NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

When they've lost David Hogg :

View: https://twitter.com/davidhogg111/status/1700601787605266779

They seem to have realized they went too far and are now all running in lockstep the other way.

To be clear, they do not care about the exercise of these "powers" to infringe on the 2A. They (appropriately) worry about what these "powers" could be used by if someone they do not like is in power. Or at least that should be what worries them.
Pretty sure this was already filed? Plenty of articles stating such. However, reporters are rarely right.
Won't matter. Isn't the EO only 30 days? It will come and go before the court even sets a TRO hearing date.
Pretty sure this was already filed? Plenty of articles stating such. However, reporters are rarely right.
NAGR filed on Saturday, Since I don't trust modern "reporters", I posted a link to the complete date-stamped filing.

What do you think will our Massachusetts Carpet Muncher in Chief see this and decide this is the way to go in Massachusetts. Suspend forever won't even have to wait for 4420. This country is Ffffu
Murder. Except the King James Version, every translation of the Bible says thou shall not MURDER.

The Bible and its Laws are full of instances where people killed righteously. Be it in war, self defense or as a blood redeemer of a victim - killing by itself is not biblically wrong. The intent behind the killing is what makes it the sin.

Sorry - I get irritated at this being overly misunderstood. A woman at church won't kill a bug if she can help it because "thou shall not kill". Yes, she eats meat. Yes she wears a mask and think she's helping. Yes, I'm trying to bring her around to normalcy. No, she isn't hot.
You’re correct I haven’t read it in awhile
At least two of the suits include requests for TROs. The judges will likely act on those since they will cite immediate and irreparable harm to the plaintiffs. It doesn't appear that you have followed any of the post Bruen suits and motions that have been filed.

Won't matter. Isn't the EO only 30 days? It will come and go before the court even sets a TRO hearing date.
Who will arrest them? “Just following orders” hand selected Police Chiefs?

Who will prosecute them? Soros purchased communist DA’s?

Who will sentence them? Communist hand picked judges?

“Vote them out!” You say.

You can vote your way into communism. But you can’t vote your way out.

Don’t want to be Debbie Downer here but this is only going to get worse and more frequent.
a million man open cary march on the capital would end that pronto
Both David Hogg and Ted Lieu say "I support gun safety but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution,"

Where was this epiphany when the Covid response was rammed down out throats?

Will they keep this attitude when the Covid mandates ramp up shortly (and they will)? I think not....
They realize this is a loser right out of the gate .
It might actually create case law in court that will be detrimental to them in the future.
I seriously doubt there was some kind of epiphany about loving the consitiution .
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Is it just me or is there like an entire contingent of gun people with some weird infatuation on what this little faggot Hog says? The last several pages of this thread have multiple dupe postings of his Twitter or socials. Kids a loser but people keep breathing life into his socials keeping him alive.
It's you.

Is it just me or is there like an entire contingent of gun people with some weird infatuation on what this little faggot Hog says? The last several pages of this thread have multiple dupe postings of his Twitter or socials. Kids a loser but people keep breathing life into his socials keeping him alive.
Is it just me or is there like an entire contingent of gun people with some weird infatuation on what this little faggot Hog says? The last several pages of this thread have multiple dupe postings of his Twitter or socials. Kids a loser but people keep breathing life into his socials keeping him alive.
I agree, but at the same time the kid is being groomed to be a politician so he'll keep showing up.
Is it just me or is there like an entire contingent of gun people with some weird infatuation on what this little faggot Hog says? The last several pages of this thread have multiple dupe postings of his Twitter or socials. Kids a loser but people keep breathing life into his socials keeping him alive.
Bike boy is groomed to be the next Pete Buttigieg. That gifted admission and tuition to Harvard by Bloomberg is a long term investment.

I wouldn't necessary focus on him so much as the puppet masters with an arm up to their elbow in his posterior.
What do you think will our Massachusetts Carpet Muncher in Chief see this and decide this is the way to go in Massachusetts. Suspend forever won't even have to wait for 4420. This country is Ffffu
I think she will be looking at this and maybe bumping it up to say %25
Is it just me or is there like an entire contingent of gun people with some weird infatuation on what this little faggot Hog says? The last several pages of this thread have multiple dupe postings of his Twitter or socials. Kids a loser but people keep breathing life into his socials keeping him alive.
It's not a weird infatuation, he's just a weirdo who bears watching and opposing every step of the way during his "grooming".

The left are the ones who are or will be infatuated with that weasel as they prop him up to be their next poster child for "reasonable gun control laws".

As long as the "social responses" are in opposition, it's a good thing.
It's not a weird infatuation, he's just a weirdo who bears watching and opposing every step of the way during his "grooming".

The left are the ones who are or will be infatuated with that weasel as they prop him up to be their next poster child for "reasonable gun control laws".

As long as the "social responses" are in opposition, it's a good thing.
Ya maybe it’s just my own dislike and lack of respect for the kid, gets me a little triggered that he hasn’t been hit by a bus yet.
I don't know why everyone is cheering this empty loser. If he really meant what he said he'd have arrested her already. Instead he basically chucked himself on stage. "I don't agree but I'm gonna stand here while she tramples everyone's right".
If police aren't going to arrest tyrants and charge them with treason, they are complicit.

Interesting twist to the story. Has this ever happened before? Who would back him (or "police") up in court? I think they would need to have an entire system, aside from the regular system, all queued up and ready to go. Sounds like a coup. Is that what you are saying here?
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Ya maybe it’s just my own dislike and lack of respect for the kid, gets me a little triggered that he hasn’t been hit by a bus yet.
Fret not, there's plenty of busses, and plenty of streets to cross yet. [laugh]
Interesting twist to the story. Has this ever happened before? Who would back him (or "police") up in court? I think they would need to have an entire system, aside from the regular system, all queued up and ready to go. Sounds like a coup. Is that what you are saying here?

The governor is the one conducting a coup. Arrest her. If a judge or DA let her go, arrest them too. Either uphold the law or resign. Standing on the sidelines is not an option.
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