Parental question...

Jun 12, 2006
Brockton, MA
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I know it's never too soon to talk about gun safety;

But I was wondering at what point are the kids old enough to take to the range?

I'd love to take them shooting when they are old enough... but just not sure when that may be.

Any thoughts... what age did you guys/gals take your little one's shooting.
It is NEVER too soon to talk safety with you children. And once they show an interest in what you are doing, you need to nurture that and hold their interest.

I think taking a child to the range is totally dependent on each child. I think once they are old enough to remember the safety rules, and they can physically hold the gun in a safe manner, they are ready to go.

My older daughter didn't even show any interest until just this past summer. That was 11 for her, but each child will vary.
I think Adam is correct that it will vary with each child. As soon as they demonstrate that they can follow directions and listen (and have the physical strength) you can start. My son is nine and I have started him with .22 pistols. Under my close supervision of course. I have seen children younger than him shooting safely and I know of a few older children I would not trust at all.
I think it take more than just interest. It also takes a maturity that can only come with age. Eleven okay. But how about four or five? Too young IMO.
Every child is different. Some are ready at 5. Some aren't ready at 14.

For my son, who is five, I'm still gently breaking in the gun safety lessons (dart guns work well for this - he's allowed to shoot them at targets, but they get taken away if he points them at his sister).

Next summer I hope to introduce him to the wonders of a Crosman BB gun. I figure that a hike into the woods behind our house (which is owned by my dad) with the BB gun and a bag full of tin cans ought to give him a good primer on shooting and shooting safety. Even though it's an air rifle, I'm going to insist on eyes and ears.

Now, the next step depends totally on my son. If he takes to it, and listens to me and takes the Four Rules to heart, I'll consider bringing him to the range to shoot .22s when he's seven. If not, we'll stick to the BB gun in the woods until he's ready.
I started shooting and got my first rifle at age 6.

I was constantly supervised until my early teens and participated in formal shooting clubs. By age 15 I had my hunting license and went out on my oown. I started target shooting on my own when I was 16, got a drivers license and could drive to the sand pit.

I began to teach my nephews at age 10. With supervision, this worked out well. I think for the most part, with good safety instructin and supervision, age 8 is appropriate for most well behaved kids.
I started my girls on gun safety at 5, and started them with killing balloons at 6 with a BB gun. I graduated them to pellet guns and .22s and paper targets fairly soon.

I've always used proper safety lessons. When I started them on archery, they had a plastic bow with suction cup tipped arrows, and were told they couldn't move up to the real thing until I was convinced that they treated the toy bow as safely as they would a real bow.
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There's no reason to wait for them to have the maturity ot make decisions. Starting off, there really shouldn't be any decisions for them to make. They always do exactly what they've been taught to do, or the guns go away and we return to the lectures about guns. The adult decides what to shoot, when to shoot, and what the target will be. As long as they go along with that 100%, there's no problem. I think somewhere 6-10 is about right. If they're not interested you shouldn't attempt to force it, but if they are you nee to start dealing with and nurturine that interest. I started sometime around 7. My kids started shooting together, my son was about 9 and my daughter 6.

I don't remember when I started shooting... But I do remember getting my first .22 when I was 6.

As mentioned, I'll start with my kids when I feel that they are ready. At the way that my daughter grasps things...I've been thinking that she might go about the same age...but that's up to her...

I do think that a bb gun is a very good way to start. And when I was about 6, I had a box downstairs in the basement full of newspaper and I could go down and shoot at that all I wanted... And I would do that all the time.
It depends on the kid. My son got a BB gun at 7, was shooting a .22 rifle at 9. Now he's 12 and can shoot anything I own, including a 4" S&W 500.

On the other hand, I know some 14-year olds that I would not let near a slingshot, let alone a firearm.
One of the best things about starting with a BB gun is no noise. It's the gun shot report that usually bothers most kids starting with firearms. Just be sure they wear eye protection as BBs ricochet like crazy!
Thanks for the advice everyone. As I agree... each child should be different and should show intrest.

I have actually taken my son (soon to be 6) in the back yard with a paintball gun many times over the past year. Always stressing the importance of safety. That and he is never allowed to do this without ME present to help him, (easy enough to enforce when he can not get to the paintball gun)

I was actually considering getting him a BB rifle as his next step.

"There's no reason to wait for them to have the maturity ot make decisions. Starting off, there really shouldn't be any decisions for them to make. They always do exactly what they've been taught to do, or the guns go away and we return to the lectures about guns."

I agree on this 100% until they are old enough to buy their own, it will only happen under my supervision. (that may be a bit harsh[hmmm] )
"There's no reason to wait for them to have the maturity ot make decisions. Starting off, there really shouldn't be any decisions for them to make. They always do exactly what they've been taught to do, or the guns go away and we return to the lectures about guns."

I agree on this 100% until they are old enough to buy their own, it will only happen under my supervision. (that may be a bit harsh[hmmm] )

I think the supervision part is important, at least until they show the maturity to use and treat guns properly, AND to keep them AWAY from their friends. This last is hard for them without the proper gounding. I've asked my girls to not gossip about our guns with anyone I don't clear first.
I think BB or Airsoft guns are definitely a great way to start. They're a little bit easier to use but still have the effect of a "real" gun. Great way to really drive home all the safety points, but if there's even a millimeter of room for error (these are still kids we're talking about) I'd much rather it was with something that isn't potentially lethal.
I think it take more than just interest. It also takes a maturity that can only come with age. Eleven okay. But how about four or five? Too young IMO.

I wouldn't say that is too young. Alan was hunting with Dad and Grandad at age 5. It does depend on the kid.
It's never too young to teach respect and responsibility for firearms. My oldest (12) has no interest but know basic rules of guns safety. My 11 year old has been to some Eddie Eagle safety classes with some of his friends, has shot some 22 rifle and 22 pistol under my close supervision. He's shot my Sig 239 9mm twice- each with one round at a time with me right by his side.

I've taught them both to NEVER EVER touch or handle a gun under any circumstances without me being there. I hope they stick to their promises.
I took my daughter target shooting when she was eight. She likes to shoot the .22 rifle with a scope. However she hates it if we go to a range where people are shooting loud handguns or rifles on the same line. So I only take her to ranges that are .22 only, or else when nobody else is around.

She has to hold the rifle on a bench rest, it is too heavy and awkward otherwise. I got her a single shot youth rifle but she like using a scope on the 10/22 the most. I have a Browning lever action that would be fun but the trigger pull is too heavy.
My 4 yr old and 2 year old were playing the other day with inflatable "pirates of the carribean swords"....I caught my 4 yr old saying to my 2 yr "lets go shoot something" and ran off into the dining room probably after the cats...I still don't think they are ready as they are only 4 and 2 but a tear did stream down my face knowing that it will be soon. I love my little girls.....
See... I know my son (almost 6) is still young, But is very, very focused on things whenever I am instructing him. He really pays very close attention to everything I say.

When I let him shoot the paintball gun, the first thing he grabs is his eye protection. He only reaches for the paintball gun after I tell him he can take it and he always double checks the safety each time to make sure that I put it on. before handing it to him... almost gets me a little misty eyed.

I personally think he is ready for a BB Red Rider... but now I need to work on the wife [smile]

Although I think she will be ok with it as she sees how attentive the boy is when we shoot the PB gun.

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