One reportedly dead in Virginia Tech shooting (Update: Now 33)

9:20 Press Conference:

Some families still to be notified.
All Classes Canceled for the week.
Norris Hall closed for the semester (location of most fatalities)
Lots of counciling being provided.
ID Cho Seung-Hui as shooter VT student Resident Alien on student visa. Enrolled as undergrad. Living on Campus
9mm and .22 recovered
Confirmed that same gun used in both locations
A friend of the female shot in the dorm is being detained for questioning
Victims found in 4 classrooms and stairwell.
Many heroic sacrifice by faculty and students to block shooter's progress while others escaped.
Can't say for 100% certainty that same shooter was involved in both locations other than one gun ballistic test.
9:20 Press Conference:

Some families still to be notified.
All Classes Canceled for the week.
Norris Hall closed for the semester (location of most fatalities)
Lots of counciling being provided.
ID Cho Seung-Hui as shooter VT student Resident Alien on student visa. Enrolled as undergrad. Living on Campus
9mm and .22 recovered
Confirmed that same gun used in both locations
A friend of the female shot in the dorm is being detained for questioning
Victims found in 4 classrooms and stairwell.
Many heroic sacrifice by faculty and students to block shooter's progress while others escaped.
Can't say for 100% certainty that same shooter was involved in both locations other than one gun ballistic test.
What are you watching? ABC News leads me to believe (but I can't say for sure) he was a permanent resident, as opposed to being here on a student visa.
If he is South korean I wonder if he had military training.

All South Korean males under 30 are required to serve for 2 years in the South Korean Military.
Australia says we need to follow their lead:

SYDNEY, Australia - The deadly shooting rampage Monday at Virginia Tech university, which dominated media reports in many countries, drew widespread condemnation.

In Sydney, Australian Prime Minister John Howard said Tuesday the attack showed that America’s “gun culture” was a negative force in society, holding up tough gun laws in his own country as the answer....................

He never mentions how gun violence skyrocketed after his news laws were implemented.

Now he want to ban 'multiple shot' guns completely.
This tragic event has really upset me. I feel very sorry for any friends and familys of the victims. There is nothing positive I can say.
Not being there, this is probably a moot question but I gotta ask.

Scenerio: college building with 100's of people in it. Lone gunman with handgun starts shooting at people. Kills over 30.

Question: with 100's of people in the building, no one could find a way to stop one guy with a handgun?

I suspect that if some of our forum members were there, armed or not, they would have taken him out.

WTF ??
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ok... I know im a bit late to the game on this one... and maybe Im missing something here... but here are the bits and parts that I have read/seen in the last day.

715 gunman kills 2 on campus... campus not locked down

915 gunman walks in a classroom, lines up the students and starts shooting...

he carred 2 9mms handguns with the serial numbers filed off.

he may be a chines national (not american citizen)

My comments on this...

1 - the school and police seriously f***ed this up and are responsible for the deaths of the other 31 students/teachers after failing to lock the place down after the first attack.

2 - the house has blood on their hands for dissarming students (yes, a good chance that none of them would be packing... but... )

3 - And no disrespect to the dead, but who the eff stands by and waits for their turn to be shot when a phyco is obviously hell bent on killing everyone? At any point did anyone even think that "I may die, but I'm taking him with me"? I mean unless this guy was a freaking crack shot, you can't tell me that he didnt miss with some of his shots... so if 15 to 30 people rushed him... he may kill 5, 6 or even 10... but surely not 31.

When will people learn to stop being victims?

maybe it's just me... but I learned early on that the only one that is going to save my ass when the SHTF is me and you can either take it in the back or go down fighting.
Not being there, this is probably a moot question but I gotta ask.

Scenerio: college building with 100's of people in it. Lone gunman with handgun starts shooting at people. Kills over 30.

Question: with 100's of people in the building, no one could find a way to stop one guy with a handgun?

I suspect that if some of our forum members were there, armed or not, he would have been taken out.

WTF ??

As a society we've spent 30 or more years telling people to give in to people with guns. This is the result, people won't fight back. You'd think after 9/11, we'd stop doing that and start resisting.

1 - the school and police seriously f***ed this up and are responsible for the deaths of the other 31 students/teachers after failing to lock the place down after the first attack.

How big is the campus? It's not like a high school that you can lock down one building. At least I'd guess not, from what I've seen of other colleges around here.

No Matt, there is only ONE person to blame. That's the guy that committed the murders.

Very large

How big is the campus? It's not like a high school that you can lock down one building. At least I'd guess not, from what I've seen of other colleges around here.

No Matt, there is only ONE person to blame. That's the guy that committed the murders.


It would be the equivalent of trying to shut down most of downtown Boston.
1 - the school and police seriously f***ed this up and are responsible for the deaths of the other 31 students/teachers after failing to lock the place down after the first attack.

I don't think they did wrong at the time. At least, not given what they explained.

1) They saw what looked like a domestic issue.
2) They had a vehicle they weer looking for which was found just before the second shooting and detained the driver for questioning
3) They had a campus the size of a small city with people commuting in.

Do you shut down a city if all your current evidence shows you just need to find a vehicle? I'd hate to see overreaction become the standard way to deal with certain events. Look at the chaos that the 'lightbrite' issues in Boston caused. How long will it take for all the "Cry Wolf" to begin to result in serious citizen backlash?

Given what they knew, I doubt further action was warranted.

The real culprit was the fact that society loves to create open shooting galleries for any deranged person who wishes to make use of it.
Originally Posted by matt1956 View Post
1 - the school and police seriously f***ed this up and are responsible for the deaths of the other 31 students/teachers after failing to lock the place down after the first attack.

I think the term is negligent. Responsible would be the term used to describe the gunman.

If you have ever been to the campus of a large university, it is the eqivilent of a mid sized city. I spent some time out at Ohio University and they had what probably amounted to most of the biuldings in Athens, Ohio. How do you lock them down? Security isn't that big, nor is the local police. It would not happen quickly.
I just think that if a society is ban from protecting themselves then the people who ban them are responsible to protect them.

If my town tells me "no nore guns" to protect myself then there damn well better be a cop on my doorstep protecting my family 24/7.

The Dems, libs, moonbats, hippies, commies, all of them are responsible for this. Like others have said before, they have molded this country into a bunch of victims.

We need to teach people how to protect themselves not how to die.
So, considering this incident, how many of us think that the authorities are prepared to handle a real terrorist incident?

This was one individual (probably with little training) with a couple firearms. Imagine a terrorist cell with smuggled machine guns and explosives...
So, considering this incident, how many of us think that the authorities are prepared to handle a real terrorist incident?

This was one individual (probably with little training) with a couple firearms. Imagine a terrorist cell with smuggled machine guns and explosives...

I'd expect that a lot more "unauthorized carry" will happen in states with higher rates of concealed carry. Which means BGs can use the VT incident as a training run for a mostly-disarmed region like MA, IL, etc.
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