Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

So Obama would be fine with mass stabbings but if someone gets shot its tearing up time.
I don't think SSRI patients are in any real danger here.

Well we have been advocating this for years but the Liberals were slow to act. But in the same breath we can say should we allow these people to use steak knives as well? If your depressed and to the point of meds swinging from a rope does just as much damage as a bullet.
seems this will probably not work anyway because doing most of this will require increased funding and that need sto be approved by congress. What are the odds you thing any request for funding would be approved....lol

He'll probably try to bury the funding for his additional FBI guys in some other obscure bill....
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The mental health provisions are definitely the most frightening part of this from many, many, many different angles. It discourages gun owners from seeking mental health treatment, it discourages people from being honest with their physicians, it erodes privacy protections (something the government views as a nuisance on all fronts), etc. Most antidepressants are, for good or ill, prescribed by primary care doctors so this has the potential to impact a *lot* of people. They keep saying for, "specific" mental health issues but don't say what those are. I can't seem to find the HHS's new rule anywhere...anyone got a link? If it's better enforcement of, "have you ever been involuntarily committed" it could be more or less a wash, but that doesn't sound like what it is.

It's funny that they're increasing mental health spending as well. Seems like a reasonable thing, except that in this case it serves to seek more people to disqualify.

The NFA trust thing is such bullshit. Talk about a solution seeking a problem.

The smart gun thing is interesting. I wonder how effective those controls will wind up being since guns are such fundamentally mechanical devices. It doesn't seem like you could devise a system that wouldn't be relatively easy to bypass, but who knows.
I took my doc to the range. He enjoyed rifle shooting but not so much pistol shooting (I probably should NOT have let him try the .357 Magnum...).

But he tried to find out for himself. And he was instantly aware of how safe the club and the rules were.

So is it time for gun owners to start interviewing their new doctors about their views on gun ownership before becoming their patient?
Consider this:

If a large percentage of suicides is facilitated by the use of a firearm and an individual who happens to own firearms is
depressed, what are the odds that they will talk to a doctor about their depression knowing that they may lose their firearm(s) due to the doc
reporting them?

In other words, it seems likely that there will be a lot more suicides by individuals who don't seek out therapy and/or prescription meds...

This is exactly how I see it as well. Doomed days ahead for us.

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I don't think SSRI patients are in any real danger here.
Not yet, but give them time. They could even make it retroactive. I have never used any drugs other than antibiotics, but I did have a prescription once for cat Prozac. With my luck, 10 years from now, they will take my guns for that.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
Here's the new publication in regards to needing a license to buy/sell: https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download

Nothing hard and fast, but the key point seems to be
As a general rule, you will need a license if you repetitively buy and sell firearms with the principal motive of making a profit. In contrast, if you only make occasional sales of firearms from your personal
collection, you do not need to be licensed.
So no real difference from now.

Except I always am wary when someone(especially .Gov) uses vague language like 'a general rule'. If they get funding they'll probably start further checking Facebook firearms groups and such.
Obama aide (the hot one in green that you're probably already looking at) holds back laughter during the king's speech.


I had to watch the video too just to be sure. Yup, she turns away when his Crocodile tears start flowing and then finally lets out a smile.

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because merely taking one doesn't mean someone is a danger. they'd be looking at massive lawsuits and challenges. not to mention how many cops would be affected.

when has a lawsuit threat ever stopped .gov? I can see it going both ways, the first time they don't report and something happens they'll be a lawsuit of failure to report or some crap like that against the doctor. Look for this stuff to now be included in malpractice insurance and health care prices to go up yet again.

And there are always the 'exceptions' for LE on everything else, why not this?
Another thing to keep in mind is that some of the drugs that have a primary purpose of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety can often be prescribed for the secondary effect of certain pain relief.
I can't believe he cried. What a charade.

I'm sure he worked real hard on that act while on vacation....Bottom line I just finished the HPPA law and Gun rights ( Here: http://bit.ly/1ZLah0W ) nothing really stands out, just more infringement on your privacy. Like with the last 15 years ( god willing ) Ill stay away from the Healthcare industry and keep eating clean and exercising daily. The Feds are using Doctors and the Healthcare system as a back door operation, now we can see why they pushed so hard to federalize the Healthcare system, and you thought it was free and about affordability....L......O.....L
I assume we can expect the gov will now be going hard after individual sellers selling overpriced stripped lowers in the next panic? In that case, profit motive should be easy to prove.

Can we also expect that BATFE will be going after Mass cops reselling overpriced Gen 3 and Gen 4 Glocks?
Obama demanding doctors, etc. inform on their patients is a clear violation of the HIPPA laws. I seriously doubt any doctors are going to risk the substantial fines, civil cases, etc. because a guy who fancies himself as a legal expert (obama) said it's ok.

Medical people take HIPPA laws very seriously and they are not going to report.

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Whats the over/under on how many more murders there will be in Chicago this year vs last lol.

Oh, I definitely think they break the 499 that 2015 had. Cops are very reluctant to do much of anything in some of these areas for fear some politician will use them as a whipping boy. The gangs and thugs are going to run wild.
Iirc all rule changes are subject to comment periods and it doesnt appear that was avail for comments so I would expect it to be challenged in court.....besides...it goes against the intent of the legislature

JPK I was expecting the same, but if you read the bill it did state comments were made from over 430 individuals ( Page 19) one being MAIG, ( Mayors Against Illegal Guns ) so we got that going for us... snicker /
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