Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

reading the #stopgunviolence twitter feed is making my blood boil[puke2]

All of this including Obongo's condascending lecture to the American people makes my blood boil.

Inhibiting my rights will NOT stop the violence. In fact, it EMBOLDENS criminals, terrorists and those that will commit violent acts.
The mental health provisions are definitely the most frightening part of this from many, many, many different angles. It discourages gun owners from seeking mental health treatment, it discourages people from being honest with their physicians, it erodes privacy protections (something the government views as a nuisance on all fronts), etc. Most antidepressants are, for good or ill, prescribed by primary care doctors so this has the potential to impact a *lot* of people. They keep saying for, "specific" mental health issues but don't say what those are. I can't seem to find the HHS's new rule anywhere...anyone got a link? If it's better enforcement of, "have you ever been involuntarily committed" it could be more or less a wash, but that doesn't sound like what it is.

Never tell a doctor anything you don't want the government to know.
Very very dirty move.

Summary is basically one sided and I'm quite certain it was buried/titled in a manner that was intentional to avoid comments from opponents


The regulations.gov site is semi retarded in its inability to search for key terms for proposed regulations

Extremely one sided, I mean really the AMA lol like they have our best interests at heart...Flu shot anyone lol. Bascically you seem to be gathering as much as I have this bill was not issued publicly for comment but was issued to the very people who are calling for Gun confiscation in the first place!...Again this is what you get when you have Lawyers as Law makers and Lobbyists as voices of the people...Its all one giant scam.
The feds have consistently taken the approach that an FFL will be issued only to one in the business of dealing guns, and will not issue them to support hobbyists. Typically, one has had to have business hours and a place for customers, or be engaged in a business that requires an FFL (gunwriter, gunsmith, etc.).

The silver lining to this could be a determination that FFLs must be issued on a much broader basis, including to the individual who sells one or two guns a year from his collection. Looking at MA, where up to 4 does not require a MA dealer license, and you could have a lot of people applying for "home FFLs" who do not intend to be "in the business". Note that the MA requirement of a non-residential address is for a MA dealer's or gunsmith's license; not an FFL.

It appears as though BATFE will redefine hobbyist. " hobbyists may actually be “engaged in the business” of selling firearms if they operate an online gun store, pass out business cards or frequently sell guns in their original packaging." They will also consider if you are selling guns at a profit, process credit cards or rent tables at gun shows. I believe they are trying to go after the southern gun shows where someone with 100 guns on their table claims they are a hobbyist and don't have to do background checks. We in MA will just get swept up in the dust and it does appear as though it will be easier to get an FFL. But who wants the record keeping and the potential audits. I don't buy/sell enough guns to warrant the headaches of dealing with the feds.
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Waiting for this to happen: A guy gets denied an FFL because he is a hobbyist and not "in the business" of gun dealing. Then he gets hit with charges for dealing guns "as a business" without having an FFL.
Waiting for this to happen: A guy gets denied an FFL because he is a hobbyist and not "in the business" of gun dealing. Then he gets hit with charges for dealing guns "as a business" without having an FFL.

absolutely. And he wont know until after the fact that he was operating as a business.
From what was said and what the radio and wilkow is reporting. Doctors who report patients as unfit to own a gun will be immune. You can't sue them. So if they don't like the way you breathe. They can report you as unfit without fear of any backlash. They don't need proof or drug data. Just repeating what is being said on the radio. If this is true.....oh boy. I hope not. But I did hear obama say in his speech that doctors will be able to report patients to the database without fear of repercussion.
Obama aide (the hot one in green that you're probably already looking at) holds back laughter during the king's speech.


I had to watch the video too just to be sure. Yup, she turns away when his Crocodile tears start flowing and then finally lets out a smile.

This is so pathetic.... LMAO.... just LMAO.... [rofl]

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From what was said and what the radio and wilkow is reporting. Doctors who report patients as unfit to own a gun will be immune. You can't sue them. So if they don't like the way you breathe. They can report you as unfit without fear of any backlash. They don't need proof or drug data. Just repeating what is being said on the radio. If this is true.....oh boy. I hope not. But I did hear obama say in his speech that doctors will be able to report patients to the database without fear of repercussion.

Are they gonna be immune from the guy who gets unhinged because he finds out his doctor just turned him into a prohibited person without due process? honest question. [laugh]

It appears as though BATFE will redefine hobbyist. " hobbyists may actually be “engaged in the business” of selling firearms if they operate an online gun store, pass out business cards or frequently sell guns in their original packaging." They will also consider if you are selling guns at a profit. I believe they are trying to go after the southern gun shows where someone with 100 guns on their table claims they are a hobbyist and don't have to do background checks. We in MA will just get swept up in the dust and it does appear as though it will be easier to get an FFL. But who wants the record keeping and the potential audits. I don't buy/sell enough guns to warrant the headaches of dealing with the feds.

As someone who has visited a bunch of free state gun shows, a shitload of them don't even allow non FFLs to set up gun tables to begin with. Some of them that do, it's pretty obvious who the non-FFLs are because they have like a handful of guns on their table at the most.

Waiting for this to happen: A guy gets denied an FFL because he is a hobbyist and not "in the business" of gun dealing. Then he gets hit with charges for dealing guns "as a business" without having an FFL.

This probably has already happened, except most of the time if the activity is otherwise on the edge the guy gets a warning not to sell anything else until he gets an 01 or 07. Usually the people who have looked into it and are serious enough about it don't get denied, except via all the arbitrary bullshit in states like MA that make it more difficult than it needs to be.

I am actually embarrassed by this president...

It's okay, that pathetic display wasn't entirely for you...it was for our friends in China, Russia, Syria, and Iran. He wanted to let them know he is weak and his attention is elsewhere on meaningless internal political issues.

Part of fundamentally transforming America is letting the world know it's open season on American interests...otherwise they may miss the cue.
From what was said and what the radio and wilkow is reporting. Doctors who report patients as unfit to own a gun will be immune. You can't sue them. So if they don't like the way you breathe. They can report you as unfit without fear of any backlash. They don't need proof or drug data. Just repeating what is being said on the radio. If this is true.....oh boy. I hope not. But I did hear obama say in his speech that doctors will be able to report patients to the database without fear of repercussion.
We need a database to keep track of doctors who report decent people as unfit. It should be relatively easy to set up something, although it won't be too useful until the network effect takes hold.

Sent via Tapatalk on my Android phone. Good news; Tapatalk sucks less than it used to.
What the hell did I just watch??!!! It was a bunch political theater and nothing came out of it. The only open ended question is, what is going to define a "gun dealer" who will now have to be licensed and perform background checks? The last time I checked, every dealer I have ever bought from checked my carry permit and I completed the paperwork, exchanged funds and had a joyous day.
What a pile of bullschvit and waste of oxygen that was!!!

He closed the gun show loophole
Any War Vets that are receiving PTSD benefits and medication from the VA will probably have a difficult time getting a gun in Mass.
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