D
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