Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

I think at sometime there will be a go time not necessarily due to just gun control but to the continued downward spiral our politicians and others are leading us into. Unfortunately I don't think it will lead to restoration of our constitutional republic.

It's actually reality. Just look around. Look closely, look around. It's simple reality.
"Go time?".... Please. Give that a rest. YOU are more the enemy than Muslim scumbags are, according to (apparently) a majority of young America...
Just look around. The country is completely f*cked, period. I'm not being negative. I'm a realist, period.
Example : two of the toughest, most brave young men I know returned from serving in Iraq/Afghanistan and have been informed that they are "unsuitable" to exercise their 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right.

These heroes are now a "problem" according to the Muslim filthbag Commander in Chief and his followers...
"Go time" is pure fantasy, sorry.
I think the lib/progressives think they have more time than then they actually have. If/when the ball gets rolling, it will speed up in logarithmic progression. I have a feeling that whatever happens won't take decades, for good or ill.

Here's much time they have . . . Until the next recession, which will turn into a depression. And like a bad marriage put under stress, the national divide will explode, with widespread civil unrest, an explosion of home grown Islamic terror, and when the government responds by going after legal gun owners, an angry populace will revolt.

The country is beyond saving by normal means at this point.
Here's much time they have . . . Until the next recession, which will turn into a depression. And like a bad marriage put under stress, the national divide will explode, with widespread civil unrest, an explosion of home grown Islamic terror, and when the government responds by going after legal gun owners, an angry populace will revolt.

The country is beyond saving by normal means at this point.

You mean the next recession after the one we're in now?

Yeah, rip and replace is the only viable option now
We are still in a depression. The 'recovery' is all funny business with printed money from the fed pumped into the stock market and cooked books on the labor statistics.
Honestly, if it's not Go Time in Europe then it won't be here for a long time. My hat's off to the Ukraine but Paris and Brussels are ****ed and nobody's Going yet.
Violence, even when justified, has been bred out of a majority of Americans. Too many generations of easy living and being told "violence never solved anything." GO TIME is a fairy tale. We prove it to be true every time some b.s. is enacted with zero repercussions for the dirtbags who are responsible for it.

Comfortable populations don't revolt. It'll happen when the easy money runs out and the system collapses under the excesses of the past 3 decades, trillions in debt precariously kept at bay by unsustainable 0% interest rates and The Fed buying the government's debt with funny money.

when the cities are burning and the government wants to disarm the suburbs and countryside, then it'll be go time.
Comfortable populations don't revolt. It'll happen when the easy money runs out and the system collapses under the excesses of the past 3 decades, trillions in debt precariously kept at bay by unsustainable 0% interest rates and The Fed buying the government's debt with funny money.

when the cities are burning and the government wants to disarm the suburbs and countryside, then it'll be go time.

That's EXACTLY right....and it won't take decades to get there either
You mean the next recession after the one we're in now?

Yeah, rip and replace is the only viable option now

We are still in a depression. The 'recovery' is all funny business with printed money from the fed pumped into the stock market and cooked books on the labor statistics.

$4.5 trillion in stimulus to the wealthy has kept the economy barely afloat. It's gonna get much worse.
Yup, I'm not getting any younger. If even 1 to 3% of the approximately 80 million gun owners practice civil disobedience they're gonna have a hard time hitting all of them hard and once they start they will most likely get hit hard too. It's a shame that the 80 million won't stand together but unfortunately there are many that actually support gun control.
That same 1 to 3 % has been demonized, pissed on, shat on, spit on, etc etc by the Muslim maggot and haven't done ANYTHING in the way of "civil disobedience" for 7+ years. And I strongly doubt it'll happen during year number 8 either... That same 1 to 3% won't even get off their Massachusetts asses and attend a pro 2A rally, yet they're gonna arrive when "Go time" occurs???

LMFAO. Yeah, right.
That same 1 to 3 % has been demonized, pissed on, shat on, spit on, etc etc by the Muslim maggot and haven't done ANYTHING in the way of "civil disobedience" for 7+ years. And I strongly doubt it'll happen during year number 8 either... That same 1 to 3% won't even get off their Massachusetts asses and attend a pro 2A rally, yet they're gonna arrive when "Go time" occurs???

LMFAO. Yeah, right.

As Varmint said:"Comfortable populations don't revolt. It'll happen when the easy money runs out and the system collapses under the excesses of the past 3 decades, trillions in debt precariously kept at bay by unsustainable 0% interest rates and The Fed buying the government's debt with funny money.

when the cities are burning and the government wants to disarm the suburbs and countryside, then it'll be go time."

There were people that showed up at those rallys. That was at least a portion of the 1 to 3%. Also the 1 to 3% don't want to be the ones to start it because then the govt. can say see I told you so.
It is more important to have the govt. start it.
Did you forget the Bundy ranch where people did show up and the govt. backed down?
There are gun owners in CT. that didn't get in line and register their guns/mags etc. I forget whether it was Cali. or NY where they were supposed to turn in their high cap mags and 0 were turned in. That is all part of civil disobedience.
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So what are some effective ways in which the average person can engage in civil disobedience? Something that .gov will feel.
Comfortable populations don't revolt. It'll happen when the easy money runs out and the system collapses under the excesses of the past 3 decades, trillions in debt precariously kept at bay by unsustainable 0% interest rates and The Fed buying the government's debt with funny money.

when the cities are burning and the government wants to disarm the suburbs and countryside, then it'll be go time.

It seems clear that the goal of Obama and TPTB is to systematically and substantially disarm the general public before an anticipated system collapse. They want to assure there is no chance in hell of a formidable citizen's resistance against political tyranny.

There will be more isolated Ruby Ridge's, many tragic and needless murders of innocent Americans, but I'm sure by EO or Marshall Law they will be deemed legal and justified in the name of homeland security.

Zeig Heil! Welcome to 21st century US slavery.
So what are some effective ways in which the average person can engage in civil disobedience? Something that .gov will feel.


I realize that Ukraine hasn't made that much better off since Maidan and corruption is still very high. However, one thing that changed is that people are becoming more fearless and willing to come outside and protest. Ultimately it's about citizens being citizens that would/ could change anything. If people are too busy to sit at home or work (which is one part of the plan) or getting zombified by TV, thing will change for the worst.

.gov always will have that potential to go corrupt or tyrannical, what makes the real difference are the people themselves. WE need to change and be more willing to come and demand that shit would change and risk our freedom/ inconvenience in return. Until that happens, the smaller group at the top will rule and tighten the nuts ad infinitum.
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Marshall Law could very well give that bastard what he needs to cancel the election and keep him in power, Don't underestimate that Mother ****er.

I don't think that's likely. Barry will still have a huge budget to go anywhere and do everything, and probably allocate that remaining 0.0001% of his time to play even more golf. Where is the downside for him retiring? There is none, it's actually net gain in time, in money and prestige. There will be less scandals and grilling him about all the anti-American bullshit he is putting together. He will be just as successful destroying America on his own leisure time. It's Hillary's turn, he knows that his cronies (D or R) will keep on destroying this country just like he did for his 8 years.
Marshall Law could very well give that bastard what he needs to cancel the election and keep him in power, Don't underestimate that Mother ****er.
And even then, there be no "Go time"... Cuz half of the white pussies would "feel guilty" if they ever "revolted" against a brotha who once hung out with William Ayers...(As if anyone even knows who or what the great William even is/was)... The same pussies who think it's a good idea to shelter Syrian refugees, pay for their comfort, etc - while denying my 80 year old mom her survivor benefits from Dads WWII service (because she "earns" 57 bucks too much in Social Security etc etc etc...and (I think) there are Tsarnaevs still on the MassHealth dole?? This is no longer the country I was born and raised to believe in. Period.
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People are buying guns in record numbers. One can only hope that they're not buying them just to surrender them.
People are buying guns in record numbers. One can only hope that they're not buying them just to surrender them.

Im just hoping theyre not the same handful of guys buying yet another AR every time this b.s. rolls around. A bunch of gun owners, each with an AR is infinitely better than one gun owner with a bunch of AR's.
Im just hoping theyre not the same handful of guys buying yet another AR every time this b.s. rolls around. A bunch of gun owners, each with an AR is infinitely better than one gun owner with a bunch of AR's.

The number of new: members on this forum, people applying for licenses, faces at the gun shops, people joining local ranges, and people attending classes, lead me to believe this isn't panic buying by the same people.

I work at a uber liberal office and in the past year nearly a quarter of the employees have taken up an interest in shooting, became licensed, and joined clubs. They aren't just buying for themselves either. Their spouses and children now 'own' guns to take the range with mom/dad.
Although there are probably a good amount of the same people buying more. There have also been more people getting into shooting.

Im just hoping theyre not the same handful of guys buying yet another AR every time this b.s. rolls around. A bunch of gun owners, each with an AR is infinitely better than one gun owner with a bunch of AR's.

- - - Updated - - -

This is good as long as they don't remain uber liberal.

The number of new: members on this forum, people applying for licenses, faces at the gun shops, people joining local ranges, and people attending classes, lead me to believe this isn't panic buying by the same people.

I work at a uber liberal office and in the past year nearly a quarter of the employees have taken up an interest in shooting, became licensed, and joined clubs. They aren't just buying for themselves either. Their spouses and children now 'own' guns to take the range with mom/dad.
This is good as long as they don't remain uber liberal.

This. I was going to actually mention something in my previous post regarding liberals arming up. The "I have a revolver at home with one box of ammo and thats all anyone needs" type of gun owner is doing us more harm than good.
Violence, even when justified, has been bred out of a majority of Americans. Too many generations of easy living and being told "violence never solved anything." GO TIME is a fairy tale. We prove it to be true every time some b.s. is enacted with zero repercussions for the dirtbags who are responsible for it.

Violence has solved ALL of history's major disputes.
This was post on another blog.


This is going to get hot, If this goes bad there will be no return to the country that many of us grew up in.

I'm all for this. Civil disobedience first and if that doesn't work, we can be uncivil. To succeed, this has to be done everywhere in large numbers. They will try to make an example of a few just to discourage the rest. We can't give them that opportunity.
I'm all for this. Civil disobedience first and if that doesn't work, we can be uncivil. To succeed, this has to be done everywhere in large numbers. They will try to make an example of a few just to discourage the rest. We can't give them that opportunity.

Funny how they don't realize that two can play that game.
So what are some effective ways in which the average person can engage in civil disobedience? Something that .gov will feel.

The civil disobedience is simple, and .gov not only doesnt feel it, they want it. It makes it easier to oppress and use force on the populace.
JWPs post before yours is the best advice there is. Find a copy of Lester Graus " Afghan Guerilla Warfare", and learn how the Mujahideen tormented the Russians, just like they are tormenting our troops.
Civil disobedience will get you nowhere.
And even then, there be no "Go time"... Cuz half of the white pussies would "feel guilty" if they ever "revolted" against a brotha who once hung out with William Ayers...(As if anyone even knows who or what the great William even is/was)... The same pussies who think it's a good idea to shelter Syrian refugees, pay for their comfort, etc - while denying my 80 year old mom her survivor benefits from Dads WWII service (because she "earns" 57 bucks too much in Social Security etc etc etc...and (I think) there are Tsarnaevs still on the MassHealth dole?? This is no longer the country I was born and raised to believe in. Period.

You only need like 25% of the population to go along. I'm sure there were a lot who sat out the Revolutionary War out of cowardice or being on the wrong side.
I'm all for this. Civil disobedience first and if that doesn't work, we can be uncivil. To succeed, this has to be done everywhere in large numbers. They will try to make an example of a few just to discourage the rest. We can't give them that opportunity.

You wouldnt even need large numbers. Very recent history has shown how one or 2 untrained buffoons can hem up an entire city, and how 1 mildly trained buffoon can shut down a state.
Launch one or two complex ambushes on the powers that be, and decimate them.
Im just hoping theyre not the same handful of guys buying yet another AR every time this b.s. rolls around. A bunch of gun owners, each with an AR is infinitely better than one gun owner with a bunch of AR's.

I don't think so, cause new LTC applications are also at record highs, and entry-level complete ARs seem to be really hot sellers, those are likely 1st time buyers.
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