Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

I guess. But it is being reported everywhere as a devastating blow to gun owners. Hey I wonder if this can be to our advantage... Maybe the antis can be tricked into believing they closed the gun show loophole. That way we never have to hear that nonsense again and can merrily continue with our private sales.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.

This would be awesome. I'm going to do my best to further this misconception. Next time I see or hear someone say "gunshow loophole" I'll say "Obama fixed that!".

I want some of what you are drinking!

Antis will anti forever.

I hope you are wrong Len, even though I know you aren't very often :)
I want some of what you are drinking!

Antis will anti forever.
I don't even drink.... Maybe it could help though.

True.... Antis will be anti right down to the end goal of making sure society has no hard objects remaining like metal, rocks and sticks. And even then, they won't stop...

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
I don't even drink.... Maybe it could help though.

True.... Antis will be anti right down to the end goal of making sure society has no hard objects remaining like metal, rocks and sticks. And even then, they won't stop...

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
I say ban hands. That way you can't punch anyone.
POS POTUS just started his news conference, beginning with how he's trying to change America...I can't wait for him to leave office so he can reveal his true feelings for it.
He's BSing right now. Mark barden the CEO from sandy hook promise who now literally gets paid off his dead kid lied prior to obama but no station played the audio.

Nothing new here, just more lectures from a moron who doesn't know the subject at all.
I guess. But it is being reported everywhere as a devastating blow to gun owners. Hey I wonder if this can be to our advantage... Maybe the antis can be tricked into believing they closed the gun show loophole. That way we never have to hear that nonsense again and can merrily continue with our private sales.

Even if that does happen they'll just pick something else to act retarded about with some other buzzwords. It'll be the "mental health loophole" next or some other bullshit.

Hey, I'm not a violent felon but can I buy guns over the internet like they can? Where does this happen, are the prices better?
He's on right now and his lips are moving, but I'd rather not listen to the BS lies. I'll wait until everything gets fleshed out on NES.
This would be awesome. I'm going to do my best to further this misconception. Next time I see or hear someone say "gunshow loophole" I'll say "Obama fixed that!"

I vote for this ALL the way. I'm just going to spread this like it's gospel when I hear any mullarkey about this "now-dead" issue of the deadly "gun show loophole".
I guess. But it is being reported everywhere as a devastating blow to gun owners. Hey I wonder if this can be to our advantage... Maybe the antis can be tricked into believing they closed the gun show loophole. That way we never have to hear that nonsense again and can merrily continue with our private sales.

Can't the next POTUS just undo them? I won't hold my breath that any of the RINOs (incl. Frump) would actually do that though.
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Serious question...why is it bad to require background checks for personal sales?

How about a background check as a qualifier to exercise your first amendment rights? 4th? 5th? Would you tolerate that? If you're too dangerous to own a gun you belong in jail. If you're a free person, you're free to exercise your natural rights. All of them.
The bearded guy who looks like a homeless bum in the background, his kid was killed by the nut at U. Santa Barbara. The guys a loon, he's been on a number of tv shows.
Oh, now he's referring to china and the lack of access to firearms there as an example to look at. Shaking my head.
The feds have consistently taken the approach that an FFL will be issued only to one in the business of dealing guns, and will not issue them to support hobbyists. Typically, one has had to have business hours and a place for customers, or be engaged in a business that requires an FFL (gunwriter, gunsmith, etc.).

The silver lining to this could be a determination that FFLs must be issued on a much broader basis, including to the individual who sells one or two guns a year from his collection. Looking at MA, where up to 4 does not require a MA dealer license, and you could have a lot of people applying for "home FFLs" who do not intend to be "in the business". Note that the MA requirement of a non-residential address is for a MA dealer's or gunsmith's license; not an FFL.
How about a background check as a qualifier to exercise your first amendment rights? 4th? 5th? Would you tolerate that? If you're too dangerous to own a gun you belong in jail. If you're a free person, you're free to exercise your natural rights. All of them.

Yeah pretty much this.

You used to be able to buy guns in hardware stores just like any other tool and it wasn't a problem. "Gun violence" is a manufactured problem designed to slowly chip away at a very fundamental freedom. To a lot of people it might seem reasonable to to have background checks for dangerous items but if that's the issue why no background checks for cars, hammers, knives, bleach, fireworks, sharp pieces of broken glass, screwdrivers, nail guns, baseball bats, tire irons, pointy sticks, etc etc etc.
Skippy gates will have to chime in,
" Bloomberg the organ grinder used him a as his monkey,
barry acted very stupidly"
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