NFA Items - Picture thread

o haaaaaay. What's the magwel say? Memory of last visit?


jelly. sucks that they decided to stop production, their product line is/was tits.

Devin is a solid dude, too. He said something about "If you come up with an idea that goes into production, you get serial #1" and I can't speak to the other designs, but after my idea of the "PEN15" - sure enough I have serial #1, completely free of charge (with free trust engraving, too) - despite deciding to put an end to it before taking any orders for them. That one is gonna be the 458 socom SBR, methinks. I'll be doing business with his other business "Reaper Tactical" for sure and recommend him to everyone. Everybody should like his facebook, and maybe with enough support, it'll be back in action?
Yes sir it use to be a pistol I did a triangle conversion the gas tube came off a old chicom tube that was damaged so I chopped it up and fit it to the aksu tube...welded it in place as it was on the original unit. Sadly ill have to move to mass at some point so it cant come with me folding stocks are a bummer down there I hear
Yes sir it use to be a pistol I did a triangle conversion the gas tube came off a old chicom tube that was damaged so I chopped it up and fit it to the aksu tube...welded it in place as it was on the original unit. Sadly ill have to move to mass at some point so it cant come with me folding stocks are a bummer down there I hear

If it has a stamp from the ATF that is a grey area undefined by MA lawr.
because 9mm

Finally got this thing engraved, assembled the lower. My roll pin for the bolt catch (anderson lpk) is actually a spiral pin, and split apart upon installation... not the end of the world because I'm waiting on the bolt to arrive.

cmmg barrel and bolt
Hahn mag block
anderson lower
rainer upper
some chinese cheapo rail, I think it was Ben to linked to it here
ebay 'tank brake'
Cmore is also on order
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because 9mm

Finally got this thing engraved, assembled the lower. My roll pin for the bolt catch (anderson lpk) is actually a spiral pin, and split apart upon installation... not the end of the world because I'm waiting on the bolt to arrive.

cmmg barrel and bolt
Hahn mag block
anderson lower
rainer lower
some chinese cheapo rail, I think it was Ben to linked to it here
ebay 'tank brake'
Cmore is also on order
Going to shoot PCC division?
because 9mm

Finally got this thing engraved, assembled the lower. My roll pin for the bolt catch (anderson lpk) is actually a spiral pin, and split apart upon installation... not the end of the world because I'm waiting on the bolt to arrive.

cmmg barrel and bolt
Hahn mag block
anderson lower
rainer upper
some chinese cheapo rail, I think it was Ben to linked to it here
ebay 'tank brake'
Cmore is also on order

Yeah looks like the rousch hand guard I got on my 20" ar.


I'll be putting my stamp in shortly so I can pop the fake can off . Yugo m85 I built with a ak builder rear stock.

My 9mm buffers are 8.3 oz with a nylon or 3D printed spacer behind them. To be honest, I've shot a 9mm upper on a lower that had the Spike's ST-2 buffer. I left it in by accident and it still functioned fine. Not sure at what point it begins to make a difference and cause failures.

I want to try the JP system bc there is a lot less moving mass compared to the standard setup. JP is a new player so it's interesting to see how they solve the AR 9mm riddle.
because 9mm

Finally got this thing engraved, assembled the lower. My roll pin for the bolt catch (anderson lpk) is actually a spiral pin, and split apart upon installation... not the end of the world because I'm waiting on the bolt to arrive.

cmmg barrel and bolt
Hahn mag block
anderson lower
rainer upper
some chinese cheapo rail, I think it was Ben to linked to it here
ebay 'tank brake'
Cmore is also on order

Also because 9mm....


SW94. Hopefully getting it refinished next week.

Here are a couple of pics of my AR15 SBR build. Got the tax stamp some time ago and finally acquired all of the parts and more or less completed the build last week. Took it to the range yesterday and ran 90 rounds through the gun. No problems. Used a Bushnell red dot I had kicking around here. Much fun!

Seekins lower receiver
DSG Arms / Seekins upper
10 1/2" barrel
POF USA drop in trigger


  • AR15_SBR_01.jpg
    165.1 KB · Views: 111
  • AR15_SBR_02.jpg
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