NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

And this turn of events where judges and politicians can say the law means whatever they say it means is not only a relatively new development .......as far as I can recall...... but also a very disturbing trend where the concept of nobody being responsible for their own actions is now accepted as the new normal for societal behavior.

Up is down......right is wrong.......good is bad......if your aunt had balls, she would be your uncle......it is no wonder that us old farts are having a difficult time navigating these tumultuous days.......Jesus take the wheel.......I am ready to come home........

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I’m not exactly an old fart but, aunts now actually having balls is ruining my joke.
I’ve been using that saying for years. 🤣
I’m not exactly an old fart but, aunts now actually having balls is ruining my joke.
I’ve been using that saying for years. 🤣

And that my friend is why I am struggling to cope these days. I can accept the fact that we have reached the age where there are trees younger than us.........but I have real difficulty in seeing "women" whose beards are longer than mine is and look like they could easily kick my ass and take my name if they so desired to do so.......it really is a confusing new world for the gang down at the senior citizen center........
They are going to dunk on her so hard, the memes are going to be amazing.
Unfortunately, we can’t just meme our way out of this situation and all the others that continue to fester. There’s no reckoning, no real accountability for the powerful people in our society today. That’s why this continues to get worse. The solution will have to be us.

View: https://twitter.com/2Aupdates/status/1700689216408043641

View: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1700341554161053830

View: https://twitter.com/StephenGutowski/status/1700325078376812830

There it is. NAGR v Grisham.

Should be a slam-dunk.
Republican state Reps. Stefani Lord and John Block announced on Saturday they are calling for the governor to be impeached.

"I am calling on counsel to begin the impeachment process against Governor Grisham," Lord said. "This is an abhorrent attempt at imposing a radical, progressive agenda on an unwilling populous. Rather than addressing crime at its core, Governor Grisham is restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Even Grisham believes this emergency order won’t prohibit criminals from carrying or using weapons; a basic admission that this will only put New Mexicans in danger as they won’t be able to defend themselves from violent crime."
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View: https://twitter.com/2Aupdates/status/1700689216408043641

View: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1700341554161053830

View: https://twitter.com/StephenGutowski/status/1700325078376812830

I would like to think that the current case law of record and a basic application of commonsense would support NAGR in this matter, but I guess the outcome of the litigation will prove to be a resounding bellwether as to not only how far have we have fallen as a society that used to be predicated upon the rule of law but more importantly is there any actual legal foundation left to underpin our country.

I came across this meme the other evening and in light of the developing situation in New Mexico one has to wonder just how close are certain parts of society to "breaking the glass" as he says. The recent riots affected certain geographical areas but the attacks on our Constitutional civil rights affect a greater number of citizens over a larger area and one suspects will enrage a larger group of individuals who have arrived at the belief that they are being unfairly and illegally abused by the organs of government. If those folks decide to act upon their belief of being unfairly victimized than times could become rather more interesting than one had expected them to be.

Have you checked the price of 3/4" sisal rope? ;) It's 75 cents to a dollar p/foot these days. Depending on how high the hangin' branch is, you're going to need at least 40 feet. The hangman's 13 turn knot itself takes 10 feet(ish) though one could probably get away with a simple slip knot which uses less rope and still get the job done.
Need rope? I have hundreds of fathoms or rope on hand.
Love the police leadership sitting at her side.
Well it's going to be easier to mess with people who are generally law abiding than some gang banger who might just shoot you on general purposes .
They can throw out some stats saying "Look at all the arrests we made" and never have to deal with real criminals.
Since no law would be violated, what could the charges even be?
I always found it curious that the Constitution was referred to as “the highest law of the land”, but Law Enforcement ignores its violations completely, leaving to the judicial branch to have to issue court orders before they enforce it.

That disconnect has created all kinds of insane problems in this country. Tyrants know they can issue any insane edict and most of the LEOs and citizenry will follow right along. It’s only when someone who has the cash to hire a lawyer goes to court (assuming it’s not an equally insane, corrupt or communist judge … chances are 50/50) who MIGHT agree with a plaintiff and issue a court order.

Meanwhile weeks, months, have gone by and the edict stands, people are stripped of their rights and in the end, the tyrant remains in office, laughing and can simply issue another unconstitutional order and the process starts all over again.

Seems to me LE has failed their duty to protect and serve and to arrest and charge blatant violators of the constitution.
I always found it curious that the Constitution was referred to as “the highest law of the land”, but Law Enforcement ignores its violations completely, leaving to the judicial branch to have to issue court orders before they enforce it.

That disconnect has created all kinds of insane problems in this country. Tyrants know they can issue any insane edict and most of the LEOs and citizenry will follow right along. It’s only when someone who has the cash to hire a lawyer goes to court (assuming it’s not an equally insane, corrupt or communist judge … chances are 50/50) who MIGHT agree with a plaintiff and issue a court order.

Meanwhile weeks, months, have gone by and the edict stands, people are stripped of their rights and in the end, the tyrant remains in office, laughing and can simply issue another unconstitutional order and the process starts all over again.

Seems to me LE has failed their duty to protect and serve and to arrest and charge blatant violators of the constitution.
It says so right in the constitution, Article VI, paragraph 2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

What this country needs to get away from is incorporated police departments and revamp ALL law enforcement back to constitutionally elected sheriffs.
Well it's going to be easier to mess with people who are generally law abiding than some gang banger who might just shoot you on general purposes .
They can throw out some stats saying "Look at all the arrests we made" and never have to deal with real criminals.
But the LTC folks are not the ones committing the crimes. And no media type asked her about this?
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