Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

We already have background checks through dealers. We already have licenses required in the vast majority of states (for CCW at least - some for just possession). So the plan is to go after private sales that make up a small fraction of gun transfers.

The problem isn't the background check - it's the section that that put down what you buy and keep that in a database - ask the Brits and Ausy's how that worked and those you can't ask are the Germans, Chinese, Russians, Cambodians and countless others.

Now comes a question from the press conference - What website can you go on and buy a gun without a background check?
Also the 'Yelling fire in a theater' came up again as a limit to 1A. If you do it, you get punished you don't get gagged before going in; you don't get questioned and checked before buying your ticket. The airline metal detectors came up to as a limit on 4A, this is a private entity, they can do what they want (of course I don't fly anymore). See how well that whole metal detectors works on the street or malls.

I agree an real conversation would be helpful. They aren't for that. We aren't either anymore as we have been burned many times in the past (Anime Illustrated Guide to Gun Control).

Yes as other have said, if they make it so I could have an FFL at my home - I'm soo signing on for that.
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Out of curiosity I looked at the Fox and CNN sites to see what they are reporting. In a glaring example of how poor and lazy internet journalism is these days both site use Executive Order and Executive Action interchangeably. Neither of the stories I read defined the difference between the two. Unreal, but not surprising.
Biden has a mouth like Beaker from the Muppets. And that little chipmunk on the lower left is Lucy McBath; one of the Moms

isn't mcbath the mom of the kid killed over the loud radio at a jacksonville gas station? The guy bought the gun from a FFL, lost it and killed the kid with a pistol.
how do you guys even watch him, I have to watch replays with the closed caption on because I can't stand listening to the lying POS
I guess. But it is being reported everywhere as a devastating blow to gun owners. Hey I wonder if this can be to our advantage... Maybe the antis can be tricked into believing they closed the gun show loophole. That way we never have to hear that nonsense again and can merrily continue with our private sales.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.

Or, if these executive actions turn out to be entirely inconsequential, but the pro-gun community starts huffing and puffing anyways, that could be used as an attempt to marginalize us. The antis could say something like "see, they truly are extremists/fringe-wackos/etc! They are getting bent out of shape over even the most reasonable things - nobody should bother paying attention to them anymore!"
Or, if these executive actions turn out to be entirely inconsequential, but the pro-gun community starts huffing and puffing anyways, that could be used as an attempt to marginalize us. The antis could say something like "see, they truly are extremists/fringe-wackos/etc! They are getting bent out of shape over even the most reasonable things - nobody should bother paying attention to them anymore!"

I'm a straight white male. I've been getting marginalized for years.
I vote for this ALL the way. I'm just going to spread this like it's gospel when I hear any mullarkey about this "now-dead" issue of the deadly "gun show loophole".

This. "No the President fixed that. It's gone. People can't do that anymore".
I saw a great comment on another site.

Tie the right to own a gun with the right to vote; if you can't own a gun - you can't vote.

The Dems would be for Constitutional Carry after that one.
What are these internet sites that he speaks of??? How can you just lie like that...
Just like the NES secret handshake, felons also have such a handshake. They only share the illegal machine gun buying web sites if you know the handshake.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
So how does this ruling impact trusts? Do you have to send them your finger prints every 2 years as I read elsewhere?

I am a bit confused on that front. Is this ATF rule part of the executive order or separate? Should we make a new thread?

No. 41P is pending submission to the Federal Register with a 180 day grace period from that date.

Applications postmarked or 'pending' (which has not been defined yet) during the 180 day grace period are not subject to the new regulations. After that, all responsible parties (for trust purposes, trustees or anyone who can possess the trust's NFA items) of an entity must be fingerprinted & photographed for new applications.

However, there is an exception in that if an entity has received an approved application within the past 24 months and no changes have been made to the entity (new trustees, etc), the fingerprint/photograph requirement can be bypassed by listing the approved application's form number, serial number and date. Although I haven't seen any clarification yet, I would presume this exception requires the approved application to have been completed under the new regulations.

Basically, after early July - depending on when the federal register is filed - submit an application for your trust with fingerprints/photographs of all responsible parties - then submit a new application every 24 months to keep current and avoid future fingerprint/photograph requirements if you don't change anything in the trust.

And, submit under the existing regulations now through early July before the new regs kick in.
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Need money for that and all the other stuff. Congress won't give more money to BATFE. The ATF doesn't even have a director right Now.

Congress already gave 0bama all the money he wants in the Omnibus bill, didn't they?
Good, let Obama and the democrats push for more gun control, it will be their final stand. After election day we will send the democrats packing. When Obama first took office there were 41 democratic governors now there are only 31. The democrats are going down in flames, and in November the footprints on their liberal asses will be ours.
In my view, nothing significant is going to change.

All that is going to happen in my estimation is that the Federal government--specifically the BATFE and the FBI--will pursue alleged violations of federal gun laws with the zeal and dishonesty of the Massachusetts Attorney General's office.
Ted Cruz has already promised to revoke all of Obama's unconstitutional executive orders. Key words of course being promise and unconstitutional. However, he does have GOA's endorsement so as I've said before on this forum if you are a single issue voter and firearms are your issue, Cruz is your candidate. Now if you want to turn around illegal immigration, Trump is better, if you want less global interventionism, Paul is better, and if you want the economy crippled further then vote for Sanders. [smile]

On a more serious note though all these executive orders or actions do is make people more likely to just ignore the government. Consider Connecticut and NY after Sandy Hook, with upwards of 90% of people not registering or turning in their newly-illegal property. One of the most important rules of leadership is "never give an order you know won't be obeyed." When the government creates laws or directives that are then ignored and unenforced, the state delegitimizes itself by default. Then people turn to other sources of structure like gangs, [STRIKE=undefined]rabble rousers[/STRIKE] community organizers, or the dreaded nuclear family of cisgendered patriarchal oppression to create order and consistency in their lives.
loose quote,,,,"3 in 10 perspective gun buyers on a popular gun dealer web sight had criminal records". how do they know this? perhaps a background check was performed in accordance with the law?
In my view, nothing significant is going to change.

All that is going to happen in my estimation is that the Federal government--specifically the BATFE and the FBI--will pursue alleged violations of federal gun laws with the zeal and dishonesty of the Massachusetts Attorney General's office.

True dat!
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