NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

Well it's going to be easier to mess with people who are generally law abiding than some gang banger who might just shoot you on general purposes .
They can throw out some stats saying "Look at all the arrests we made" and never have to deal with real criminals.
Low hanging fruit is the best fruit.
Why would that matter considering how openly anti-gun he is? People are either going to vote for him or not.
It matters because when people see a list as long as your arm, of unconstitutional things that this scumbag might support, as opposed to one or two things which he can successfully back pedal on in the future, people might not be so disinclined to vote for him if he ran for some office.

Certainly nobody in the "gun culture" is going to vote for him, but ignorant, myopic people who see a young, "Harvard Graduate" who even remotely aligns with their views might be rather inclined to toss their vote his way.

He's a dishonest leftist scumbag at heart and doesn't deserve one iota of public trust.
Dont they run things like this past their legal team? I cant see any lawyer ok-ing this, no matter how much of a leftist diversity hire they may be. Curious what purpose this is supposed to serve 3 or 4 steps down the road because there's no way any of them expected this to fly.

Won't the edict stand until it is struck down in court?
Dont they run things like this past their legal team
the legal team now concludes correctly what political affiliation local judges got, how long it will take until the issue gonna get upward higher circuits, if not the scotus itself, and while all this legal BS proceeds - they rely on the unlawful edict to be held in effect and enforced by gestapo they control. same exact way hochul does it in NY.

any decision of executive branch can now be unlawful, and still can be enforced while contested. after getting contested - they know it will bear no consequences.
what means in the practical reality - they can and do pretty much all they want.
So are any pro gun groups planning a protest in Albuquerque to challenge her bullshit?

I have a funny feeling if 2000 gun owners showed up, all with pistols carried visibly, she would have to eat crow.
They should do it now, while the ink on her nonsense order is still wet.
Won't the edict stand until it is struck down in court?
So they issue a decree that they know wont stand. Gun owners (if theyre smart) openly and loudly flaunt it. (open carry all day every day). Either some get arrested and then get rich off the inevitable lawsuits, or none get arrested and the government appears impotent.
I think it’s difficult to overstate what a higher development this is within the context of gun rights. You have this absolute moron openly and admittedly (proudly) suspending constitutional rights. And her disgusting argument, that someone lawful gun owners are to blame for the crimes being committed by violent criminal, is there for everyone to see.
Won't the edict stand until it is struck down in court?
Yes. Because, as it turns out, the Constitution is in practice not the “Law of the Land”.

No law enforcement agency will enforce government violations of the constitution.

The US Constitution has become a list of suggestions.

If you want a violation enforced you have to have deep pockets, hire a lawyer, find a judge (there aren’t many left) who is willing to issue an order and even then, big question if LE would do anything about it.

And then, what’s stopping a tyrant from signing another order the next minute?

Yes. Because, as it turns out, the Constitution is in practice not the “Law of the Land”.

No law enforcement agency will enforce government violations of the constitution.

The US Constitution has become a list of suggestions.

If you want a violation enforced you have to have pockets, hire a lawyer, find a judge (there aren’t many left) who is willing to issue an order and even then, big question if LE would do anything about it.

And then, what’s stopping a tyrant from signing another order the next minute?

Didn't they do basically the same thing during Katrina?
The controlling governor and her judge could just slow walk the case and her judge "ala John Roberts" says "no standing" because the 30 days is over.
The controlling governor and her judge could just slow walk the case and her judge "ala John Roberts" says "no standing" because the 30 days is over.
That's as dumb as saying: I didn't rob the bank when I pulled out a gun at the teller window and demanded money, THEN returned it a half hour later so I can't be charged with bank robbery.

She has placed every citizen in Albuquerque in jeopardy of losing their freedom to freely exercise their state and federally constitutionally protected right to carry a firearm. This "no standing" horseshit is just that.....horseshit.

When you place someone in jeopardy of losing their freedom, their life or limb, you have violated the law and those affected DO have standing to file suit against your actions. And it doesn't matter how long it takes for the case to be prosecuted, the crime was committed.
The plaintiff isn't responsible for the delays or deliberate "slow walking" of the case through the courts, that is beyond their control.
Dont they run things like this past their legal team? I cant see any lawyer ok-ing this, no matter how much of a leftist diversity hire they may be. Curious what purpose this is supposed to serve 3 or 4 steps down the road because there's no way any of them expected this to fly.

I read an account once from a high-level advisor to some sort of public official who said something to the effect that sometimes, The Boss just decides to go with what they want to do regardless of what every advisor recommends.

I want to think that's what happened in this case.
I read an account once from a high-level advisor to some sort of public official who said something to the effect that sometimes, The Boss just decides to go with what they want to do regardless of what every advisor recommends.

I want to think that's what happened in this case.
Maybe so. She strikes me as a "wut-do-i-do-you-guyz?" type who can be manipulated into anything but tbh I know nothing about her.
The controlling governor and her judge could just slow walk the case and her judge "ala John Roberts" says "no standing" because the 30 days is over.
The plaintiff isn't responsible for the delays or deliberate "slow walking" of the case through the courts, that is beyond their control.
US District court judges are appointed by POTUS, NAGR has already filed a case. in the Federal district court for New Mexico.

One area NAGR can show success is in getting "injunctive relief" as requested in the linked filing:
NAGR v Grisham said:
The Court has original jurisdiction of this civil action under 28 U.S.C. § 1331,because the action arises under the Constitution and laws of the United States. TheCourt also has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1343(a)(3) and 42 U.S.C. § 1983 sincethis action seeks to redress the deprivation, under color of the laws, ordinances,regulations, customs and usages of the State, of rights, privileges or immunitiessecured by the United States

Plaintiffs’ claims for declaratory and injunctive relief are authorized by 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 and 2202, respectively, and their claim for attorneys’ fees is authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 1988.13. Venue in this judicial district is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2), because the events or omissions giving rise to Plaintiffs’ claims occurred in this district...
I read an account once from a high-level advisor to some sort of public official who said something to the effect that sometimes, The Boss just decides to go with what they want to do regardless of what every advisor recommends.

I want to think that's what happened in this case.
Yes, because she is an incompetent, dishonest tyrant.

Love the police leadership sitting at her side.

The high Sheriff of each state is the only non federal employee who by law can arrest the Governor; of that state.

With the federal government as corrupt as it is, the High Sheriff is the only one other than the courts that can do anything.

However that would be career suicide; so now we must hope that the courts intervene. This is a very serious situation;

if this Governor is allowed to do this with our serious repercussions...

Liberal politicians will continue to declare state of emergencies, to violate our rights!
The high Sheriff of each state is the only non federal employee who by law can arrest the Governor; of that state.
As far as I know, in the U.S. only Hawaii and Rhode Island recognize the position of High Sheriff. Most states, including New Mexico, follow the federal model where the top law enforcement official is the Attorney General. Raúl Torrez, the attorney general of New Mexico, does not appear to have commented publicly yet. Benjamin Baker, the Interim director of NM's Department of Public Safety, was alongside the governor when she issued her order.
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Is tar and feathering legal?

Historically....... tar and feathering in conjunction with being ridden out of town on a rail was considered a socially acceptable means for graphically conveying the unhappiness of the citizenry with the actions of the government officials...........unfortunately......... those days are just a fond memory in these so-called enlightened times........heavy sigh.......
Request for a restraining order already in the works.

Some interesting language from the challenge that may have relevance here at some point in the future:
Plaintiffs [also] desire to go to private businesses open to the public while lawfully carrying a firearm for lawful purposes, including self-defense, without first obtaining the express affirmative permission of the person who owns the property. The Carry Prohibition prohibits that conduct. Last month, in Wolford v. Lopez (D. Haw. 2023), the court issued a TRO and preliminary injunction enjoining a practically identical Hawaii law. Hawaii argued that there was historical support for its prohibition on carriage on private property without consent. After examining the historical record submitted by the state, the court rejected its argument. It wrote:
The State has not established that the portion of [the statute] that prohibits carrying firearms on private property held open to the public is consistent with this Nation's historical tradition of gun regulation. Because the State has not met its burden, Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their challenge to [the statute] to the extent that [the statute] prohibits carrying firearms on private property held open to the public.
The historical record has not changed since last month. Like Hawaii, New Mexico will not be able to show that the Carry Prohibition's prohibition on lawfully carrying firearms into private businesses in Affected Areas open to the public without first obtaining the express affirmative permission of the person who owns the property is consistent with this Nation's historical tradition of gun regulation. There is no such historical tradition. Therefore, the State is unable to carry its burden….
Traditional "The 1st Circuit is a POS" caveat applies.

Excellent legal argument that will very likely need to be referenced here in the Republic when we finally see what 4420 Version 2 looks like. It all comes down to just leave lawful gun owners alone and focus on the criminals you idiots.......

But the LTC folks are not the ones committing the crimes. And no media type asked her about this?

The media will never inquire about how many documented lawful gun owners have been legally proven to be the major cause of crime for the simple reason that the truth of the matter does not fit their predetermined narrative and they would prefer to not allow truth and facts to get in the way of their constant propaganda about private ownership of small arms by the citizenry.

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Yes, because she is an incompetent, dishonest tyrant.

The New Mexico attack on our Constitutional civil rights along with the Republic 4420 attack would seem to be prime evidence that the true underlining motive behind progressive liberal assaults on the 2-A has absolutely nothing at all to do with addressing crime and its well documented underlining causes and everything to do with a burning desire for plain old fashion institutional control of the citizenry at large.

I believe that this has always been the case in the past but this time they feel no pressing need to try and cloak the motives for their actions.....it's for the children don't you know...... from the public in general. Mr. Sowell has....once again.....distilled the political background noise down to the true essence of what is driving these politicians:

These "progressive" hypocrites are all the same...once something bad affects her or someone she cares about it will be a 180 degree flip. Just like that dumb de-fund the police Karen that got her ass pummeled in front of her kids...who does she call...OH the cops.
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