Only LEO's should have guns

no worries, I keep my circle of family and friends small for a reason. although it sucks, my mother is in the hospital again for the umpteenth time since the last 3 years and I'll no doubt have to interact with those *******s in the near future. last time I had to see them in this context, same guy was visiting her in the hospital along with my uncle, who I also have a lot of bad blood with. I had no desire to interact with either of them, so I went to the cafeteria. he follows me around asking me why Im such a ****ing punk, why I avoid the family and that Im such a ****ing punk....and they gave HIM a badge.

but I digress.

wow. I feel for you [shocked]
I clear the chamber of my G34 and keep it bedside. That way I have to be awake enough to rack the slide before I can use it.

Then you are better off just keeping it in a safe. More secure and serves the same purpose. The other times where you might need to use it, you won't be awake enough anyway so keeping it by the bedside is moot.

why Im such a ****ing punk, why I avoid the family and that Im such a ****ing punk....and they gave HIM a badge.

He fits the role to a tee so no surprise. He is the exact type of person they want.
meh....I don't keep the glock like that, but then, its not my first option - if you're really that finicky about the glock as others are, use a revolver instead.

I clear the chamber of my G34 and keep it bedside. That way I have to be awake enough to rack the slide before I can use it.
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