New Online Firearm License Application System

I have. Nobody on the state’s end has any clue about what their mandated contract terms say or mean.
So a bunch of idiots doing a cut and paste of shit they don't understand then trying to come up with an unintelligible explanation of how they still did their job right and it's you that screwed up?
They should be making it complex and requiring better passwords to protect sensitive information.

It's not really all that impressive of an update and should have been done a decade ago.
Meh, MFA is better than a freaking temp password that is a 12 figure jumble of upper, lower case and numbers, and O or 0 that don't give an indication of which is which. There is a reason no one does that anymore. Old tech.

Yes, they should have, but impressive that they even have the really old info. Not the site itself, I am impressed it works, given the state's history with that. I figured that old crap was lost to the archives.
My experience is with City of Boston contracts and there always seemed to be a lot of "nod and wink" going on.

Then there are "Change Orders." Which seemed to be a good way to get around something that should have required a RFP.

I have. Nobody on the state’s end has any clue about what their mandated contract terms say or mean.
I created an account although I don't expect be moving back to MA. Maybe I'll apply for a non resident when my current LTC expires, but probably not.
It took all of about ten minutes. Has my LTCs back to 1992, although I was first licensed in 1977 or so. Show my now expired "Lifetime" FID card as well.

I thought it might show all of my "transaction registrations" since they are in a database somewhere, but maybe that will come later.
Meh, MFA is better than a freaking temp password that is a 12 figure jumble of upper, lower case and numbers, and O or 0 that don't give an indication of which is which. There is a reason no one does that anymore. Old tech.

Yes, they should have, but impressive that they even have the really old info. Not the site itself, I am impressed it works, given the state's history with that. I figured that old crap was lost to the archives.
Concur but if they don't use mfa then a properly configured PW complexity requirement should be done.
And looking at their accepted PW characters they might be storing the PW in the DB instead of a salted hash.
Shows my old LTCs, and an FID from 1987 - though I knew I obtained an LTC in 1987 when I moved to the DPRM from NY.
I created an account, no place I saw for a password... bumped me out and asked me to log in, I did the reset password and still no email with a the temp password...

Now what?

And it would be nice if it showed all my FA-10 guns along with the old ltc's
I created an account, no place I saw for a password... bumped me out and asked me to log in, I did the reset password and still no email with a the temp password...

Now what?
You will get a second email with an activation code.
That's what will allow you to complete the account setup.
My license is listed, I have paperwork from submitting a renewal about 2 months ago that doesn’t show up in there, wonder when it will
Funny that I posted this yesterday, I just went in today and it shows my new LTC issued on my birthday this year (in December) until 2030 and it's listed as inactive, looks like my renewal went through...
I emailed them, got the usual check spam etc... I said i did, I'll update this when I hear back.
Are you certain you didn't screw up your email?
Also did you select your current license type and license number?
A screwup in that data should leave you wondering what happened with zero extra information (so that a bot can't brute force license info)
I had the trio of dealer, ammo, gunsmith back in the later 80s, none of them show on my account, they doi show my past LTCs and my FID dated from 1984 to 1999 (it was a forever FID). I didn't think they would have the dealer stuff, now I'm wondering why it's not there.
I got an answer (finally) about my machine gun license not showing up. They say the person who entered must have made a mistake so that it did not match my others and then they fixed it. I have two profiles, one with the MGL and one with everything else. They cannot fix/merge them so that it behaves as needed. Call me shocked.
Are you certain you didn't screw up your email?
Also did you select your current license type and license number?
A screwup in that data should leave you wondering what happened with zero extra information (so that a bot can't brute force license info)

Not 100% on the email

Yup LTC xxxxxxxxA

I'm emailing them now. told them to kill my acct and I'll re register.
I just submitted for a NonRes, went to upload a photo and they have a 1MB limit. So I emailed a reduced sized photo to myself to use.
Uploaded it, looked fine, had to crop it, then it rotated the photo 90 degrees each time.
We’ll see if it causes problems with the application.
I got an answer (finally) about my machine gun license not showing up. They say the person who entered must have made a mistake so that it did not match my others and then they fixed it. I have two profiles, one with the MGL and one with everything else. They cannot fix/merge them so that it behaves as needed. Call me shocked.
thanks, Massachusetts.
notice that reason for applying is a required field...

View attachment 927482
"The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it."
My friend who renewed in person a few months ago in Quincy put down ALP and she said that was not acceptable anymore. I forgot what he eventually put down but he always had No Restrictions.
What would you write?
Reason is not the same as purpose

Because it is now a shall issue and the only way to possess the answer "I want to possess and carry firearms" is a complete and sufficient answer.

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