NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

The colonists knew it was illegal to tar and feather the tax collectors and they did it anyway.
time to petition doj to reopen those cold cases and bring descendants of those domestic terrorists to justice.
say 'no' to hate! prosecute everyone.
Until these commies are put in prison for ignoring the constitution this stupid shit will continue to happen.
Didnt this just happen somewhere...not the suspending the 2a. But some city council did some dumb shit and all of them got primaried and voted out like within a month
Bike boy is groomed to be the next Pete Buttigieg. That gifted admission and tuition to Harvard by Bloomberg is a long term investment.

I wouldn't necessary focus on him so much as the puppet masters with an arm up to their elbow in his posterior.
So Hogg likes hog too???
APRIL 10, 2021 10:58:27 AM
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico signed a law on Wednesday which eliminates the defense of qualified immunity for public officials, including police officers.
Qualified immunity protects government officials from being held personally liable for constitutional violations.
The new law provides:
In any claim for damages or relief under the New Mexico Civil Rights Act, no public body or person acting on behalf of, under color of or within the course and scope of the authority of a public body shall enjoy the defense of qualified immunity for causing the deprivation of any rights, privileges or immunities secured by the bill of rights of the constitution of New Mexico.
Grisham said, while she respects police officers who “work tirelessly every single day to protect” New Mexicans, when officers violate the New Mexico constitution, “the victims are disproportionately people of color, and there are too often roadblocks to fighting for those inalienable rights in a court of law.”
Speaker of the House Brian Egolf noted that New Mexico is one of few states to pass a law altering or eliminating qualified immunity and said, “today, our state’s Bill of Rights becomes a living, enforceable document, finally giving those who have their civil rights violated a path to justice in state court, and holding accountable those who do wrong in positions of power.”
Claims from incidents on or after July 1, 2021, can be brought under the new law with possible damages of up to 2 million dollars.

APRIL 10, 2021 10:58:27 AM
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico signed a law on Wednesday which eliminates the defense of qualified immunity for public officials, including police officers.
Qualified immunity protects government officials from being held personally liable for constitutional violations.
The new law provides:

Grisham said, while she respects police officers who “work tirelessly every single day to protect” New Mexicans, when officers violate the New Mexico constitution, “the victims are disproportionately people of color, and there are too often roadblocks to fighting for those inalienable rights in a court of law.”
Speaker of the House Brian Egolf noted that New Mexico is one of few states to pass a law altering or eliminating qualified immunity and said, “today, our state’s Bill of Rights becomes a living, enforceable document, finally giving those who have their civil rights violated a path to justice in state court, and holding accountable those who do wrong in positions of power.”
Claims from incidents on or after July 1, 2021, can be brought under the new law with possible damages of up to 2 million dollars.


Well....... Governor Grisham....... I guess this just goes to validate the old saying that:

"The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed".
To quote Taggart from Blazing Saddles, "What will that a**h*** think of next?"

But the idea was ultimately scrapped after the administration realized it did not have the authority to suspend a 1983 law signed by then-Gov. Michael Dukakis.

Interesting take on the lack of authority for the MA governor to suspend state law:

I am stealing that line. Fortunately, I wasn't drinking coffee or I'd need a new laptop.

I do not know who is the original author of that saying.....but I have found that reciting it to myself when needed provides me with a degree of inner peace when I read of the world class stupidity that we seem to be surrounded by these days as reported in the news.
But she did it for the children. I think that makes her exempt from any consequences.

Did you ever notice that whenever a politician does something that attacks our Constitutional civil rights, they always use the worn-out excuse that they were driven to taking this action because they were only thinking of the welfare of all these un-named children?

My response to their bullshit excuse is very simple:

Where's the obligatory NES "I'd hit it"? (You're not getting it from me...)

Sigh - OK. I would.

I do not know who is the original author of that saying.....but I have found that reciting it to myself when needed provides me with a degree of inner peace when I read of the world class stupidity that we seem to be surrounded by these days as reported in the news.

@timbo used the line last Friday talking about the "defund the police" chick that got carjacked. I haven't seen it used before that, so I think we should give him credit.
Sigh - OK. I would.

@timbo used the line last Friday talking about the "defund the police" chick that got carjacked. I haven't seen it used before that, so I think we should give him credit.

Thank you for informing me where you first saw that saying.........I did not recall seeing his message and am delighted to credit him for the authorship of what I consider to be one of the better observations on the current state of life these days.
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Even more suits filed, and today at 11 AM MT (1 PM ET), the United States District Court – District of New Mexico (Albuquerque) held a hearing on the motion for a temporary restraining order against the governor’s stupid gun emergency order.

  1. National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)
  2. We The Patriots
  3. Gun Owners of America (GOA) + Gun Owners Foundation (GOF)
  4. Shawn Blas (Class Action)
  5. Joint lawsuit between:
    1. New Mexico Shooting Sports Association
    2. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)
    3. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
Actually most states recognize the high sheriff. Massachusetts does, but the high sheriff of this commonwealth; choses to be more of a politician than a law enforcement official. I see you ;likely got that info from google. However while in the academy (long ago); we studied the actual law. Yes it is likely an old law; but it's still on the books. Unfortunately most politicians and top law enforcement officials no longer follow the laws as they were written.

who is our high sheriff?
Sigh - OK. I would.

@timbo used the line last Friday talking about the "defund the police" chick that got carjacked. I haven't seen it used before that, so I think we should give him credit.
It's from part of a saying I heard in the navy many many years ago and rewrote to fit the times...along the lines of BOHICA but without vaseline. I just "updated" it. ;)
It was an epiphany...
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