NH FFL Obtaining MA Gunsmithing or Dealers License

Aug 12, 2024
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I am a NH resident with a MA non-res LTC (doubt that matters). I am at the very beginning stages of starting a small 07 FFL in NH. This is looking quite a bit ahead, but is it possible for a NH resident with an FFL location in NH to obtain either a MA gunsmithing or dealers license without obtaining an additional FFL for the MA location? Ignore zoning concerns for the moment.

I ask because I spend a significant amount of time in MA and imagine it would be useful/potentially lucrative to be able to perform smithing and light manufacturing work while at the MA location. Depending on zoning, the MA dealers license may also make more sense and could open up the possibility of LE demos/sales in MA. However, maintaining an entirely separate FFL at this location on top of the MA license makes this a more difficult proposition.

Thank you! Very specific question I realize, but something I wanted to consider as I put together the business plan for the FFL.
You need the FFL for federal law. Once you have the FFL you can get your MA dealer and gunsmithing licenses. Every location you do business in needs its own FFL
Okay that makes sense. Is that the order of operations you suggest? NH FFL, then MA dealer/smithing license, then FFL in the MA location (since I gather the MA license is more of a barrier). Does anyone here have experience with running two small FFL locations in different states?

Thank you for the answer.

Tangentially related, what is the protocol for an NH FFL07 (without a MA dealers license) doing LE demos of NFA items in MA? I know the FFL alone doesn't exempt you from the AWB and mag laws, but does a demo letter supersede that?
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