Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

The part that is scary is the lifting of the HIPPA laws so your doctor can report your drug use to the Feds. I can see where if you have ever used any kind of anti-anxiety drug or have been diagnosed with PTSD at any time, you could lose your right to own a gun. There are more than enough lib doctors out there that would be on board for that.
Since gun control only serves to disarm the innocent there is nothing reasonable about it.

Or, if these executive actions turn out to be entirely inconsequential, but the pro-gun community starts huffing and puffing anyways, that could be used as an attempt to marginalize us. The antis could say something like "see, they truly are extremists/fringe-wackos/etc! They are getting bent out of shape over even the most reasonable things - nobody should bother paying attention to them anymore!"
In my view, nothing significant is going to change.

All that is going to happen in my estimation is that the Federal government--specifically the BATFE and the FBI--will pursue alleged violations of federal gun laws with the zeal and dishonesty of the Massachusetts Attorney General's office.

Is that the DOJ rather than the BATF/FBI for prosecution of crime?
The part that is scary is the lifting of the HIPPA laws so your doctor can report your drug use to the Feds. I can see where if you have ever used any kind of anti-anxiety drug or have been diagnosed with PTSD at any time, you could lose your right to own a gun. There are more than enough lib doctors out there that would be on board for that.

Unless they start reporting everyone who takes prescription drugs (and cross-referencing against 4473's). Your doctor doesn't need to know you own guns.

How would the ATF know if you conducted a private sale anyway unless there's a G-man on every corner? Impossible to enforce and the burden of proof is on them to show you're in the business of selling guns.
What the hell did I just watch??!!! It was a bunch political theater and nothing came out of it. The only open ended question is, what is going to define a "gun dealer" who will now have to be licensed and perform background checks? The last time I checked, every dealer I have ever bought from checked my carry permit and I completed the paperwork, exchanged funds and had a joyous day.
What a pile of bullschvit and waste of oxygen that was!!!
There are no more excuses folks.
You can do ALL of the following for less than $100 total.

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Unless they start reporting everyone who takes prescription drugs (and cross-referencing against 4473's). Your doctor doesn't need to know you own guns.

How would the ATF know if you conducted a private sale anyway unless there's a G-man on every corner? Impossible to enforce and the burden of proof is on them to show you're in the business of selling guns.

It's not to go after you, it's to go after a vet with PTSD or someone on SSDI for a mental issue.
Unless they start reporting everyone who takes prescription drugs (and cross-referencing against 4473's). Your doctor doesn't need to know you own guns.

How would the ATF know if you conducted a private sale anyway unless there's a G-man on every corner? Impossible to enforce and the burden of proof is on them to show you're in the business of selling guns.

The burden of proof may be on the Gov but, they will destroy your life while trying to prove it in a court of law at great financial cost to you.
There are no more excuses folks.
You can do ALL of the following for less than $100 total.

Join and support the NRA
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This can't be said enough times. We must unleash the Kraken.
As I said before, this is a politically manufactured media circus to divert attention from Islamic Terrorism, which has been killing the Dems. OhNo and HillofBeans needed a Libtard crusade to push so the real problems could be swept under the rug.
Is that the DOJ rather than the BATF/FBI for prosecution of crime?
They work together. Like most agencies under the executive branch, ATF has a criminal investigation division (CID) with federal law enforcement powers that will do the investigation, analysis, and make arrests. Then the prosecution is handled by DOJ.
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So is it time for gun owners to start interviewing their new doctors about their views on gun ownership before becoming their patient?
Someone I know was offering to teach her docs for free after the shooting in Boston at Brigham where a heart surgeon was killed. What do they say "No good deed goes unpunished?"
Skippy will need to start a "Go-fund-me" page to get the dough to fund his wonderful creation. Gotta laugh, half a billion more for ATF.
Unless they start reporting everyone who takes prescription drugs (and cross-referencing against 4473's). Your doctor doesn't need to know you own guns.

How would the ATF know if you conducted a private sale anyway unless there's a G-man on every corner? Impossible to enforce and the burden of proof is on them to show you're in the business of selling guns.

They don't need to know if you have guns, they just report anyone that fits certain 'suspect' criteria, Anxiety meds, PTSD etc, then the Feds cross reference and it goes int o NICs, suddenly you are no longer eligible to purchase, next step is come to take them, see CA.

It's not to go after you, it's to go after a vet with PTSD or someone on SSDI for a mental issue.

The burden of proof may be on the Gov but, they will destroy your life while trying to prove it in a court of law at great financial cost to you.

So is it time for gun owners to start interviewing their new doctors about their views on gun ownership before becoming their patient?

Maybe, but that may not even be an option for reporting anymore, not sure how they are going to force the reporting.
Here's the new publication in regards to needing a license to buy/sell: https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download

Nothing hard and fast, but the key point seems to be

As a general rule, you will need a license if you repetitively buy and sell firearms with the principal motive of making a profit. In contrast, if you only make occasional sales of firearms from your personal
collection, you do not need to be licensed.
First off I would like to openly apologize for the way I spoke to fencer in the thread the other day, there are times when emotions do indeed run high and we as humans have the tendency to direct our displeasure toward others in a hostel manner that was never my intention and I do apologize for being a dumb ass toward him good bad or indifferent I was wrong..and I am sorry for that.

That being said I have actually been watching this BS very closely, it seems from where I sit, Obama is not interested in taking our guns at all, if he indeed wanted to he would bottom line.

Obama instead is taking the other route, further erosion of our Constitutional rights and freedoms. We've heard them say time and time again " Its just a piece of paper " they keep pecking away while we fight among each other over the less obvious objective, the long term transformation of this Country right under our noses.

Again Fencer my honest apology for acting like a dumb ass.
As usual.....his ass


Unless they start reporting everyone who takes prescription drugs (and cross-referencing against 4473's). Your doctor doesn't need to know you own guns.

Doctors just are told to report anyone they prescribe anti-depressants to and it's all over for those folks.

Commonly prescribed to people who lose close family members, lose jobs, etc.
Maybe, but that may not even be an option for reporting anymore, not sure how they are going to force the reporting.

They'll do it the same way they force the Drs to take your height, weight and blood pressure everytime you visit no matter why even for removing a splinter, no takee no payee.
The left seems to be getting really desperate on the background check matter. Perhaps the NRA and R's should be negotiating an elimination of the GCA and NFA in exchange for an anonymized transaction number only background check? Seller hangs onto transaction number.

Doctors just are told to report anyone they prescribe anti-depressants to and it's all over for those folks.

Commonly prescribed to people who lose close family members, lose jobs, etc.

Well we have been advocating this for years but the Liberals were slow to act. But in the same breath we can say should we allow these people to use steak knives as well? If your depressed and to the point of meds swinging from a rope does just as much damage as a bullet.
Did I miss something?
I read the EAs but the News keeps saying EO. The EA look like mostly feel good bullshit with no teeth. The News is making it sound like the world has come to an end.

I do like the mention of an internet no brick and mortar seller being a dealer. The biggest reason I gave up my FFL was the requirement of an actual store, I did strictly special orders. So can I now put up a website and get an FFL?

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1. a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
"she had to do a lot of smiling in her business"
synonyms: work, line of work, occupation, profession, career, employment, job, position; More

2. the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
"the world of business"
synonyms: trade, trading, commerce, dealing, traffic, merchandising; More

Hard to see how selling a couple of guns here and there constitutes a business...time will tell.

No more sales - only gifts with a small donation.

Buy 80% lowers.
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Consider this:

If a large percentage of suicides is facilitated by the use of a firearm and an individual who happens to own firearms is
depressed, what are the odds that they will talk to a doctor about their depression knowing that they may lose their firearm(s) due to the doc
reporting them?

In other words, it seems likely that there will be a lot more suicides by individuals who don't seek out therapy and/or prescription meds...
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