One reportedly dead in Virginia Tech shooting (Update: Now 33)

If there had even been one person with a handgun how many live could have been saved? The gun grabbers will look at this statement as Archie Bunker drivel. We all know it to be true. I pray for the victims and their families, there are some truly sick people in this world.
Those kids were murdered... served up as defenseless sheep - and the VA House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety has blood on their hands.

Just overheard a coworker saying that the body count is up over 40 and that there's a second gunman. Good G-d, is it ever going to end?
I don't even know if the MA legislature is in session

But don't be surprised to see Barrios and Patrick try to ram through
all kinds of stuff in the emotional wake of the shooting. That's what always happens.

Get ready GOAL.
Buckle Up....

I am so torn over this whole thing. First comes those feelings of overwhelming horror and loss. Those young lives - full of hope and promise and dreams - snuffed out like a match in the wind by the will of a madman. How much pain I feel for the parents and family of these people. I hold my own daughter even closer now. My God, I don't even kill mice. When I see the aftermath of a truck bomb set off near a playground in Baghdad, or hear of etrocities such as this, I m left with this stunning sense of hopelessness for the human condition. Where does this come from? How is it that anyone can look upon human life with such little regard for the soul? I twist with this stuff all the time. I see a racoon lying on the side of the road, staring permanently to the sky and can only ask: why??? I can't conceive of killing a mouse, yet there are those with the dark energy to dispatch humanity. Sometimes I feel like I'm too connected. I wish I could just turn this stuff off like a switch, turn a blind eye and press on....My heart hurts.

Then, the gun owner comes into play. Another blow for our cause. You and I all know this shit-pile is going land in our lap. The coward who did this is in a bag, but it is we who shall be blamed. Here we go. Every time I hear about a shooting, I cringe at the thought of the ramifications. This one's not going away. People better shore up their supplies, and hang on to what you have, because darkness in the form of sweeping gun legislation is going to roll on us like a cold wave in the wake of this tragedy....
People better shore up their supplies, and hang on to what you have, because darkness in the form of sweeping gun legislation is going to roll on us like a cold wave in the wake of this tragedy....
The comparison you're looking for is Dunblane, Scotland.
I decided to be pro-active

I just emailed CNN, Fox and NBC politely suggesting that this tragedy was brought about by the disarming of innocent people and that their coverage should reflect that

I also sent a very strong email to the NRA requesting that Wayne get on the morning shows and not let the Brady bunch control the conversation
From Fox News:
Student Amanda Johnson was walking between Norris and Randolph halls around 9:45 a.m. when she heard six shots fired.

"I've been target shooting since I was a little kid so I knew what the sounds were," said Johnson, who saw a male student jump out of a Norris Hall window to escape. She and others helped him get into a car.

Just think... if Amanda Johnson had been allowed to be armed, how many lives might have been saved?
I found out about this a few minuites ago, I've been flipping through channels on the TV. Apparently this same gunman shot one person on-campus eariler this morning. Campus administration did nothing to shut down the school, cancel classes or put the whole place into a "lockdown".

Commentary by at least one of the reporters is putting blood on the hands of adiminstration for not taking proper action.

Crap. This sucks. I really feel for the kids who were shot. Now I gotta go have a talk with my son about this.

One armed civillian could have made the difference here today !
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I too what to say I feel for the innocent people here who were defenseless to protect themselves.


I am over-hearing my co-workers right now talking about anti-gun stuff (complete bans, no high-caps, more laws). I think this could be very bad.
I dont understand how something like this can occur after they banned guns on campus. Surely someone who has the will to kill a human being would follow the laws put into place by the school......
I can't express how I feel for the kids and their families, it's a tragedy !

Regardless who that nutjob was, that's going to hurt us all - worldwide.
The media over here are going to jump on this like flies on a pile of crap.
Columbine, Dunblane, Erfurt, VT and "gun lobby" will be the words heard
most in the nightly news.
AP is now saying like 31+ dead.

If it was a half dozen people or something, I wouldn't be concerned, but this
is terrible. I forsee nothing but bad news coming out of this.. I'm not
downplaying the tragedy but I feel that we've only just witnessed one of what
is probably going to be several tragedies.... innocent people lose thier
lives, and then american citizens will also be victims as their freedoms are
taken away due to a knee jerk reaction to a madman's rampage! [sad2]

The only prayer we have of this NOT being a PR disaster for every law-abiding gunowner is for sense to take hold in Virginia - this is, after all, VA, where there's a tradition of gun ownership and a very active gun rights group (VCDL? Something like that) - and to have a parent or parents point out that 1 - guns were ALREADY banned on campus and 2 - ONE armed student or teacher could have ended this way shy of the 32 deaths and 21 injuries that Fox is reporting now.

It's possible (barely, but possible) that this could lead to a backlash against the restrictive and unconstitutional laws that allowed something like this to happen. NRA, GOA, SAF & VCDL have to step up and - scratch that. This has got to be a grass roots type movement; NRA is not a disinterested party and unfortunately, their involvement would only give Sarah Brady and her band of murderers a target.
The opposition has it on their agenda already
"It is well known, however, how easy it is for an individual to get powerful weapons in our country."....

"Eight years ago this week, the young people in Littleton, Colorado suffered a horrible attack at Columbine High School, and almost exactly six months ago, five young people were killed at an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania. Since these killings, we've done nothing as a country to end gun violence in our schools and communities. If anything, we've made it easier to access powerful weapons.".....

"It is long overdue for us to take some common-sense actions to prevent tragedies like this from continuing to occur."

Right, allow lawful gun owners to carry; they may well be able to stop such
things short.
Cannot afford to take no for answer on this. That's what we are paying them for. If they can't get involved in this discussion then I'm not sure they deserve support. Just my opinion

Yes the NRA needs to step up or be steamrolled this time.
This press conference is stupidity all around, from the administration, police, and especially the reporters. But I do think that we're probably going to see a lot of blame placed on the administration hopefully tamping slightly the effect on gun owners.
This press conference is stupidity all around, from the administration, police, and especially the reporters. But I do think that we're probably going to see a lot of blame placed on the administration hopefully tamping slightly the effect on gun owners.

Yeah. They're taking a beating. Here's a suggestion: instead of blaming the authorities for their inability to protect you, how about blaming them for forbidding you to protect yourself.
Starting to sound like some kind of domestic thing. Female and male dead in the dorm. Early indication was that it was just that - domestic. Then the others across campus. Any bets it was a love triangle that expanded as the shooter just decided to hit others who had wronged him? (I assume a male shooter as statistically they almost always are.)
From Virginia has (or had, as of before 2003) a 2.11% CCW rate.

This suggests that better than 1 in 50 might be carrying in the general population.

The latest figures are 31 dead and 29 wounded, or 60 shot by the shooter(s).

It's unfortunate that we are not likley to hear a public official announce that "The general public needn't be alarmed, as 1 in 50 have CCW permits and can carry guns for self-defense - unless you are at a college like VT, where legal carry of guns for self-defense is banned."

That would make the point.
Thank you FOX news... They are the only media outlet that has mentioned the fact that the school took the rights of the students and faculty to legally carry concealed firearms on campus. And that this could have been prevented if someone had a weapon other than the
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